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Epic Morning

Cleo's Pov

I woke up feeling Kane's dick, hard as stone poking in my ass cheek. Well, I must say I've never woken up like that before. I quite enjoy this and I could definitely get used to him. My fucking boyfriend. What? I have a bloody boyfriend for the first time in my life and I feel like I'm on cloud nine. I turn slowly in his arms not to wake him and just look at him sleeping peacefully with his arms wrapped around me. His lips are parted as he breathes evenly and I can't help but reach out. He is mine after all.

I stroke my knuckles down his cheek softly just smiling at him and I can't help continuing my hand down.. his neck, his chest, over his delicious abs and towards his waistband. I run my hand over his huge fucking dick feeling the head wet with precum. I lick my lips slowly as I watch what I'm doing and slowly run my fingertips over it feeling myself getting wet. He's beyond hot.. deliciously so and he's mine. Crazy! But that means to do as I want right?

I push my hand down his boxers gently and wrap my small hand around his meaty dick and rub my thumb over the head collecting his precum. I circle the wetness around and he groans pulling me closer

"Hmmm angel" he hums so I slowly begin to stroke him back and forth and I look back up at him to see him already watching me with hooded eyes.

"Having fun beautiful?" He groans and I hum squeezing him and he begins to nuzzle into my neck.

I pull his boxers down at the front, freeing his dick and I can just see the glistening head looking at me. I move lower down the bed kissing his body on the way and I lick up his dick and suck on the head collecting all the precum.

"Fuck angel" he groans as I look up at him and he watches me as I suck gently before working his dick further into my mouth.

I breathe through my nose the more I take him down my throat knowing he loves it now and begin to bob my head slowly while swirling my tongue. I listen to his deep sexy groans and it's so hot. That itself makes me wet and needy for him.

I brace my hands on his thighs as I slurp at his dick feeling his hands in my hair moving it from my face and I bring my head back up looking at him as his dick pops from my mouth and he bites and licks his lips lustfully.

"Good morning handsome" I say and smile up at him before I slowly rub along his smooth balls and up his dick wrapping my hand around it.

"Epic morning beautiful" he says grinning and I smile and put his dick back in my mouth.

I push myself more to take the whole thing and listen to the noises that escape him. Because of me and what I'm doing.

I bob my head slowly up and down building him up as he begins to throb on my tongue telling me he's close and I can't fucking wait.

I slurp a little faster swirling my tongue bar up and down and he suddenly roars out as I get a shot of cum to the back of my throat. I swallow it down and continue to suck and swallow at the same time. It's hard work. But I love doing it to him.

I run my hands up his thighs as I pull back slowly popping it back out.

"Damn baby girl" he says putting his arm over his face and I crawl up to him straddling him and moving his arm. He looks at me flustered and smiling. God, he's fucking perfect.

"I couldn't help myself. It clearly wanted some attention handsome" I tell him and he smirks and pulls me down kissing me. I feel his hardness spread my pussy open and I rock against him feeling my clit needy to cum.

He rocks my hips along his dick and I moan into his mouth as I get myself off using him.

"Fuck, faster Kane" I moan as I drop my head onto his chest, he rocks me more and I roll my hips. It's right there. But fuck.. I need more.. Damn it!

He suddenly rolls me onto my back and rubs his dick fast and hard against my clit as he spreads it open spitting down keeping it wet and I grip the sheets.

"Yess! Keep going.. Right there!" I cry out feeling my orgasm ready to explode out of me and he suddenly slaps his dick on my clit and it sends me over.

"Fuckkk!" I cry out arching my back off the bed as he continues to rub fast again whilst I'm a shaking mess and pushing him back. Fuck! That was amazing.

He continues to rub slowly and my body spasms overly sensitive.

"It's too sensitive, I need a minute" I say still feeling shakey and he slides his fingers through my wetness and licks it off humming as he looks down at me.

"Well, this was one way to wake me up beautiful" he says coming to hover over me and I smile and pull him down kissing him.

"You're welcome handsome" I say and he kisses me and rolls me on top of him again.

"Do you have plans today angel?" He asks me running his hands up and down my hips and I shake my head.

"Not really, I'll probably see the girls and study" I tell him and he hums.

"Are you coming back tonight?" He asks and I smile at him.

"Do you want me to come back?" I ask him instead and he nods.

"Definitely. It's the weekend after all beautiful. I'll pick you up when I've finished at my parent's house" he says and I smile. I'm so happy he didn't grow up the way I did. Unwanted and unloved.

"Okay, just lemme know when you're on your way" I tell him hoping Olivia has got a grip of herself by the time I get back and she's stopped hounding the poor guy. I'm hoping Lisa got through to her.

"How about you stay here Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesday nights so you don't fuck up your housing at uni. Because I need you to be here too" he says and I smile happy with that.

"Okay, I suppose I can do that for my boyfriend" I tease and he chuckles and squeezes my thighs. I rub over his hand and he smiles.

"It's better beautiful, I'll be doing what I do best in no time. I don't need it anyways.. as you know" he says and smirks at me and I hum smiling. I won't lie it makes me nervous about his fighting and I'm nervous to see him do it. But I have to. Maybe I should watch him train first. Build it up I guess.

"I wanna see you train. Yep.. That's what I want" I just say it and he smiles.

"I'll bring you along angel, whatever you want" he says and I smile leaning over and kissing him again.

"Great, now handsome. Do you shower or eat first?" I ask him and he rolls on top of me and kisses along my neck.

"Shower beautiful, will your sexy ass be joining me?" He asks as he grabs at it and I hum as I wrap my legs around his waist and he pulls me with him off the bed.

Showering with him is definitely at the top of the list of the best things to do. I get to run my hands over his hot, wet, naked body. God, I love it.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" I ask him as I stand at the fridge looking inside and I feel his hands run up his t-shirt I'm wearing and he hugs me to him as I melt into his arms. He makes me feel safe. Protected. Since the moment I received his help, to be honest.

"You" he says in my ear low and deep and it sends goosebumps over my skin and I clench my thighs. Shit, he has some crazy effect on my body.

"Food first" I practically whimper as he kisses my neck again and he hums pulling out the eggs and handing them to me then some vegetables as he lets go of me and starts taking everything else out. I watch him, looking where everything is and taking mental notes and he grabs a huge tub of protein powder and a shaker.

I stop ogling him and start cutting up onions and peppers.

"How many eggs do you have?" I ask looking over my shoulder.

"Six eggs for me beautiful" he says and I nod and start cracking and whisking them, he slides over the seasonings and watches me tap it in and stops me when it's enough.

I heat and spray a little olive oil, mix the vegetables in with the egg and pour it into the pan.

I feel his arm wrap around me and kisses to my temple and I smile up at him. He continues to drink his shake and I stir a little and wait for the egg to do its thing before flipping it.

"I appreciate you making me breakfast angel" he says as I look back up at him.

"Blow job, breakfast. You're seriously winning here Kane" I tease and he chuckles and kisses me before I turn back to the cooker.

"An amazing way to start the day beautiful" he says and I grin as I pick up the plate next to me and slide out the delicious-looking omelette.

I place his breakfast down as he takes a seat and points to the eggs he fixed for me and I smile.

"Thanks handsome" I tell him with a kiss and walk back over to the cooker.

I see the same ingredients as his and pour them into the pan.

I quickly make it the same staring and flipping until it's cooked and slide it onto the plate. I turn the cooker off and take my food to the table. Kane pulls out the chair next to him so I sit there and look at his food then back at him.

"I was waiting for you angel, let's see what you're made of" he says and winks at me and forks into the omelette.

I watch his reaction as he hums and leans back in his seat.

"If this is what I have to look forward to, you can move in today" he says and I laugh as I dig into my own. It's so good. Well done me.

"I've learned a lot during my time at uni. Takeaways are expensive daily" I say and he hums as he stuffs his mouth.

"I gotta eat right anyways beautiful. But you eat what you want" he tells me and I smile at him thinking maybe I could get on this with him. Could I do that for him?

"Okay babes, I'll try clean eating too but your summoning.. What time do you have to be there?" I ask as I fork more into my mouth and he looks at his watch.

"5pm. I won't be there too long because they do my head in after a while" he says with a chuckle and I shake my head.

"Okay, so breakfast and going home?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"It's only 10am. Do you want to go after?" He asks and I pout. I never wanna bloody go. That's the problem.

"No, but--" I start but he kisses me shushing me and smiles. He does that a lot.

"Are you not training before you go though?" I ask instead and he nods.

"At 3pm and I'll go straight to my parents. So you don't need to go yet angel. I know what I'm doing unless you want to obviously" he says and I nod accepting that. He has to keep on his game as well and I need to make sure of it.

"Okay then, so you're dropping me off on the way I take it. Gives me a couple of hours to get some studying in" I say and he nods as he finishes eating.

"Yes beautiful, exactly. Have you finished?" He asks nodding towards my plate and I nod.

"Yeah, that was so much I dunno how you just ate all that" I say and he chuckles standing up and taking the plates.

"That's nothing angel. You'll soon see" he says as I stand and pick up the apple juice he's poured and drink it down.

I look him over in his shorts being all domesticated and it's quite hot watching him fill the dishwasher. Weirdly..

"When you've finished eye fucking me angel" he says with his hand out for my glass and I feel my cheeks heat up and I bite my lip as he looks at me now smirking. Yeah, my bad.

"I can't help that I find you ridiculously hot Kane" I say crossing my arms and he chuckles pulling me into his and kissing me as I feel his hands roam my body. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back. I love kissing him. His lips are something else entirely.

"You have no idea how much self-control it takes to be around you Cleo, you're majorly addictive" he tells me in my ear and I bite my lip as I rub down his face and kiss him again. He smiles down at me and I take his hand leading him out of the kitchen and into the living room. I sit on the sofa as Kane grabs his box and starts billing up.

"You said you only smoke on the weekend right angel?" He says and I nod.

"Yeah, it helps me take in so much more information around me. I just have to keep it on the down low" I tell him and he smirks at me.

"So you're not totally a good girl beautiful" he says and I chuckle. Well..

"I've always smoked weed, shit life and all.. but other than that I am an angel" I tell him and he hums.

"But angels don't suck dick like you" he says as he begins to roll up and I bite my lip thinking about it as I clench my thighs. I just want him to fuck me and I'll get used to it, right? It's not like he's gonna rip me a new one for god sake..

"But you enjoy it. Right?" I ask unsure now. I swear he fucking loves it.

"More than anything. I just wasn't expecting you to be able to do what you did" he says and I hum and shrug casually. What do I even say? I watch fucking porn..

"But.. I do have questions angel. If it was your first time. How?.." he stops when I look away.

"Angel.. Tell me, don't be embarrassed" he says and pulls my chin back to him and I bite my lip. Just him Cleo..

"Erm.. Well.. I.. Erm.." I stutter not being able to find the words. He passes me the sparked spliff and I take a couple of drags. Long ones.

"I watch porn" I just say it with a shrug and he pauses but begins to lick his lips.

"Okay, I'm totally listening beautiful, tell me more" he says looking me over lustfully and I smirk at him.

"Well I told you it's been years, I had to do something" I say and he continues to lick his lips.

"And I get to benefit from all that porn. I approve" he says and I chuckle shaking my head and covering my face. I can't believe I told him. I don't tell anyone. That's between me and my browsing history.

"It's basically research. Don't judge me" I say and he pulls me to him.

"No judging angel, the thought of you watching porn and playing with your cookie is so hot" he says taking my hand and resting in on his dick and he's so god damn hard. I grab it, squeezing and smirking.

"I'm sure Joshua will help me out when I get back" I tease and he raises his brow. That got you.

"Joshua?" He asks and I nod slowly biting my lip.

"He's been there through it all. Exams, studying, drama.. he's never let me down" I say as I squeeze again and he hums unsure.

"My go-to porn Kane. But he's got nothing on you" I tell him climbing onto him and he smirks breathing out heavily. Bless him.

"I should hope not because you're mine now" he says wrapping his arms around me possessively as I hold his face kissing him. Who needs Joshua..

"I like the sound of that Kane" I tell him fluttering my lashes and he smiles kissing me.

I hold the spliff to him as we break apart and he puckers his lips for me to do it for him. I put it to his lips and he smokes as I hold it smiling at him.

I pull it back and he presses his lips to mine blowing the smoke into my mouth as he kisses me affectionately.

I pull back blowing out the smoke and melt into him.

Nothing feels better than this. Just being with him like this and it's beyond amazing. Every day just gets better. I've never experienced this type of happiness.. any, if I'm honest with myself.

"When I pick you up later. Do you wanna do something?" He asks and I shrug not minding passing him the spliff.

"You wanna go out?" I ask and he nods and takes a drag.

"Yeah, I wanna show off my angel, walking around holding your hand and letting everyone know you're mine" he says and I nod feeling excited.

"Okay, so a little fun outdoors" I say running my hand down his body and I feel his dick throb under me.

"All in good time beautiful" he says and smirks grabbing my hips and I smile biting my lip. Bad Cleo. Start inside and work your way out..

"We could go bowling?" I suggest bringing the conversation back before we both end up cumming.. Again.

"Why not, it's been a while angel" he says and I clap excitedly and he chuckles passing me the spliff.

"So I'll pick you up at 7:30pm bring some things for tomorrow as well angel" he says and I nod smoking as I run my hand through my hair and I feel his roaming my body.

"I'll be ready babes" I tell him and he nods pulling out his ringing phone and declining a call but I don't see who from.

"You're not answering?" I ask him and he sighs.

"No, I try not to ninety-nine per cent of the time anyway, but she pisses me off. I need another new number" he says and he must be talking about his ex.

"How often does she call you?" I ask him as his phone buzzes again. Is that her again?

"You sure you really wanna know beautiful?" he asks and sighs rubbing a hand down his face.

"Just tell me Kane. It can't be that bad surely" I say and he laughs.

"I had 36 missed calls and 24 texts from her last night. Just while I was busy with you. I told you, she's crazy" he says and I just gape at him. What the fuck? I think she's definitely crazy. Wow.

"That's a lot Kane. Wow" I say and he rubs his face again.

"I know angel. I thought ignoring her would just make her go away. It's been a fucking year but she's still just there constantly" he says irritated and I stroke down his cheek and kiss him.

"It doesn't matter what she does because I'm here and I'm going nowhere Kane" I tell him seriously and he slams his lips onto mine a little more aggressively as he's gripping my hips tighter and I moan into his mouth as he pulls me closer deepening the kiss and I just melt against him. This bitch better back the fuck off because I ain't losing him.. She had her chance and she obviously blew it because damn he's perfect.

He pulls back biting my lip and my breathing is a lot heavier as I try to slow my racing heart.

"Don't let her get between us because that's what she wants angel. I don't want her. I promise you that. It's just you" he says resting his head against mine and I nod putting my trust in him. That's all I can do.

"I'm believing and trusting in you Kane. That's what I need to do. Don't make me regret it please" I tell him and he smiles and nods.

"I'm not gonna start our relationship on lies angel. I need you to trust and believe in us. That's all I want" he tells me and I smile and kiss him.

"Okay good. Now as much as I don't want to leave times getting on" I tell him looking at his clock and he nods.

"Yeah we should probably start getting dressed angel" he says running his hands up my t-shirt and pulling on my nipples making me moan and I push them into his hands. Why would he do this when I'm leaving?

"Kaneee" I whine through a moan and he chuckles as he runs his hands back down and grabs my ass.

"Let's go before we don't" he says smirking and I push him back and climb off him running out of the room and laughing as he begins to chase me.