
Chapter 13: The Influence and Power of the Alchemy Association Leader

In the aftermath of the successful healing of the Alchemist Association leader, a newfound bond was forged between Lu Sheng and the esteemed alchemist, Master Lao Chen. The leader, now restored to health, regarded Lu Sheng with deep respect and admiration.

Their conversations extended beyond matters of alchemy, delving into the intricacies of cultivation and the challenges faced by those who walked the path of power. Master Lao Chen was impressed not only by Lu Sheng's expertise but also by his character—a man of action, integrity, and unwavering determination.

Recognizing the potential in this young cultivator, Master Lao Chen extended his support and friendship to Lu Sheng. He was a man of considerable influence within the city of Tianhua, his reputation extending far and wide. His favor carried weight, and he pledged to use his influence to aid Lu Sheng in his endeavors.

One of the first actions taken by Master Lao Chen was to intervene in the ongoing rivalry between Lu Sheng and Xian. With a subtle display of his influence, he sent a clear message to Xian that his interference in Lu Sheng's affairs would not go unchecked. Xian, despite his connections within the Azure Phoenix Sect, found himself facing opposition that he had not anticipated.

The newfound support from Master Lao Chen bolstered Lu Sheng's position in Tianhua. It was a testament to the bonds that could be forged through deeds of goodwill and the recognition of one's character and abilities.

As Lu Sheng continued on his journey of power and enlightenment, the knowledge that he had allies and friends in influential places filled him with a sense of assurance. The world of cultivation was a complex tapestry of alliances and rivalries, and Lu Sheng had begun to weave his own threads into this intricate web of possibilities.