
Adventures of sapphire volpus

Are protagonist is killed and turned into a girl in a fantasy world and you guessed it, a system but lets see what happens to are new female protagonist, and what will he, well she do with this new life Ps I am not a writer and I ain’t very good at it also I am just bad at writing so hopefully I can improve as I go along. Hope you enjoy this. Pss if you can think of a better title please say, I’m not very good with naming things ( ´ ▽ ` ) Also It not my art so if the owner want to take it down just say so and I will, closest thing I could get to the protagonist I could get

riser_7877 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

chapter 23

Chapter 23


"Man, I love the sound of heads popping in the morning, it's almost as good as coffee or tea," Sapphire says to no one in particular.

"So how many more was is, one more Ork right?"

{Ye that's correct, hopefully, you find one soon. I want to go on more adventures and see more than Orks, I want to see dragons, dinosaurs, a fake hydra, yu-gi-oh duels on motorcycles, and space!}

"How are you more irritated than me that I can't find one Ork so I can leave this stupid planet and go back home," Sapphire says shaking her head.

{ oh look a time skip.}

"Th, that doesn't work you know, it's not a Batman transition."

Time skip

7 years later


{too far! too far! Go back!}

2 hours of wondering passes

{Sapphire so you don't forget, you need to head back to the human hideout and say you did the mission, so you can get a reward.}

"Thanks for the reminder but I was already heading there anyway. I should be getting there soon."

"See told you."

As Sapphire comes across the hidden base, does the secrete nock and sh*t(totally haven't forgotten what I did) and enters.

Sapphire goes up the crowded stairs to the left and then a Right along the rickety and unstable metal to an office that has around four other people waiting to hand in their missions or get a mission.

So a small wait layer she hands in the mission.

Quest lady" Oh, it's the bloody fox, and I see another completed solo mission amazing job… the commander wanted to talk to you when you return so head to the back of the base."

"Right," Sapphire says not too amused with needing to go somewhere.

Sapphire enters the commander's office through a large metal ship door near the back of the base, with a large creaking sound as the door opens.

"Ah, you're here after another successful mission I see, so the reason I for this meeting is because I have some information I need to pass on to you." Says the commanders annoyingly.

"Ok and what's the information, you sort of just stopped talking."

"Right, right I was making sure you were listening this time, you have a habit of not doing that."

"So the information is, we are getting reinforcements from some type of marines, so that is the wonderful news…

The bad news for you is we no longer need someone made/forged by chaos so,"

"F*cking, I know something was off," Sapphire says aggregated.

Then a wall of ice materialised blocking the commander in their office, sapphire barges through the door and freezes the door in place.

Sapphire with a quickened pace looks for any mode of transport to get out faster, after looking for a good 30 seconds she finds one, gets in and starts the engine.

Speaker" Human resistance, there has been a trainer in at Mits, sapphire, also known as the bloody fox has been found as a traitor after killing are members and training secrets about what bases we are going to be attacking. She has also trapped me inside by using the now-confirmed ability of ice psyker or ice witch, we need to hunt her down and eliminate her."

"Bloody hell, why wouldn't she have a speaker."

There is a sudden uproar of noise and frantic running around heard from all around the base.

The engine starts and she heads towards a tunnel for the vehicles to head through.


Two guards are standing in the middle of the tunnels holding guns toward Sapphire.

As so, she slows down and stops to get taken out of the vehicle, not, she starts speeding up and the guards start shooting.

Sapphire ducks under the driver's wheel and continues, avoiding being one-taped.

A squelch sound can be harder and the front of the car has more blood and bits on it than before as one of the guards is fortunately hit.

With the coast clear at the moment she drives forward without care and speeds into the surrounding Forest, looking behind her there are three other vehicles following just getting out of the tunnel, full of people.

{emergency mission get away from the human that betrayed you.}

{reward all of the previous rewards you should have gotten.}

"Fantastic, thanks," Sapphire says interrupting the system message.

As a high-speed chase unfolds,







Bullets started hiring the car and some were missing, going into the ground or logging them selfs into the trees, sapphire unable to shoot back thinks of an amazing idea, puts a potato masher Granada onto the peddle, turning her body around and pulls out her bolt gun(the one she couldn't handle properly) and rests it on top of the car.

A second later



As one of the cars is engulfed in flames and comes appart, metal hitting the ground, kicking up dirt and and corpses going though th air but are unheard when hitting the ground as the sound of the engine supass the noise the body make.

With this shot sapphire car shakes violentfrom taking most of the recoil of the bolt gun, so sapphire quickly turn around again, grabbing the steering wheel and scratching the side of a couple trees, taking some bark with her for the road.

{stop shooting and pay attention to the road girl!}

"NO SH*T."





Du du

Du du

As sapphire car tyre is popped, mud being thrown about and the sound of the nursed tyre going round.

"F*cking fantastic now I have a three wheeler."

As sapphire does her best to keep the now tri car stable while speeding within a forest she naturally has to slow down allowing the other two remaining cars to catch up.

One of the two remaining cars drives to her far left only to body slam into sapphire slighly disabled but functional car, causing a large amount of mud to be sprayed into the second car blinding then, and sapphire's car to start spinning out of control.

With no real reason not to sapphire take her bolt gun and aims it to left and after waiting for the car to spin one more time she shoots, only to make the car spin even faster while also being able to clear one more of the cars following her, sadly while spinning sapphire was unable to see the big ass tree she was about to crash into, and has promptlyrapped the car around a tree, being flung out of it.

Sapphire hits the ground with a loud thump and a lot of cracking as one of her legs and arms now have extra joins in them forcing dead parts to be in the wrong direction along with a couple broken ribs that make a nice squelching souls as one or two of them pierce into her lungs.

She cracks he the extra joins back into the sort of right place and for the ribs, well, she delves write in with her clawed hand as flesh is your open and she rips the lodged ribs or of her lungs and back into roughly he right right place.

"This is going to take a while to heal, for f*ck sake." Sapphire thinks to herself."

Chapter 23.5

As Sapphire slowly and wobbly stands up the last car does not, and heads, hood first into Sapphire.

Sapphire jumps out of the way while the car starts to do a U-turn.

" ok, where did my gun go … … F*CK, Grenade it is!"

Sapphire pulls out one of her grenades and hides it behind her body and waits for the car to charge once more.

*stand-off music plays*





As the last car explodes.

"I think I got a concussion."

{ah walk it off like you normally do.}

"True, might as well use the trees for now."

Sapphire then jumps up a nearby tree and Ninja jumps across just to make sure she stays out of sight of whoever is chasing her.

3 days later

{ sapphire, you know, I really wish I had a recorder, as I would have replayed that so many times by now,} as a chuckle escapes the system mouth.

"Shut up, I slipped."

{Ahhh hahaha you smashed your face against the tree hahaha.}


This continues for a good couple of minutes until Sapphire finds a group of Orks, and very quickly takes one out with a charged ice dagger.

{ Up, up and away web!}


As Sapphire is suddenly dropped into a portal that pops into existence underneath her.

{hold onto your food sapphire, it's going to be a bulbous ride ^ - ^}

Sapphire can be seen falling through a portal inside a small cave, landing as gracefully as a cat but on two feet, and starts to violently throw up in the corner as a white foam comes out as she has nothing else to throw up.

{told ya soo.}

{OK ok, so before you shout at me again when you finish throwing up here are your rewards.}

{bare bones fortress of doom, blueprint of the armour of the Adepta Sororotes with half mask, 150000g, the Eviscerator, 20 level ups, 200sp large amount of steel, argent energy generator, blueprint of the doom slayer armour(Sentinel variant).

{before you say anything about the blueprints you can modify the armour in any way you want while using the blueprint.}

{ oh and it spoiled the surprise I was going to give you, that's annoying.( ̄∀ ̄)}

"I don't need to worry about money at least. And I have a fortress of doom? Neat."

"Before I do anything else, I'm, going, home, and, having, a, shower! So no f*ckery UNDERSTOOD!"

{understood boss.}

After a good amount of travelling ( again, totally not forgotten how long the travel to this place was.)

Sapphire enters her unnaturally empty home.

"Mmmm, no matter guess the maids are on break or something, I also don't care so ye." Sapphire thinks to herself.

After having a fantastic and long shower with all the water in the world, Sapphire finally gets out and does what she needs to, bandages piled into the corner of the room. She drys everything, except her hair, and ears, as "drying her tail takes too long" According to Jack and Dad she walks out with basic Pajamers on, and because they are from Jack, they are bright pink with an almost tattoo style white flowers design all over(sapphire secretly like the flower design) as she bumps into someone.

Jack" Oh sorry, though all the maids were off doing some basic training today."



Hello everyone, I know I haven't uploaded for a while, the main reason I forgot as I was focused on college work for a bit and it left my mind, I am back at college but I will try to upload this more frequently and considerably than before.

Also, I can probably guess that my writing skills have most likely gone down so I have done it for a while and as I write by the pants( as I have heard it described) I don't plan on what I write I just write what is in my head and then that that.

So I might have forgotten a bit or maybe caused plot holes by accident if that has happened can you please say and I will try to fix that as soon as possible.

One last thing if there is anything you lot can think of to improve my story, writing or anything then I would love the suggestions on how to as I know I'm not good at this I do it because I feel like it and not because I'm good at it.

Have a great day and see you all next chapter.

Ps, sorry for the shorter chapter I am not in the grove of writing at the moment and I'm not to sure what to write about fully, hopefully I can get back into it and write longer chapters again.

hope you lot have a great day/night (*^ω^*)

on and hopefully I can keep my motivation up and continue this story, I bet if you votes or something it could keep me motivated (゚∀゚)

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