

No long writing

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Baby, Baby

Cleo's Pov

"Bye handsome" I say before kissing him one last time and walking through my building. It's day four and I feel addicted to him.. I miss him already. Get a grip Cleo. I tell myself as I pull my key from my bag and unlock my door. Walking in, I sigh as I close and lock it behind me and drop my bag on my bed and start stripping out my clothes as I walk into the bathroom.

I switch on the depressing shower and step in letting the hot water wash over my hair and down my face as I run my hands through it.

I start the washing process and all I can think is I have a fucking boyfriend. I let out a squeal and do a little happy dance as I wash my hair. He's so hot and genuinely a nice guy. He listens and observes everything. He makes me feel safe and protected being with him. Being a fighter helps but just him as a person. He's amazing. Gosh!

I rinse out and start conditioning quickly.

I think about his ex and what he said. I need to trust him and he's done nothing to not be trusted. He told me straight up about his ex and I accepted it from the beginning so I can't bitch out now. But all of them missed calls and texts though. Wow. He definitely needs a new number.

I rinse my hair and start to wash my body quickly before shaving everywhere that needed doing and washing again thoroughly. I feel soft, smooth and smell of honey.

I rinse off and turn off the shower stepping out, I grab a towel and wrap it around my hair before grabbing another and drying my body.

I walk out of the tiny bathroom grabbing my moisturiser and back into the room. Sitting on my bed, I moisturise my face then my whole body smelling even more honeyed and melt onto my bed.

After getting dressed in black skinny jeans with a red casual t-shirt for now, I quickly packed a bag for staying out again and sat on my bed surrounded by my books and my laptop open as I made notes of the important facts and my phone buzzes.

Lisa: Where are you? X

Cleo: At home, come over X

Lisa: We're nearly there X

So she's with Olivia. Please god, don't go on about your fucking ex.

I drop my phone and continue reading and typing away.

My door starts knocking and I can hear the girls on the other side of it. I shut my books and climb off my bed and unlock the door opening it to them.

"Hi babe" Lisa says and hugs me before walking in.

"Hey" Olivia says not happy and I know where this is going. After what Kane said about his ex she needs to chill out as well.

"Come on Liv, just move on already shit!" Lisa says to her and she shakes her head.

"Why would I do that when I can make his life difficult? He won't be able to move on because I will be there constantly. He will come back" she says and I bite my tongue. Just chill Cleo.

"That's sad Liv. Even for you" Lisa says and she shrugs.

"Don't you wanna be happy again?" I ask her and she nods.

"And we will be when we get back together. It's only a matter of time" she says shrugging and she has this crazy look in her eye. What the fuck?

"Do you know how ridiculous you sound Olivia?" I just say it and she crosses her arms at me.

"It's not ridiculous. All the hoes in the world ain't gonna give him what I do. He'll be back" she says and I laugh.

"You're fucking delusional. When you ring him.. Does he answer? Does he text you back? Do you still see him?" I ask her and she stutters not knowing what to say.

"No but--" she says and I look to Lisa like what the actual fuck and she shrugs.

"In how long now?" Lisa asks her and she sighs.

"Too long but.." she stops and sighs again.

"He loves me still, I know it" she says and I shake my head as I hit my palm off it. Seriously Olivia.

"Do you love him?" I ask her and she sighs.

"No, but that's not the point. He ruined my life" she says and I drop onto my bed next to Lisa. God help me.. Her.. Something.

"So you're trying to ruin his life for what.. Fun? Are you a fucking child Olivia?" I ask and she shrugs.

"He deserves everything he's gonna get" she says and I sigh falling back. I hope Kane's ex isn't like Olivia. Fucking hell.

"Okay, can we stop talking about him now? You're obsessed Liv" Lisa says and I nod agreeing as I sit back up. Well, I was gonna tell them I have a boyfriend but she fucking dampens the mood.

"How was your date babe?" Lisa asks me as Olivia sits on her phone probably hounding the poor ex-boyfriend. I feel sorry for him.

"Amazing babe. He's totally different to anyone I've met" I tell her excitedly and she grins and hugs me.

"I'm so happy for you babe. You deserve some fun" she says and I smirk at her.

"I know he's the only guy that's actually got me out of my bloody books" I say laughing and she claps happily.

"He better treat you right as well babe" she says and I nod eagerly making her laugh.

"He's amazing, I feel like a fucking princess. It's always about me" I tell her and she smiles bouncing and making me laugh.

"Good but it works both ways as well" she says and I nod smiling.

"I know one hundred on both sides babe" I say and she nods.

"Exactly. When are you seeing him again?" She asks and I bite my lip looking at my phone.

"Soon actually. I'm bloody addicted" I say laughing and she wriggles her brows at me and I cover my face laughing as I drop back again.

"Have you had the goods?" She whispers and I just smile. Well, I've tasted the goods and I'm hooked so imagine the sex. Fucking hell.

"You naughty, naughty girl" she says and I smirk at her.

"Are we gonna do something because he's pissing me off?" Olivia suddenly says and I sigh.

"Why now?" Lisa asks and that's just encouraging her.

"He won't fucking answer me!" She says pissed and I roll my eyes. I wouldn't either.

"Then stop, it's not hard Olivia. Leave him alone" I tell her and she hums.

"No, he's cracking. I know it" she says and I sigh putting my head in my hands wishing time to hurry up so I can be with Kane.

"Well, I have plans so it's just you two" I say and Lisa smirks at me.

"You're always off out now. You've normally got your head in a book" Olivia says pulling a disgusted face and I roll my eyes.

"Somethings are worth my time" I say back pissy and she rolls her eyes again.

"Will you leave her? Don't take your obsession out on Cleo" Lisa says and Olivia stands up.

"Well, I'm leaving. I need to find him" she says and I shake my head. Seriously?

"No, we're going to mine. Fuck sake" Lisa says and Olivia puts her hands on her hips.

"But I--" she starts but Lisa holds up her hand.

"No Liv. Leave.Him.Alone!" She tells her again standing up and looking back at me. She hugs me and smiles.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe" she says and I nod at her.

"I'll text you when I'm back" I tell her and she nods.

"Make sure and we'll crack down for the exam" she says and I thumbs up at her.

"Okay, see you later Olivia" I say and she hums and walks out of my room. I have no idea why we're so-called friends. I just don't feel like we are. She does some questionable things. I'm not down like that.

I open my books back up,grab my laptop and begin to read getting stuck back in.

I stare at my screen hard as I type fast on the keyboard when my phone pulls me out of my bubble. I see Kane flash on the screen and I instantly smile wide and then look at the time. Shit!

"Hey, I'm coming now. I totally got lost in my studying" I say as I answer the phone and save my work before shutting everything down.

"It's okay angel, I've just got here myself. Take your time beautiful" he says making me smile.

"I'll be right out babes, bye" I tell him hanging up and slipping my feet into dolly shoes. I pull the casual t-shirt off grab the white open-back top and take the tags off quickly before pulling it on and looking myself over. Smiling, I fluff my hair and turn grabbing the bag I packed with my purse and keys and making my way out. Locking up, I literally run out of the building to see him standing by his BMW watching me. He's so cute and he looks beyond hot. As always.

I run over to him and drop my bag as he picks me up wrapping his arms around me and kissing me as he holds me close.

"Hello angel" he says and I smile at him kissing him again.

"Hi" I say happy to see him and it's only been a couple of hours. But shit I missed him.

"How was dinner handsome?" I ask smiling as I run my hand down his cheek and he kisses me again.

"It was good. I told them I have a girlfriend" he says and I look at him surprised and he smirks at me putting me down and opening the car door while I'm wondering what they said. I climb in and he closes the door. Okay, so this is happening. He told his parents. Oh my god!

He climbs in and I can't help smiling at him.

"Soo.. what did they say?" I ask him as he starts the car chuckling and pulls off.

"They want to meet you angel" he just says and I swallow. What if they don't like me? They're rich and I'm well.. not. Fuck.

"Angel don't overthink anything. It doesn't need to happen until you're ready" he says rubbing my thigh and I nod slowly.

"Was your ex like you? Did she have money too?" I ask as I stare out the window not knowing how I feel. Why am I overthinking this?

"Yes, but that doesn't mean anything to me angel. I don't care" he says bluntly and I nod again taking in his words. He doesn't care Cleo..

"Did she call you tonight?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Yes, and I didn't answer.. like normal.. What's wrong angel?" He asks with a squeeze on my thigh and I sigh.

"Olivia's just been pissing me off" I say and he removes his hand with a deep intake of breath and I look at him and his face pales.

"You better start talking Kane" I tell him seriously looking at him and he sighs.

"My ex's name is Olivia angel" he says and I go wide-eyed and freeze. What?

"Wait.. No! No.. No Kane!" I say lowering my voice with each word. This can't be happening..

"Is her name Olivia Giles?" he asks and looks at me as I nod my head and drop it into my hands. Whyyyy?

"This changes nothing angel. She is my past and that's exactly where she will stay. I want nothing to do with her" he says putting his hand back on my leg and then suddenly turning the car around.

"Change of plan beautiful, spark this" he says passing me a spliff and I have no idea what's happening.

"Where are we going Kane?" I ask him not feeling in the mood now. How the hell is it Olivia. What the hell do I do now?

"Where we went the first night. We should talk angel" he says as I take long drags of the spliff before I pass it back to him but he shakes his head.

"Smoke it beautiful" he says glancing at me and grabbing one from his dash.

I just stare out the window as I lean my head against it continuing to smoke, repeatedly wondering how the hell this is happening. I don't even know what he's going to tell me. Does he not want to do this now because I know her? Shit. Shit. Shit.

My thoughts just spiral as I sit in silence feeling Kane look at me now and then as he drives quietly.

He drives for what feels like forever but he finally comes to a stop switching the engine off and I put the spliff out and just sit quietly.

"Tell me what you wanna know angel" he says taking off his seatbelt and turning in his seat, he takes my hand and I sigh. What do I even ask him? There's so much.

"I don't even know Kane she's said so much about you" I say and he sighs and looks out the window before looking back to me.

"Tell me what she said then, I know she's chatting shit!" He says and I look at him not seeing what she described. I know I haven't known him for long but what she said I don't get that from him. Period.

"That you lie, manipulated, cheated, and you you was also abusive to her verbally as well as physically. She told me that you pushed her down the stairs" I say looking at him and he clenches his jaw and says something under his breath I didn't catch.

"Okay, and is that what you think? Do you believe her?" He asks and I shake my head and run my hand through my hair. She said she doesn't love him. That she wants to ruin his life. That he won't move on. They were the words she used. I sit there going around in circles getting more lost in thought.

He doesn't come across like anything she said. So I don't get it. If anything he's the complete opposite of what she's been saying and she's bitter because she lost him.

The longer I sit there not talking the more I feel him pull away. He lets go of my hand and I grab it back.

"I don't believe her Kane" I tell him because I don't. If he was so fucking terrible why would she want him back? It doesn't make sense.

"So when you look at me you don't see all the shit she's told you?" He asks and I feel my cheeks lift as I smile at him. I see perfection Kane. I take off my seatbelt and he watches me unsure but as I start moving towards him he sits back and opens his arms for me as I climb into his lap.

I rub down his face and kiss his lips then smile at him as he holds me still a little unsure bless him.

"I don't see any of them things Kane. I see a strong, successful, overly delicious man with a huge heart. I don't care what she says. I don't believe her" I tell him looking into his eyes and he smiles slow and sexy and kisses me affectionately as he wraps his arms around me possessively and I hold his face kissing him back with the same need. I've had a taste of Kane. No way is Olivia ruining this. No way is her words believable. We slowly pull apart chest heaving and I smile at him.

"So you still want this? Us. Even though you know how crazy this is about to get?" I ask him feeling my heart racing as I wait for him to reply. He looks at me and smiles as he looks into my eyes and grabs the sides of my face and kisses me and I melt into him.

"Nothing feels better than this angel. Being with you. I don't care about her or what she has to say. I want you" he tells me and I nod smiling and running my hand down him. He's mine now and she better fucking stay away from him.

"She thinks you're cracking into her obsession.. She said she wants to ruin your life Kane because you destroyed hers apparently" I tell him and he shakes his head.

"She ain't ruining anything. As long as you continue to trust and believe in me she won't win angel" he says and I nod and smile at him.

"I do Kane, I know her side and what you apparently did. But you're not telling me yours. Why did you even break up?" I ask him and he drops his head back sighing.

"You really want to know angel?" he asks not looking at me and it can't be that bad right? Yeah, she's obsessed now but before? What the fuck happened?

"Tell me please Kane because all I know is what she's said. I need you to tell me" I say pulling him back to me and he lifts back up and looks at me.

"She got pregnant and I was over the moon. That's all I'd ever wanted" he says and I can see the pain in his eyes. Something obviously happened. Shit.

"She lost the baby?" I ask him feeling sadness and my eyes start to tear up. He lost his baby. Oh my god.

"Angel no.. Let me finish.. She manipulated and lied about everything. She made the whole thing up" he says and I stare at him blankly, my mind spinning thinking What? How the hell could she do that? Who fucking does that?

"She tried to trap me. But before I knew this, I proposed to her anyway, thinking we were going to spend our life together as this new family" he says and looks away. I know he's feeling all the old emotions come back. I run my hand down his cheek and he looks back at me. I'm so fucking angry for him. How the fuck could she do that. Wait until I see her. She's gonna know that I know. EVERYTHING!

"She told everyone I hurt her and that's how she lost the baby. I apparently pushed her down the fucking stairs and that brought on the miscarriage. But then we went to the hospital and they said she was never pregnant to have a miscarriage" He says sighing and I wrap my arms around his neck holding him close as he holds me tighter to him.

"I'm so sorry Kane" I tell him lifting his face back up to me and I see a tear fall and I wipe it away and softly kiss him and he hugs me again.

He pulls back and looks at me with glossy eyes. I can't believe she did this. To him or in fucking general to any man. I'm done with her. She's seriously got something wrong. She needs help.

"That day, I ended it all. The engagement, the relationship, she denied everything and still tries to blame me for the baby. Now, do you see angel" he says and sighs heavily and I nod hugging him to me again.

"It's gonna be okay baby. You've got me now and we'll put a stop to this crazy bitch together" I tell him and he suddenly grins and kisses me. Well, baby slipped out.. that happened..

"I needed to hear that beautiful. Showing me that you're in this with me angel. We can do this together" he says looking into my eyes and I smile and kiss him affectionately.

"I told you, I'm here for you too. I am your peace Kane" I tell him and he smiles and grabs my face kissing me passionately.

We can work through this. We want this and that's all that matters. Fuck Olivia.