
Admiral Tanya: Summit War Execution Of Whitebeard

Travel through the world of pirates and become Tanya Degurechaff, relying on the military merit system. Become the most feared Marine in this sea, the fourth Admiral: Black Crow Tanya! Do not kill Admiral Zephyr: "The style of not leaving a living is more brutal than a pirate! How can I have such a disciple?" Devil's Son Robin: "A devil in a girl's skin!" Admiral Kizaru: "It's scary, this guy is crueler and more belligerent than Sakazuki." Tanya: "Gentlemen! What is our mission? Annihilation, not a single one left! Execute Ace, destroy the White Corps, and turn Marine ford into hell!" ... This isn't an original fanfic from me i copied it from MTL Nation so if the author wants me to delete I will do it gladly.

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80 Chs

008. Marine VS Kid and Luo

Faced with Tanya's doubts.

Zhan Taomaru said embarrassedly:

"This is the order of the punk bastard. He asked me to collect data. I must obey the order, right?"

Now, pacifists are entering the actual testing phase.

The more powerful the pirates are, the better the data collected.

There is also the Admiral combat power of the Black Crow.

Law enforcement on the island.

Therefore, Zhan Taomaru brought two pacifists.

Before Tanya arrives, try the water with Kid and Luo.

Maybe you can "accidentally" take the head...

As a result, these two people exploded so fiercely!

It seems that there is a protagonist's halo covering it!

Zhan Taomaru can't stand it anymore...

Tanya pouted:

"Hey, that bastard... When I go back, I must give him a good wave of electrotherapy!"

Of course she understood the truth of military orders.

But trying to divert hatred like this is too much, right?

Whether it's Zhan Taomaru or Bekapunk, Tanya has already written down a small book!

Zhan Taomaru hurriedly said:

"We'll talk about that kind of thing later, and now I beg you to come and help, please!"

Although he also wanted to be a punk bastard, he was taught a lesson by Tanya.

But if the black crow comes later, he will be turned into a bad pen by Kid and **!

Tanya simply agreed:

"No problem, stick to it for 30 minutes, and go over when I'm done changing my clothes."

Zhan Taomaru was shocked:

"Nani, don't play with me, big sister!"

good guy.

Zhan Taomaru called him a good guy.

It took 30 minutes to reach the battlefield! ?

It's enough for Kid and Luo to raise their ashes!

"Oh, a man can't even hold on for 30 minutes, so you should be a eunuch! That's it, hang up first!"

Tanya snapped and turned off the phone bug.

Since I still have the mind to call.

It proves that Zhan Taomaru is still at ease.

Let him be beaten first, and then think about the rescue...

He is the first year of junior high school, and he is the fifteenth by himself. This is a river!


Here, the fourth island.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep..."

Zhan Taomaru looked at the lost phone bug with black lines all over his face.

Damn, you know that Black Crow is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The front line is in a hurry.

She actually took 30 minutes to change clothes! ?

Are you going to the Celestial Dragons dance?

Even if you don't want to help, at least make up a reason to be distracted!

It seems that I can only turn to Mr. Kizaru for help.

It's less than 10 minutes from Mariejois.

Although the old man is a late procrastinator, at least he is much more reliable than the black crow!


Suddenly, a dark blue Uzumaki field came over.


The phone bug in Zhan Taomaru's hand suddenly disappeared!


He looked up suddenly.

Not far away, Kid and Luo gang of pirates.

Fight with the Marines, and the pacifists.

But Marine, has shown a defeat!

Moreover, two pacifists, one has been dropped!

The cost of one unit is comparable to that of a warship!

Luo tossed the phone bug in his hand and asked calmly:

"Who are you calling for help?"

Zhan Taomaru gritted his teeth:

"Trafalgar... ah, come back!"

He swung the big axe, rushed up quickly, and slashed.

One-handed axe method.

Luo stepped back quickly, dodging left and right.

At the same time, his left hand released a faint blue field.

"ROOM Slaughterhouse!"

In an instant, the slave pirate Qiangbalu switched places with Luo.

The former was taken aback.

Both hands slammed into Zhan Taomaru's axe handle.

"Damn, Captain, this is too dangerous, isn't it?"

Qiangbalu complained and fought with Zhan Taomaru to the death.

Although just now, Luo took off the slave collar.

In order to repay the other party's crew.

But the new captain seems to be a lunatic.

Don't say hello, just teleport yourself over and face the giant axe!

If the response is poor.

But he was smashed in the head by Zhan Taomaru with an axe!

"It's okay, I'm a doctor, you can hold on for a while."

Luo calmly ordered, not caring.

Captain Jambaloo's reputation is on the line.

If there is no combat adaptability at all.

I wouldn't even recruit him...

Luo turned his head and shouted:

"Hey, head Eustass, how are you over there?"

on the battlefield.

Kid and several cadres.

Together against another pacifist.

"No Road Race! Don't come and order Lao Tzu!"

Kid cursed, wrapping his hands around countless weapons.

Like a pair of giant iron palms slapping mosquitoes, slap pacifists hard and bind them!

"This guy is too rough and thick, so take a moment."

The mate Kira explained in a deep voice, waving the double sickle to make up the knife.

Pacifist resistance is too high.

Even in the face of the hail of bullets, he was unscathed!

Luo is using the Op-Op Fruit ability.

Directly cut off the central core, and then quickly solve it!

But the people of the Kid Pirates can only grind blood a little bit.

Also, there are many Marines, charging interference.

So it seems that the speed of pushing the boss is slow.

As for asking Luo to help?


With Kid's arrogance.

Even if it is death, it will not let others shoot!

So, I can only play around with him...

Kira sighed inwardly.

"Looks like we'll have to pay more attention."

With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, Luo summoned another Uzumaki-shaped field in Luo's palm.

Zhan Taomaru, a man who claims to be the world's number one defenseman.

Actually a Haki messenger.

But his armament is quite advanced, and he can even strike from the air!

With the current level of Op-Op Fruit development, it is estimated that it is difficult to break the defense...

Luo Ke doesn't want to fight to the death, it's not worth it.

Let's go around first...

Wait until Kid gets his prey, then work together.

On the other hand, the members of the Heart Pirates are also actively retreating from the enemy.

Among them, Beibo, the white bear, is the most active.

He shouted "Ah, hit, hit".

Keep punching and kicking.

Forcing Marine to retreat...

Just when the two sides played hot.

Sabaody Archipelago, has an unexpected guest.

Seven Warlords of the Sea, Tyrant Bartholemew Bear!
