
Chapter 14: The Road to Ascendancy

In the wake of his successful endeavors in Tianhua, Lu Sheng found himself in possession of valuable resources and a wealth of knowledge. His friendship with the Alchemist Association leader had proven to be a boon, as the leader generously provided him with a trove of rare cultivation materials. These materials were the building blocks of power, and Lu Sheng recognized their potential to propel him to greater heights.

With newfound determination, Lu Sheng delved into his training, channeling the wisdom of the Immortal Godking and the knowledge of the Alchemist Association leader. The combination of his meticulous cultivation and the resources at his disposal saw his abilities skyrocket. His journey through the realms of cultivation was relentless, and he reached the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul realm, the ninth level—a realm that few had the privilege of attaining.

The power that surged within him was awe-inspiring, and he could feel the potential that lay just beyond his grasp. It was a defining moment in his journey, a testament to his unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of strength.

But as one chapter of his life came to a close, another beckoned on the horizon. The call of destiny led him to the recruitment drive of a Supreme Class Sect, an opportunity that promised both prestige and unparalleled growth. To reach this sacred ground, he had to venture to a distant continent, a land of mysteries and challenges.

To undertake this journey, Lu Sheng made his way to a new city, one that was a hub for celestial flying ships. These marvelous vessels, powered by spiritual energy, could traverse vast distances in a matter of days. However, the cost of passage was substantial—500 intermediate rank middle-tier spiritual stones, a testament to the luxury of such expeditions.

With his wealth and determination, Lu Sheng boarded one of these celestial flying ships, setting his sights on the distant continent where the Supreme Class Sect awaited him. The adventure that lay ahead was fraught with trials and dangers, but he was undaunted.

As the celestial ship soared into the skies, leaving the familiar shores of Tianhua behind, Lu Sheng's heart brimmed with anticipation. He was bound for a new chapter in his journey—a chapter of growth, discovery, and the pursuit of power beyond imagination. The path to ascendency stretched before him, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited on his way to the Supreme Class Sect and the destiny that awaited him.

As Lu Sheng embarked on the celestial flying ship, bound for the distant continent where the Supreme Class Sect awaited him, he found himself immersed in an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. The ship's passengers hailed from various backgrounds, each harboring their own dreams and aspirations.

During his journey, Lu Sheng couldn't help but overhear conversations among fellow passengers and crew members. It was during these hushed discussions that he gleaned details about the recruitment process for the illustrious Supreme Class Sect—known as the Celestial Harmonia Sect, a name that resonated with grandeur and prestige.

The recruitment process for the Celestial Harmonia Sect was a rigorous and multifaceted affair. It was said to encompass a series of demanding tests, each designed to assess a candidate's potential and suitability for joining the ranks of this esteemed sect. Among the tests rumored to be part of the selection process were:

1. **Aptitude Test**: This initial assessment aimed to gauge a candidate's innate talent and affinity for cultivation. It involved exercises and evaluations to determine one's spiritual sensitivity, elemental affinity, and overall potential.

2. **Immortal Root Test**: The Celestial Harmonia Sect placed great importance on the cultivation of immortal roots, a foundation for profound spiritual growth. Candidates were expected to undergo a meticulous examination of their immortal roots, which could vary in purity and potency.

3. **Spiritual Challenge**: Aspiring disciples were rumored to face a series of spiritual challenges that tested their mental fortitude, resolve, and adaptability. These challenges could take the form of illusions, trials, or encounters with formidable spiritual entities.

4. **Combat Proficiency**: The Celestial Harmonia Sect valued martial prowess and combat proficiency. Candidates might engage in sparring matches or battles to demonstrate their combat skills, tactics, and strategic thinking.

5. **Ethical and Moral Evaluation**: Character and integrity were qualities highly regarded by the sect. Candidates were expected to undergo evaluations of their ethics, morals, and sense of responsibility.

6. **Secret Knowledge Test**: Aspiring disciples might be quizzed on esoteric knowledge, ancient scriptures, or cultivation techniques to assess their familiarity with the sect's teachings and principles.

Each test was a formidable challenge in its own right, and successful candidates were expected to excel in multiple areas. The recruitment process of the Celestial Harmonia Sect was renowned for its selectiveness, with only the most exceptional individuals earning the coveted title of disciple.

As Lu Sheng overheard these discussions, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and determination. The path ahead was filled with trials and uncertainties, but he was resolute in his pursuit of power and enlightenment. The Celestial Harmonia Sect represented a new chapter in his journey, and he was prepared to face whatever tests awaited him on his quest to join the ranks of this illustrious sect.