
Adventure Start From Doraemon (Dropped)

This is a story about a boy who got the chance to start his Adventures across the multiverse. But first he has to prepare himself from a relatively safe world where he has to adapt to his new environment, with his new family, friends and many more relationships.. So let's see how he will decide his future. Will he be good or evil? He's got a chance to own his own free will, where his fate is yet to be decided. ps. this is my first time writing a story or anything like this, so please correct me if I make some noob mistakes. I'll try to correct myself as quickly as possible. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [A/N: There will be many mistakes here and there whether it be grammar, plot, some plot holes too will be there. So if any of you notice anything, please try to correct me.] **Also the names of many charactersin Doraemon is not given so I will try to add some matching names** ***There will be many OC characters so I may not be able to write their characters properly. But I will try to improve that area of writing too.***

IMTyson · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Surprise after surprise 1


"So, Enha Granpa said that I will get some surprise for 2 of my wishes... So, what are they?" I was obviously excited to know the surprise Grandpa prepared for me because it can't be a small surprise if it came from him.

{Yes Bōken, Grandpa has prepared a nice surprise for you and I promise, you will like it.} She said beaming with excitement in her voice like a child. 'So cute' I thought imagining a very cute girl with her excitement. 'If only she had a physical body... Wait, I can do it if I use the system properly.' I once again became determined but this time to make a body for Enha.

"So what is it?? what is it?" I too became excited hearing her voice.

{Try saying 'interface', you maybe able to guess it.} She replied in a teasing manner.

"geezz.. Come on, you can just tell me." but I suddenly got a shiver feeling her 'gaze', it might be my imagination but I think she's glaring at me. "Hah hah..." I laughed awkwardly...

"Okay-okay, I got it... 'Interface'. " I said and a floating screen appeared in front of me.

{Status, Library, 'Inner world'.}


"H-hey, Enha.... Is that what I think it is?? Please tell me I'm not dreaming." I exclaimed seeing the 'Inner World' function instead of 'inventory'.

With a smug voice she replied,{Heh, of course.. Who do you think is my Grandpa? Obviously he will only give his granddaughter the best of best out there.} She said with a proud voice.

"Wait-wait.... Your Grandpa?"

{Of course, my Grandpa.. He's everyone's Granpa, baka.} She said accusingly as if I have stolen something from her.

"Oh yeah..." I scratched my head embarrassingly and cough a fake cough "Cough.. I forgot it in the excitement.. Hah hah..."

{So try imagining entering inside a house in your mind, you will be further surprised.} She said trying to tease me.

I did as she said and I was suddenly teleported inside somewhere. It was an unknown location for me but I instinctively knew that I was inside the System's inner world. Some information came inside my mind that this place is the size of Earth's moon. I was further shocked by that information appearing inside my mind. I tried seeing as far as I could and I could see.. see everything on this small planet sized world. But all around me was forest, every where I could see or feel was a giant forest.

I tried sencing if there's any life form but could find none other than the giant trees which stood as tall 200 meters.

I was so entranced by the scene I was seeing that I ignored the giggling sound Enha was making seeing my dumbfounded expression.

Then with a fake cough she broke me out of my imagination. {Gohon... if you're done admiring your inner world then I would like to give you the information about this place. As you've already gussed this is the inner world gifted by Grandpa. So there are some features you have to know about this place.

1. You're The God in this place... well excluding Grandpa and his family

2. As you're The God in this place, you can do anything in this place. And when I mean anything, literally anything. Anything you imagine is turned into reality in this place.

3. This is the place where any energy you encounter will form in an unlimited amount. For example if you go to Naruto world this place will automatically start forming Chakra and will stay here. So, you don't have to worry about being out of Chakra as this place is connected to your whole being, this will work as your reserve.

4. This place will expand according to your necessity. Like if you start gathering different life forms here, your inner world will adjust to their needs.

There are some more points that I will tell you in future. So, stay tuned with your Host Enha-Chan.. Tehee.}


"The last line was not necessary, you know?" I stated which she obviously ignored... "So you said that I will be The God in this place but there has to be some limitations, isn't it.?" I asked as not everything will be sun shine and rainbows..

{As expected of my host, you're learning quickly from your Magical Girl Enha-tan.} She answered praising herself causing me to listen to her with a deadpan expression.

{Wha..... You had to praise me, baka. I'm ignoring you now... Humph.} She replied with a 'pout'? I think.

So, I did what any sensible person would do.... ignore her and asked. "So..... What are the limitations?" I asked again.

{... Humph...}



"I'm sorry.. okay... I'm sorry. So, can you please reply."

{Humph... At least you know your mistake.} She replied.

"-_- "

{So then, the limitations are....}


[A/N: I tried to improve some of my mistakes. These convos are hard for me to write but I will try to keep improving them slowly.

These talks with the system will continue till chapter 4 or 5 after which I will try to improvise how to get him into the Minamoto Family ( Shizuka's surname if you guys didn't know). So till next time... peace out. ✌️]