
Adopted By The Evil Duke

Leon Viosta the Grand Duke of the Ruby Kingdom is known for his unique looks. His red hair and red eyes are said to be a symbol of blood and death. Thousands of years ago the Viosta bloodline earned the blessing of the god of war, bestowing to them a power so immeasureable that they can wipe an entire kingdom by themselves. Generation after Generation the Viosta only produces an heir with red hair and red eyes thus this features became a symbol to them. A symbol of having a power of a god. Because of this many became jealous of the Viosta blood. Many Nobles wanted the blessings of the god of war for themselves and others feel threaten by the Viostas, having too much power install fear in them, so while many wanted the Viosta blood in their family many also wanted to illiminate them. Leon Viosta lived his life being the well known 'Beast' of the kingdom, his dark power, manacing aura and murderous stares is enough to make people bow down at his feet. As the only living Viosta decendants, Leon Viosta have no intention of getting married more less having a child. He was dead set on being the last Viosta on history..... Well thats what he thought..... Until he heard a news from the Emperor about a child having the same red hair and red eyes as him living in an orphanage. Leon didnt believe the Emperor at first, he knew for a fact that he doesnt have a secret child or a secret lover. He's been celibate his whole life so its impossible to have a child with the same red hair and eyes as him. But when he saw the child he was dumfounded at how she resembles him so much but.......... in girl form. The first time he saw the girl he was intrigued, her animalistic instinct and braveness to stare at him straight in the eyes caught his attention. So he decided to adopt the girl, and name her Leonna Viosta. Now another Viosta has been born, will the other nobles stay quiet knowing that another generation of Viosta will dominate the world? Who is Leonna Viosta? How and why does she has red hair and red eyes? Is she even a true Viosta or is she fake? Who is her mother? What's her identity and what does the Emperor has to do with her? The more Leon investigate Leonna's past to uncover her identity the more questions appear rather than answers. Join this father-daughter duo in uncovering the secrets that the kingdom is hiding from them and their journey to conquering the world! - Author's Note. Photo not mine, credits goes to the owner (Saw it on pinterest. Willing to take it down if said) Thank you! mwah.

MissCringeyAuthor · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"WHAT?!" Empress Vivian stood up from her seat in anger, while Vincent slump his back to his chair while massaging his temple in frustration.

Everyone except Winston and Sebastian who already knew what happened was shock and in complete disbelief.

"I can't believe you agreed to that." Vincent said in a low breath tone.

"Compared to what I was about to lose, giving up my powers is nothing." Leon answered nonchalantly as he drink the wine in front of him.

Leonna was still staring at her father, she couldn't believe what was happening.

"What is more important than your powers?! Is there even a thing in this world more valuable than the Viosta powers?!" The Empress shouted.

"My daughter." Leon answered staring directly at Vivian, she flinched in terror but was immediately consumed by anger.

Prince Lionel who was listening to the conversation was frozen at his seat, he was shock that Leon could do something like that.

"Vincent, not bringing him here is more dangerous than bringing him here." Leon stated while looking at Riri.

"What do you mean?"

"I bought Riri here solely for the reason that he will help Leonna control her powers other than that I could careless about him." Leon said while looking at Leonna.

"Control my powers?" Leonna stared at Leon with wide eyes.

"Yes. Although your powers has been successfully awaken in your body you still don't know how to control it thats why I brought Riri to help you." Leon said while caressing Leonna's hair.

Leonna held her head down, her heart felt heavy and her eyes watered at the thought that it was because of her that Leon was about to lose his powers.

Leon knew exactly what Leonna was thinking "Leonna. Its not your fault, if I was given a choice to do it again I would. No need to feel bad."

Lionel who was listening to the conversation clenches his fist in and his body was trembling in anger.

He was mad at Leon for giving his powers up so easily but he was even more mad at Leonna for being the reason why Leon had do to what he did.

"So you dont have your powers now?" Vincent asked in a worried.

"I still have my powers. Emperor Maximus wanted to seal my powers after the hunting tournament in the presence of all seven Emperors." Leon stated in a matter of fact.

Vincent took a deep breath before once again massaging his forehead and leaning backward to his chair.

"Grand Duke, you do know that your power is our kingdom's number one strength right? How could you just give it up for something...." Vivian stated then she glared at Leonna "...trivial" she continued with a smug on her face.

Leon did not like what Vivian said. He glared menacingly cold at the Empress.

"Empress!" Vincent shouted in shock he didn't know that the Empress could speak in that manner.

"Empress Vivian, my daughter's life may be a trivial matter for you but its the most important thing for me. I could careless about anything else be it my powers, my dukedom or even this kingdom." Leon said in a monotone cold voice staring at the Empress with fury.

"Grand Duke, I'm sure that my mother means no harm. She's just worried for the good of the kingdom." Lionel said protecting his Mother.

"That's enough!" Vincent yelled which made Lionel flinched.

Vincent then turned his head to the Empress. "Empress, I think you've eaten enough you may go back to your palace." Vincent said firmly at Vivian.

"What?! No-" Vivian was about to protest when Vincent cut her off.

"Crown Prince, why don't you escort your mother to her palace." Vincent said once again.

"Yes your highness." Lionel took a deep breath before standing up from his seat and going to his Mother.

Vivian on the other hand glared at the Emperor for kicking her out of the dinning hall.

"You! You can't do this to me!" Vivian shouted in anger slamming her hands on the table.

Leonna flinched in surprised at the Empress's action but Leon was quickly to hold her hand and comfort her.

"Empress. This is an order. Go back to your palace." Vincent once again said in a firm threatening voice.

Lionel grab his Mother's hand and with that Empress Vivian stood up from her seat angrily and with his son they both stormed out of the hall.

When the Empress and Crown Prince is out of sight Vincent took the biggest sigh of relief of his life.

"I apologize for the Empress's behavior Lady Leonna." Vincent said apologetically to Leonna.

Leonna blushed and nodded in response.


AFTER THAT war of a breakfast, Leonna along with Riri, Winston and Sebastian all went to the garden while Leon and the Emperor went to the study room to discuss the kingdom's military force.

"Wiiw that breakfast was deadly! I thought the empress was going to behead me right there and then! HAHAHAH!" Riri said while laughing holding his stomach.

"Riri, be careful of what you say. If someone heard you your postponed execution might come sooner than later." Winston stated in a serious tone.

"I agree with Winston, but I also agree with Riri that is one hell of war inside that dining room. Pfft!" Sebastian said trying hard not to laugh.

"Right?! Right?! That empress has some screws lose!" Riri said bluntly while pointing his index fingers on his head and rotating it in a circular manner.

"Don't instigate Sebastian." Winston warned him.

"Why does the Empress hate me?" Everyone halted at Leonna's question.

Ever since the first time Leonna met the Empress, she always felt that she was hostile towards her but she didn't know why, not just the Empress but the crown prince aswell.

[Is it just merely because I'm an orphan?] Leonna thought.

"Maybe because you're a brat?" Riri answered with a smirk.

Sebastian punch Riri at his head making him wince in pain.

"My Lady, I think its better if you asked your father that question." Sebastian said to Leonna.

Leonna nodded in disappointment knowing Winston wont answer her no matter how hard she convince him.

Sebastian nudge Winston by the elbow, signaling to say something to Leonna.

While they were walking for some unfortunate reason they saw the Prince walking towards their direction.

"Greetings to the Crown Prince." Leonna said and curtsy, the rest followed.

"The three of you leave us alone. I just want to talk to Leonna." Everyone including Leonna flinched at the Prince tone of voice.

He was condescending, and to top it off he didn't acknowledge Leonna as a "lady".

Immediately Leonna had her guard up.

In Lionel's eyes Leonna is nothing more than an orphan.

Winston and Sebastian looked at each other before looking at Leonna.

"Its ok. I'll see you guys at the garden." Leonna said with a smile.

Winston grab Sebastian and Riri's collar by the back and drag them away.

"Wait are you--" Sebastian protested but Winston just continued dragging them.

"Aargk! Cant breathe!" Riri choke holding his neck.

When the three of them is no longer in sight Lionel and Leonna stared at each other.

Leonna was just waiting for Lionel to say something. Lionel stared at Leonna from head to toe and clenched his fist.

And finally he blurted out the things he wanted to say since the ball.

"You don't deserve to be a Viosta."


[End Of Chapter]

I would love to hear your thoughts! thank you for reading. mwah.