
Adventure in Camelot

Young Ian awakens in an unfamiliar area surrounded by seven men in robes. “Who are they” he whispers to himself as two men walk in a knight and a man seemingly a noble. How will the story unfold?

Gpie_Z · History
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4 Chs

The unexpected

Percival now with his sword drawn looked calmly at Ian who was now terrified.

Shit I went to far. He thought but there was no going back he had challenged him and now it was being upheld.

"Ok then Percy I'll fight you I just wish I had something to retaliate with I mean using a sword and armor against someone in common clothing that's not a battle people want to see." Ian bargained hoping that he could just cancel the duel.

"Oh but great Right hand of wisdom you said to fight with what was available and on hand so no this is how we'll fight!" Percival dashed forward slashing down towards his right shoulder. Ian jumped backward barely dodging but not without the blade creating a cut down his chest tearing easily through his unarmored defense. He knew he was going to die. Percival continued his unrelenting assault as Ian continued to dodge and weave barely getting out of deaths way thankfully he was small and agile but his strength was sadly lacking.

"Jesus!" He exclaimed as another strike caught his left arm making a deep gash.

"Surrender peasant you're no match for me." Percival stopped his assault and lowered his sword laughing at Him in a fetal position.

Ian's arm was bleeding heavily and he knew it needed medical attention but he couldn't stop now he didn't want to know what would happen if he died here so he co stricter a small plan while looking around for something to fight with and was met by a pleasant surprise behind him a huge stone with something metal sticking out the top. He chuckled slightly to himself before making a show of standing up and then fell straight to the ground lying still. Everyone as shocked and even Percival dashed forward to see what had just happened. That strike shouldn't have been enough to kill him. He thought confusedly but when he knelt down to check Ian jumped upwards and head butted Percival in his chin before using the momentum to kick him backwards into the surrounding crowd. He then ran back to the stone as the crowd helped Percival up who surprisingly looked up to see Ian on the stone with both hands on the hilt of a blade.

"Hahaha! You think you can unsheathe the blade peasant a pissant like you? Ha ha ha!" He erupted with laughter as the crowd u easily joined in they knew that not even King Arthur had been able to unsheathe it so why would this kid be able to especially with an injured arm everyone was laughing except Arthur who looked in eagerness.

Admits this laughing Ian struggled to pull the blade but with no leeway when he heard a voice.

"You claim to be my right hand yet can't even win against a knight... well I approve and grant you this one blessing use it wisely." The voice as quickly as it came disappeared and Ian fell backwards as something heavy fell on his chest. The laughing had stopped where the kid had been standing the sword was gone and the rushed over to see him standing up with a long sword in one hand the hilt all to familiar.

"Now we have a fair fight Percival." Ian said as he stood up the sword in one hand, despite its size it was surprisingly light almost as if it was made of wood.

Arthur shouted in surprise. "He drew it?!"

Percival stood the rest of the way up and lifted his blade. "Yes let's finish this fight"