
Adventures of Garion Eran Asamoah

Hi, this is the novel which GOT's main character Toru was reading and transmigrated into. It also serves as info provider.

Alstoria_Kazuki · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

chapter-2 The festival

The day of founding was coming and also the birthday of Emperor. The capital was looking beautiful and the palace was more busier than usual. Alex and his father came in disguise as everyone knew about his appearance. The palace was more busier than usual and Gary was making a bracelet for his father. Nanny and chief craftsman were helping him and making sure that no one get to know about it as it was a surprise. His teacher came in and they were a bit scared. "Gezz, it's me. Oh! prince, your making a bracelet for his majesty. He will love it. You know. You really look like him when he was of your age. Sigh, he has changed a lot, but you don't change, okay. Stay the y way you are. ", said his teacher.

Meanwhile, Zeph was roaming in the city in disguise and bumped into Alex. "Sorry, kid. Are you hurt anywhere?<He looks like my brother.>", said Zeph. Takeshi came running and said, "Bolt! How many times do I have to tell you not to roam on your own?!!!! I was so worried about chu.". He thanks Zeph and then disappears in the crowd with Alex.

He goes back to the palace and Gary comes running. "Dad! Can I go to main square? I want to get some stuff.". "sure, just don't wander off by yourself.", said Zeph. Gary went to the square and got lost. his teacher and Nanny were panicking and finding him. Even the troops were finding him. Zeph was going his paper work and said," Mannnnnn! it's so tiring and boring. These papers need my approval and sign. Sigh, brother if you were here then my work would have be-". "YOUR MAJESTY! PRINCE IS LOST AT THE MAIN SQUARE!", said a knight. "He can look after himself and will not get in danger. Look around the alleys and less crowded areas. He might be there as he has never visited those places. Besides he' my son. He will be fine.", said Zeph.

Gary was wandering in a empty street and cme across a few children playing. "Hey! Can i also play with you?", said Gary running towards them. "Are you a nobble", said a child who was a few years older. "Yeah, I am a prince and I got lost. My knights will come to find me so in meantime , can I play with you all. My friends are not of my age and even if thy are then they are far away. Unlike you. You all live together in one neighborhood, i envy you all.", said Gary, taking off his cloak. Another kid took his cloak and kept on a chair. He played with them and was happy.

After some time he said, " Does any one know the way to main square? My Nanny and teacher are finding me there.". Everyone burst into laughter and then Takeshi came to pick up Alex. "Did you have fun Bolt? Oh! My! His imperial highness! Everyone is finding you in main square. Come I will escort you. Bolt you also come with us.", said Takeshi. The children were shocked to discover that they played with their crown prince.

Takeshi and Gary talked on the way and Take said," Hey, kid. Would you tell this to you father? '₭₴₻₦ăĉĠĦÏØɴøœɺↀↂ∈∪∮∯∳≩≣⨧⨢⨷⨶₳₺₺₯₿⇺⇸∞∤∢∳∰ '(translation: When the moon shines over the Alonia fields, the moon plays with her friends and the forbiden's meet in forest of thee). He is an old friend to whom I can't meet directly. I hope you understand."

"It sounds a bit funny.".

"It's an ancient poem on moon and her kingdom. People used to think that a full moon night is arrival of moon Goddess, Luara. She is descried as a young girl of age 10-11. The ones who meet at such night are usually called "People of moon" and in our library there is a book on ancient mythologies. You should read it. Goddess Lura is Goddess of love, friendship and peace. people who worship her are always happy and content as they don't need anything. For them being around people who they care about and feel safe is enough. That's why famous Poet Archises, wrote poem on moon and you can read it his book. His poems are amazing. You will like them. Oh! here we are. Bye kid" .

Gary went to his Nanny and she scolded him. "I went to play with some kids. We have what we needed and I was planning to go back by myself.", said Gary. He got more scolding and returned to palace.

"Dad. I met a man who introduced himself as your old friend and he talked about Goddess Lura. I want to read her mythology. Oh! and he also said '₭₴₻₦ăĉĠĦÏØɴøœɺↀↂ∈∪∮∯∳≩≣⨧⨢⨷⨶₳₺₺₯₿⇺⇸∞∤∢∳∰ '. ", said Gary during dinner. Everyone was shocked and ad doubts. "is he alive?", was the whisper.

"Well, can't leave an old friend waiting at the Alonia forest. I will go alone. It's calm during this time of year.", said Zeph.