
Adventure Start From Doraemon (Dropped)

This is a story about a boy who got the chance to start his Adventures across the multiverse. But first he has to prepare himself from a relatively safe world where he has to adapt to his new environment, with his new family, friends and many more relationships.. So let's see how he will decide his future. Will he be good or evil? He's got a chance to own his own free will, where his fate is yet to be decided. ps. this is my first time writing a story or anything like this, so please correct me if I make some noob mistakes. I'll try to correct myself as quickly as possible. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [A/N: There will be many mistakes here and there whether it be grammar, plot, some plot holes too will be there. So if any of you notice anything, please try to correct me.] **Also the names of many charactersin Doraemon is not given so I will try to add some matching names** ***There will be many OC characters so I may not be able to write their characters properly. But I will try to improve that area of writing too.***

IMTyson · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Wishes and New Beginning



"yes"? he said.

"Are you taking me to Grandpa Universe"?? I asked not being able to control my excitement..

"Yeah, do you know my G-Chan". He asked in a more excited manner than me.[ a/n: he's Grandpa's potato alright ]

Many things began to come into my mind like the theory in fanfictions that all the fictional stories maybe given in some sort of inspiration to the writers in a more subtle way like sudden idea coming into their mind or even dreams where they are inspired to write new stories.(if that's true then maybe Grandpa Universe is the new supreme ruler of the entire Omniverse, OMG... I'm so excited)

So, collecting my mind I answered, "Yeah, I've read about him in stories before".

Shukaku then answered, "That's a given of my G-Chan. BTW you can call me Shukaku."

I answered, "O-oh, my name is or was Gambii, I guess." I became sad once I realized I was truly dead.

"Oh-oh, no need to be sad.. G-Chan will fix everything. And uncle Berry once told me 'if nothing goes right, then go left.' So, here we go."


"puhiii, hahaha... thanks Shukaku, I really needed that". I laughed hearing a quote of the 'hardcore' gamer Berry the Phoenix.

After crossing the Golden gate we walked for some times before we reached a majestic office of some sort. There sat the one and only Grandpa Universe in all his glory with his granddaughter Thea. [a/n: if you haven't read Grandpa Universe, then it may be a little confusing but no worries. Those characters will not come often in this novel ]

"G-Chan... G-Chan I brought someone,(wispers) but I think he's sad.. So, can you please help him??" Shukaku asked showing puppy eyes.

'aww.. Thanks bro'

When I looked up to him, he smiled in a very warm grandfatherly way which put my emotions at ease.

He wore his typical Grandpa Universe dress along with his iconic sunglasses and a cigar in his mouth. He's exactly as I imagine him to be, tall figure, grandfatherly aura, a warm smile.(oh, and obviously Thea over his shoulder playing with his beard and sunglass)

I was so excited that I forgot to take further steps to reach near him with a goofy smile on my face. [ a/n: ya... like an idiot you imagine right now ]


"Are you alright my child??" he asked in a concerned manner as no one will become sick in his office.

"ye-yeah, I'm fine, thank you. I just felt if someone is talking about me". [ author: *_* ]

"You're welcome my child. My name is Alexander Maxim Universe as you have figured. But aside all that, you've died an early death my child. You should've lived at least till the age of 70, but because of some mistake due to my new employee you died when you did.

Looking at your karma and destiny, you should've been a very successful person who would change the fate of your world in a brighter future. Only because of your current Karma, you could've gotten 3 wishes, but because it was a very big mistake because of our side you get to choose 7 wishes of your choice or you can live in heaven till your family reach there. 'Truck-chan should've trained her new disciple Car-chan better. But alas I have to give this child what he deserves'."

I fell into thoughts. 'I could've lived longer with my family, helped more people. Maybe someday fall in love and start a new family.'

But my thoughts were broken by the sudden cough of Grandpa Universe.

*Cough*.. "Worry not my child. You will get what you deserve. Just present your thoughts about what you want to do now."

With a hopeful face I asked," Can I return to my family??" With tears threatening to come out.

"No my child, that will break the balance of your world. As your mortal body can no longer support your soul". With that my last hope started to crumble noticing which Grandpa said, "but... you can start a new journey in which you can become strong enough to return here to meet them in heaven."

I beamed with happiness hearing those words.

"Really?? I can meet my family once again??"

He said with a warm tone," yes my child, as you know I was once a mortal too. But I got a chance from my father. So, I would like to ask you if would you like to take a step to start your new journey?" [ a/n: how does Grandpa knows that Gambii knows about him? Because he has reached omniscience and can know everything under his rule which is the entire Omniverse ]

"Yes, yes!! I would very much appreciate it if you could help me." I said loudly not being able to control my excitement.

"Then, my child please state your wishes." he said in a calm yet warm tone.

"Then my 1st wish is that my family live a life full of joy and not be stuck up with my death." I exclaimed.

"Okay-okay child. I would've done that even if haven't asked me, so please state your first wish."

Like a mountain was lifted from my shoulders I visibly relaxed.

"Then I would like to go to the world of Doraemon and my 1st wish is that I can overcome my grief of losing my family, but still remember every moment I spent with them because I don't want to forget my family which is why I could become what I am today."

Grandpa smiled like he already expected that answer. [ a/n: duhh... that's what omniscience means. ]

"Okay child I will give you 'unsurmountable will' because of which you can achieve anything you put your whole heart into."

"Thank you, for my 2nd wish I want a hybrid of Kryptonian and Saiyan physique with origin level potential without their weakness, like the kryptonite, red sun, magic, etc. and no berserk rage of Saiyan or hunger side effects of a typical Saiyan."

"No need to thank me child, that's what you deserve. But you have to train on your own to reach your full potential. And regarding both physique you don't have to worry, you will not get their weakness but you have to take into account that because you will not have their weakness you have to train 10 times harder than they usually do. [ a/n: for example if Goku could become a SSJ after adapting to 100 G our MC has to adapt to at least 1000 G ]

You don't have to worry if you think that it will be slow, you will become stronger at a slower but steady pace as because of origin level potential, you have to have the strongest foundation to support."

I became thoughtful, 'well that's a given. But I will not give up no matter what, I'll become the hok..... *cough* I mean strong enough to meet my family once again. '

"Well, that's reasonable. Then my 3rd wish is that I can adapt to any kind of energy I encounter like if I go to Naruto world, I can use chakra and if I go to Fairy Tail then to be able to use Ethernano and the likes of other form of energy in other worlds."

"Okay, it shall be granted and for a little surprise I will add another feature which you will find in the right time."'here it come.'

"For my 4th wish I would like to be able to travel to other universes along with my companions which I may make in future." 'I wanted to travel to many fictional worlds before I died, so that's a must.'

"Ok child, that too is granted. But for that to be possible you have to first reach the peak of the current world that you will stay, only then will you be able to breach the wall of existence without dying form the backlash of that world."

"Now for my 5th wish I would like the origin system where all the things from different worlds are available which I can use in the appropriate level I will reach." [ a/n: so don't be confused, there will be no sp or system points to buy things in this system. The MC will have to reach a particular level of power to weild the powers, abilities or objects he choose ]

"That is also possible. So onto the next one my child."

"Oh, okay then, for my 6th wish I want to be able to share my prowess with my companions as I don't want them to die before I do."'My waifus don't be sad.. I won't leave any of you behind.' I thought with a new determined resolve.

"Ok child.. but you have to consider that not all can get Origin level potentials, so they will get a normal physique of the particular race you choose."

I was a bit disappointed with it, but not much as I know what can happen anyone knows about our secret.

I began pondering what will my last wish will be... but I suddenly remembered that Grandpa Universe had a million time more comprehensive mind than even many geniuses.

"Okay then.. for my last wish I would like to get the highest comprehensive mind I can possibly get."

Grandpa smiled and said,"a nice choice my child it can help you in many unexpected situations. You will find out about that from the system.

You have my blessings child... Then off you g..."

"Wait Grandpa... I would like to add another request if it's possible." I asked embarrassedly.

"What is it my child?" he asked with an amused expression.

"I would like to go to the world of Doraemon 2 years prior to the birth of Nobita and his friends and I would like to be transmigrated at the age of 2 and to be adopted by Shizuka's parents.

And I would also like if I can keep my current looks if it's possible as its the least I could do to honor my birth parents. A-and with a height of around 6ft. if possible." I asked saying the last line embarrassedly.

Then Grandpa suddenly started laughing," hahaha... it shall be done my child. Then off you go if there's nothing more." he said with a smile.

Suddenly my body or soul to be exact started glowing. Looking at which I shouted.

"I... Thank you very much Grandpa.. I will not let you regret your decision. Thank you once again Grandpaaa." Saying those last words I blacked out.

Only seconds about our MC left. A certain ex-supreme being came in front of Grandpa Universe and asked."Was it really wise to fulfill all those wished, son? You know with all those his potential is a lot more than that of Zalruk. He could repeat the history again but in a much worse way."

Listening to which Grandpa smirked and said,"Father you know as much as I do that, that child will not become someone evil. He will accept death before that happens."

Then The God burst out laughing," looks like I can no longer fool you, my son.. Yeah I too realized that. Seeing that child I see your shadow in him. He could become someone very great in his last life like you did if haven't died... I guess he will return here someday again and become a proud god like you did my son."

Listening to those words, Grandpa thought. 'Looks like there's still days to come to look forward to my student. I hope you will achieve your dream quickly and proudly stand along side us.'

But our MC was oblivious to those happenings and started waking up.


{Origin System Rebooting.... 1%.. 3%... 10%.... 50%....

90%... 98%, 99%, 100%}

*Ding* {Good morning host, I'm your support The Origin System}

"Wha... Where am I?? ohh.. now I remember I met Grandpa Universe and all those conversations I had with him." I woke up groggily

{For your first question you are in the Doraemon World in an alley 2 blocks from Shizuka's house and yes you did talk to Grandpa} [ a/n: I don't know if it's called blocks in Japan so correct me if I'm mistaken ]

"Wha.. Oh.. so you're the system.. Well hello to you too.. And sorry for being rude, it happened all of a sudden that I thought it was just a dream." I was shocked to hear a voice inside my head all of a sudden.

{Don't worry host, I did not take any offense. But thank you for your consideration}

"Ok-ok system stop, can you call me by my name. It's weird hearing someone call host. It feels if I'm stuck with a parasite."

{Ok host. But what should I call you as your past name do not exist now.}

"Yeah now that you mention it. It will also be weird if I would be called with my past name from strangers....

Ok I've decided.. From now on my name will be....

'Bōken-sha' [a/n: it means adventurer in Japanese I thought it will be appropriate as he will go on adventure in many worlds. ].. So system.. can I name you.. it will be weird for me to call you system repeatedly."

{Ok Bōken, I'll be glad to have a name} System said in a mechanical voice.

"Hmm... Then I'll call you Enha...."

{Thanks for naming me Bōken, I'll cherish it for as long as I exist}. Suddenly changed the voice of the system to a very sweet voice for it's previous mechanical and cold tone.


[A/N: so how's the second chapter of this novel? if you find something you don't like, then you can comment your suggestion. I'll try to act on them quickly to improve them. Till next time🖐️]