
Adopted By The Evil Duke

Leon Viosta the Grand Duke of the Ruby Kingdom is known for his unique looks. His red hair and red eyes are said to be a symbol of blood and death. Thousands of years ago the Viosta bloodline earned the blessing of the god of war, bestowing to them a power so immeasureable that they can wipe an entire kingdom by themselves. Generation after Generation the Viosta only produces an heir with red hair and red eyes thus this features became a symbol to them. A symbol of having a power of a god. Because of this many became jealous of the Viosta blood. Many Nobles wanted the blessings of the god of war for themselves and others feel threaten by the Viostas, having too much power install fear in them, so while many wanted the Viosta blood in their family many also wanted to illiminate them. Leon Viosta lived his life being the well known 'Beast' of the kingdom, his dark power, manacing aura and murderous stares is enough to make people bow down at his feet. As the only living Viosta decendants, Leon Viosta have no intention of getting married more less having a child. He was dead set on being the last Viosta on history..... Well thats what he thought..... Until he heard a news from the Emperor about a child having the same red hair and red eyes as him living in an orphanage. Leon didnt believe the Emperor at first, he knew for a fact that he doesnt have a secret child or a secret lover. He's been celibate his whole life so its impossible to have a child with the same red hair and eyes as him. But when he saw the child he was dumfounded at how she resembles him so much but.......... in girl form. The first time he saw the girl he was intrigued, her animalistic instinct and braveness to stare at him straight in the eyes caught his attention. So he decided to adopt the girl, and name her Leonna Viosta. Now another Viosta has been born, will the other nobles stay quiet knowing that another generation of Viosta will dominate the world? Who is Leonna Viosta? How and why does she has red hair and red eyes? Is she even a true Viosta or is she fake? Who is her mother? What's her identity and what does the Emperor has to do with her? The more Leon investigate Leonna's past to uncover her identity the more questions appear rather than answers. Join this father-daughter duo in uncovering the secrets that the kingdom is hiding from them and their journey to conquering the world! - Author's Note. Photo not mine, credits goes to the owner (Saw it on pinterest. Willing to take it down if said) Thank you! mwah.

MissCringeyAuthor · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

"Your grace? Its Winston."

Leon opened the door for Winston who was carrying a pair of dress.

"His highness the Emperor prepared this dress for lady Leonna and said she should wear it for breakfast."

Winston then gave Leon the dress for Leonna. It was a black princess type ball gown with diamonds all over.

"Alright, call two servants to help Leonna get ready." Leon grab the dress from Winston before turning his back at him.

"Yes your grace." Winston answered.

Leon nodded before going back inside the room.

"Leonna, its time for breakfast." Leon said while waking up Leonna.

Leonna who just woke up made a big yawn, with her messy long curly hair and gound at the corner of her eyes, she stretches her arms to the air.

Leon chuckled [My daughter is the cutest in the world.]

"Breakfast?" Leonna's eyes instantly sparkled in excitement.

"Yes. The Emperor gifted you a dress to wear for breakfast." Leon then showed the black dress to Leonna.

"Wow. Its beautiful." Leonna responded.

"If you like this kind of dresses I'll invite the taylor back to our mansion and make you dresses like this." Leon said.

Leonna immediately shook her head and wave her hands. "No need dad, I already have hundreds of dresses back home."

Leon's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Hundreds? I'm pretty sure I ordered thousands. I have to talk to that taylor when we get back."

Leonna flinched and tried to laugh it off awkwardly.

Leonna was just about to say something when a knock on the door halted her from talking.

"That must be the maids. Hurry up and get up Little cub, I'll be waiting for you at the dinning hall." Leon said shuffling Leonna's already messy hair.

Leonna scuffle at Leon's action, Leon just laughed it off seeing Leonna struggle.

Leon opened the door and there two maids who were shaking in fear with their head down.

"G-greetings your grace." The maids said in shaky voice. Leon just looked at them with emotionless face.

"Get my daughter ready for breakfast then escort her to the dinning hall." Leon ordered before leaving the room.

"Yes your grace." The maids said as they bow in respect.

Leon took one last look at Leonna. Leonna waved her hands at him, Leon smiled at her.

On his way to the dining hall, Leon was greeted with all the knights and servants of the palace which he blatantly ignored.

"Grand Duke!"

At the corner of Leon's eyes he saw Prince Lionel running towards him.

"Greetings your highness." Leon said to Prince Lionel in a monotone voice.

Prince Lionel's face immediately lit up in excitement.

"Good morning Grand Duke! I didn't know you spent the night at the palace." Prince Lionel said.

"The Empress is kind enough to let my daughter and I along with my accomplices spend the night here." Leon said.

"Mother truly is a kind-hearted woman, Grand duke since you're here I would like to invite you to the training ground since the hunting tournament is two months away it would be a great honor if you could give me and my team a few pointers." Lionel said hopefully and gleefully.

Its his time to show Leon what he's capable of, to show Leon that he's better than his adopted daughter.

"I would have to see if I could fit it on my schedule your highness." Leon said.

With that said Lionel was disappointed at Leon's answer but he didn't show it, instead he smiled at Leon.

"I understand your grace." Lionel said, his smile didn't reach his ears.

"Your father is waiting for us at the dining hall, its better not to be late." Leon said before turning his back at the young prince and continued on walking.

"Ah o-ok." Lionel answered in a low disappointed voice before following Leon.

When they arrived at the dinning hall, The Emperor was already there along with the Empress.

Vincent was sitting at the very end of the table, and to his right is the Empress at the right side if the Empress are a line of empty seats.

"Greetings to the sun and moon of the Empire." Leon said as he bow in respect to Vincent and Vivian.

Vivian's mood was noticeably became happier when she saw Leon.

"Good morning Leon, you may take your sit." Vincent said and Leon nodded in response before sitting at the left side of the Emperor.

Leon is now facing Vivian who was ogling him the moment he came.

Prince Lionel who was behind Leon was about to sit next to him when the Emperor stopped him.

"Son, why don't you sit beside your Mother that sit is for Lady Leonna." Vincent said in a warm and gentle tone.

"Tsk." Lionel was not at all pleased at Vincent's ordered, his facial expression darken as he clenches his fist.

"Lionel." His mother the Empress called him in a warning tone.

At the end Lionel obeyed the Emperor's order.

Vincent who saw Lionel's action was disheartened at his Son's behavior. He was hurt and he was disappointed, his heart tighten like there's a million knife stabbing him.

But no matter how hurt he was he didn't show anyone. He is the Emperor no one should see his weakness.

Vincent took a deep breath and turned his attention to Leon.

"Leon I hope you and Lady Leonna had a goodnight sleep." Vincent stated.

"We did your grace." Leon answered.

"Grand duke, Lionel is going to compete at the hunting tournament this coming winter season and if its not to much to ask could you train him atleast once a week? It would be a great bonding time for the both of you." Vivian stated bluntly not caring that his husband is beside him.

Leon looked at Vivian with cold gaze, "Thank you for the offer your highness but I'm afraid that I'm too busy taking care of my daughter, I don't think I'll have the time to train his highness Lionel" Leon said in a cold voice.

"Ah- even if its just for a da-" Vivian was about to push a little bit more when Leon shut her delusions down.

"But if you want someone to train his highness, his highness the Emperor is one of the best at hunting, archery, swordmanship and even horse riding after all before Vincent became the Emperor he won the hunting tournament thrice."

"B-but--" Vivian was not about to give up so Leon had to give her a final blow.

"It would be a great bonding time as father and son, don't you think so Emperor?" Leon said while looking at Vincent.

"Ah-yes! I would love to train with you son, I'm not too busy at this time of the year so I'll have time." Vincent said in a panic while smiling at Lionel warmly.

"Ah-well, ahm ok." Lionel said unsure of his answer.

Vincent was genuinely happy to spend time with his son.

Although Vincent was happy at the outcome of the conversation the Empress was not, she was looking at Leon with detest in her face.

Then seconds later Leonna arrived at the dinning hall along with Winston, Sebastian and Riri.

Leon smiled seeing Leonna in such a beautiful dress.

All the while Vivian who is staring at Leon saw his reaction and immediately fume in anger.

She was biting her lips so hard and clenching her hands against her dress. She's shaking in anger looking at Leonna.

Lionel had to grab her hand and squeeze it lightly to calm the Empress down.

"Lady Leonna, you look beautiful in that dress." Vincent stated with a smile.

Leonna curtsy to Vincent, "Thank you your highness, it is because of you that I got to wear such beautiful dress."

Vincent laughed in embarrassment while scratching the back of his neck. "I'm glad you liked it Leonna."

Leonna then turned his attention to the Empress and the crown prince.

"Greetings to the Moon and star of the Empire." Leonna said while she curtsy in respect.

The Empress didn't answer her so did the prince. They just stared at her in disgust.

Leonna saw their stares but decided to ignore it.

When it was clear that the Empress and the prince had no intention of greeting Leonna back, Leonna just made her way to her father and sat beside her.

Leon patted her head and smiled comforting Leonna.

The rest seated beside Leonna, so Everyone in the Viosta dukedom is at the left side of the table and the Imperial Family is at the right side of the table with the exception of Vincent who was sitting at the center end.

Seconds later the food started to arrive and everyone began to eat.

"Grand Duke,I believe your explanation is now long over due. I'm dying to know what happened in the Musgravite kingdom." Vincent went straight to the point, he didn't held back his question.

Leon looked at Vincent and sigh heavily.

"Riri right here--" he then pointed at Riri who was eating without a care in the world, he was eating like he had never eaten before which irked the Empress.

"---is going to stay at the Viosta dukedom from now on." Leon continued.

Vincent sigh deeply, he expected this but still hearing it from Leon himself was a hard pill to swallow.

Vincent looked at Riri, "yo." Riri said when they made eye contact.

"Leon you do know the danger of bringing him here to our kingdom right?" Vincent asked.

The Empress and Prince Lionel was the only one confused at why its such a big deal to let Riri stay at the Viosta dukedom because they do not know who Riri is.

"Why? Who is he?" Prince Lionel asked.

"He's the only black magician in the entire seven kingdom." Vincent answered.

Both the Empress and the prince gasp in shock, they stared at Riri once more.

"He-he Hi? Thank you for the food." Riri said while stuffing his face with more food.

"Black magician?! Isn't that illegal?!" Vivian slammed her fist it the table in anger.

"Yes it is, he was about to get executed at the Musgravite kingdom but I made a deal with Emperor to spare his life." Leon answered not fazed at the Empress sudden burst of anger.

"In exchanged for what?" This time it was Vincent who asked.

Vincent was holding his breath waiting for Leon's answer. For some reason he was nervous. His heart was pounding and it felt like he was running out of breath.

Leon looked at Leonna who was listening to the conversation.

Leonna's face was confuse, she didn't know that Riri was about to get executed or that Leon made a deal with the Musgravite Emperor, she was oblivious to everything that was happening around her.

Leon saw Leonna's worried face so he patted her head and smiled.

"My powers." Leon answered.


[End of Chapter]