
Adventures of Garion Eran Asamoah

Hi, this is the novel which GOT's main character Toru was reading and transmigrated into. It also serves as info provider.

Alstoria_Kazuki · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter -1 How it all began

I am Garion Eran Asamoah, the crown prince of Euratisia. People say that I can get whatever I want. They respect me but in their eyes I see fear. Why? I am just a 5 year old child. Why do I have to know history of the galaxy and learn the swordsmanship. I have seen other kids of my age and they seem more happy. Their parents don't talk formally to them and neither do they.

"Nanny, why do the the other kids of my age seem more care free than me and why don't they speak formally with each other?", said Gary. "Your highness, they are the common people and they just do that because that's the way hey live. People have different ways of living. Look, the birds, bees, butterflies. They all live a different lives. God just made each one of us to live differently and that's how we are all different in each other's eyes. Only God sees us as same.", said Nanny.

After a stroll in the garden, he sat in the shed and his butler brings a letter from House Axlozer. It was Andrew's and Gary was happy. "Yes, finally. The one of people who don't see me as a prince.", thought Gary. He was reading the letter and laughed loudly. "Man, he really is something. Sigh, do more ice-skating without adult's watch. Butler, please get me a paper and pen. I must replay to my stupid friend. He always gets hurt whenever he tries to be tough.*laughs more and fell of the chair*. What the heck man! *wheezes* He even got grounded. What an idiot! Hahaha", said Gary and notices his father staring at him. "My deepest apologies father. I Lost my composer due the stupid acts of my friends and please don't punish nanny. She didn't do any thing wrong. It was all my mistake.", said Gary standing up. His father takes the letter and says, "He wrote this letter with no etiquettes." "I told him to do so, father. I read it somewhere that friends don't need formalities and they call each other with their names. I call him 'Andy' and he calls me 'Gary-san'.", said Gary. "What is your opinion on him?", said his father. Well, he is an total idiot and a crybaby. We meet at the academy and he always gets picked up on. He can't defend himself and he gets scared easily. He is a sun and full of energy. In conclusion, he is a idiot goofball and a softie.", said Gary. "So, he a good friend who keeps you away from danger. You should go and visit him. He broke his leg. Like father like son. I will give you a letter. Please give it to Duke.", said his father.

For the first time he saw his father smiling and speaking in a unformal tone. His nanny told him that the duke is his majesty's childhood friend and they haven't got time to speed some time together and chill out.

When Gary was about to sit in the carriage, his father came and said, "Wait! I will also come with you. It's been ages since I have met my friend informally.". The Emperor sat in the carriage with Gary and it was an awkward atmosphere in it. They both were alone and didn't talk. They came out of the carriage and the duke was shocked to see him. "No formalities. I have come here as your friend not as Emperor.", said Zephyrus. "Zeph-san~.", said the duke and hugged him while crying. "So that's what father meant. They are alike.", thought Gary. The butler takes Gary to Andy's room and Andy says, "Gary-san~!" and cries. He sit in a chair near the bed and says, "Do more ice skating alone. You are very clumsy, dude. I don't think you will make it to the adulthood with this nature." Andy shrikes and said, "Gary-san! That's so rude!" . He continues to speak and Gary is listening to him with -_- this expression on the face.

Their fathers are watching them through a crystal and Duke said, "Getting Deja-vuu, Zeph-san?". "Yeah, I pity my son how has to deal with your offspring.", said Zeph. The duke does the same thing as Andy and Zeph's like-_-, why do I have to deal with him always.

They talk a lot and play chess. Their sons paly video games and when Zeph comes to pick Gary, they see that they are sleeping. "That's so adorable. I will take a pic." said Duke. Zeph picks up Gay and thanks Duke. When they reach the imperial palace, everyone is shocked that their cold emperor is now a soft dad! "Nanny, I don't want my son to end up like me. Make sure he becomes the one he wants not what the council wants.", said Zeph while keeping Gary on the bed. He cares but doesn't show it.

While going to his room, he remembers that he didn't wanted the throne and wanted to become the chief commander of the Space Squad. he has a younger brother whom he loved so much. His father exiled him so that he can have the throne. The council spread the fake news of death of second prince and Zeph broke down. He couldn't save his rother and as the time passed he lost his emotions. when he saw his son, Gary telling about Andrew, he saw that he was just like him and realized that he has taken place of the person he hated the most, his father. "Brother, I miss you. If you're alive, then please come back. I need you. I can't take this anymore.", said Zeph looking at a picture of him and his brother.

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the galaxy, his brother fells uneasy and says," Nii-san must be crying. Should I go back. Old man is no longer there, but the council...…Nii-san will protect me and I am a grown up now. I can protect myself. ", "Dad, how do you know that uncle is crying?", said Alex. "We have a deep bond and blood relation. No matter how far we are we always know how we are feeling. Do you wanna meet your cousin. I know he will be so happy to see you. I can imagine Nii- san's reaction. I can see him crying so loudly that the palace will shake. Haha, he is an emotional dude.", said Takeshi.

He continues to tell Alex about his uncle and their bond. He said, " Dad, you really love him don't you. Let's surprise him on his birthday! He will love it.", said Alex and they both go to sleep.

Hi, guys. After a lot of thinking i have come up with four names for the parents. Zepyrus and Luara are Gary's parents. Andy's fahter name is Duke(even he has the same rank) and Alex's father is Takeshi.

Plaese, coment other names.

Thank you.

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