

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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28 Chs


This request took Emma by surprise and she couldn't help but fidget with the hem of her skirt as she looked at her cold boss who showed no emotion on his face and the lady in front of her was waiting anxiously for her answer with a very broad smile plastered on her face. Her emotions went through a huge turmoil and she was now caught up between the two it would be impolite for her to just ignore the women in front of her and also it would be disrespectful if she did not consult her boss.

"Ma'am can I first talk this out with Mr. Allan then I'll get back to you ", she politely replied but she was nervous about how she would bring the topic in front of her boss who since the discussion was brought up was now covered in a very thick iceberg.

"well take your time my dear. I know you need to consider the workload that we will be imposing on you so I will respect your decision", she said politely as she gave her a reassuring smile and caressed the back of her hands as she spoke.

Bertha left the room and went back to her office to deal with the woman who had been brought to her office by the Director earlier meanwhile inside the room, she had just left the temperature had dropped to such an extent that water in the dispenser might freeze. All one could hear was the flipping of pages even the sound of people arguing 3 blocks away from the building where becoming audible.

Alexander looked at the woman who was sitting seriously in front of him with a troubled facial expression evident on her face. This gave him enough satisfaction for the day and he chose to add some spices to her already full mood.

"I hope you will remember the reason why you are here Miss Stone you are not here as a model you hear me. So I hope you forget about what Bertha was saying just now okay", he said arrogantly looking straight into her eyes when he saw the changes in her facial features as well as the tears fighting their way to flow out of her eyes this made him satisfied but what always troubled him was that his heart always seemed to break every time he did so.

"yes, sir I remember very clearly my position here. However I just did not want to disappoint her right now, so here is what I will do am going tell her that I can't help her out", she said with expressions from earlier hidden perfectly which troubled the arrogant in front of her.

So Alex seeing the turn of things was not satisfied so he wanted to make her show her weakness today. He was quiet as she was narrating her side of the story whilst planning for another way to get on her nerves.

"Are you oblivious or something what I mean is you don't carry that temperament around you which makes you seem a lady and your pig face will damage the reputation of my brand", he said provocatively trying to piss her off.

However, this move was like punching cotton ashes smiled at him, and asked a different question seemingly unbothered by what the ruthless man had just said.

"what will you be having for lunch sir and I'll get it for you", she asked in a formal cold tone.

"It lunch lunchtime already anyway you can wrap up the work and leave early today I won't be around for long today I have a meeting to attend to. You can go ahead and enjoy yourself", he said whilst avoiding eye contact with her.

"thank you sir your father called earlier he requested your presence at the old mansion today for dinner he said you have to bring Miss Blossom with you as well", she said politely as she looked over the files on her desk so that she could finish early today since her boss had given her a golden opportunity to leave work early.

"okay", he said nonchalantly as he stood up and walked out of the office.

Emma worked hard for about an hour and took off from work she was happy at least she would have enough time to treat her friends to a meal since ever since her employment she was busy with her childish boss who was always trying to get on her nerves. Sometimes she wondered what made him so cold since the pictures displayed in their office portrayed a different person from the one she had to face every day in the office.

She took the elevator in high spirits as she was getting ready to leave the office when karma made her meet Miss Blossom who was looking at her with a very disdainful smile on her face.

"well well well what do we have hear the stinking lady, now since we are alone there are a few things I need to make clear between us got it", she said pointing at her with the keys to her limited edition Ferrari.

"I did not expect to meet you again harlot how have you been I see you are still mannered as always", she said whilst looking straight at her phone.

"What did you say do you know who I am? Am the fiancée of your boss do you know one word from me you will get fired ", she said trying to prove her superiority over her.

"well if this company is run over personal objections and in favor of sluts like you I have to plead for you to get me fired at least I'll be saved from such a boring and uncivilized company in the district', she said still not even looking in her direction.

"well I see you have grown wings let me teach you a lesson", she said rushing towards her with rage evident in her eyes.

As she raised her hand ready to hit Emma she blocked the attack and looked at her with hungry eyes.

"Miss Blossom I would appreciate it if you remain in your lane or else things will get ugly I don't wish to pop your ballons inserted in your body knowing how fragile they are", she said with a provoking tone in her speech.

This time Lucy was raging with anger and she took off her high heels and threw them at Emma who effortlessly dogged them. She rushed to her side and started attacking her whilst all her attacks were fruitless.

"Maam please don't say I did not warn you", she said as she stopped the elevator and turned around to civilize this wildseed.

Just as she turned she gave her a huge blow in the stomach and she coughed blood on the spot. She did not stop there she was now also enraged and wanted to take all her frustrations on her, she took hold of her opponent's hair and started to hit her mercilessly on the side of her cheeks until they had swollen.

"next time I don't think I'll be this nice to you, now be a good girl and never cross my path ever again if you think am a pushover then my darling you are mistaken am your worst nightmare", she said as she pressed the elevator to continue decending as hse fixed herself and retained her self composure as if she was not the one who had just beaten the women recently.

When the elevator doors opened everyone was surprised with what they saw. Some looked at the two but Emma walked gracefully out and looked back at Lucy with a smile walked outside the office and took a cab back to her apartment. Whilst inside the cab she called the IT department and requested the file footage of the CEO's elevator, she wanted to have evidence that what she did was only self-defense and it was right if she faced any obstacles tomorrow.

Lucy was so humiliated that she went straight home and went to her father who was busy in his studies handling some of their business. Looking at his daughter's appearance he was heartbroken and veins popped down his face as he was determined to teach whoever did that to his daughter.

"Lucy dear what happened to you? Are these palm prints on your face …..and blood on your clothes, do tell me who has the audacity….. to do such a thing to the Blossom's princess are …..they afraid to live ", he said with anger overclouding his vocal as he stammered in his speech.

"Father please help me today I went to see my fiancée at his workplace, I even was promised a job there but one of his secretaries when he left the office pulled into the elevator and attacked me. She even spat her saliva on me in front of people am now ashamed to even look Alexander in the eyes, Daddy please help me", she said tears that she had been faking all along started to become real as she recalled the humiliation she had witnessed due to that girl.

"she did what now let me call Old Allan is this how his future daughter-in-law is supposed to be treated I will not stand ceremony to such behavior ", he said angrily.

After the talk with his daughter, he called the Allan old mansion as he requested an explanation from them or he would take legal action against them.

"Old Allan we have been friends for almost all our lives can you please give me a proper explanation of your employee's behavior towards my daughter or else I'll press charges against you and the company and am serious.", he said angrily.

"Can you please calm down first and tell me what happened you can't expect an explanation on things am not aware of', he said.

Mr Blossom then explained what his daughter had told him without leaving any detail behind and after hearing this Mr Allan was infuriated.

"am sorry that she experienced such I'll talk to Alex and we will give you a proper explanation for that employee she will be fired afterwards. On that note am truly sorry once more, anyway I guess I'll have to reschedule the dinner I had planned to have for my daughter-in-law ', he said calmly but on the surface, he had thrown away the headset which was in front of him.

"you better do as you promised, " he said as he hung up the phone and went to his daughter's room to console her.

Meanwhile, the old man was infuriated that he nearly had a stroke due to high blood pressure. When the servants looked at his pale face they had no option than to tell the young master about his father. After the meeting was over Alex received a call from his father's assistant and he firstly frowned before answering the call.

"what is it, you better make sure is something important, or else I will not let you off that easily", he said with disgust evident in his tone.

"YOUNG MASTER am sorry to tell you this and disrupt your plans for the day but can you please hurry to the old mansion your father is not feeling too well', he said.

"tell me what is wrong with my father, am on my way ", he said.

"We don't know the specifics but am told it has something to do with your secretary sir", he said as Alex after hearing the secretary hung up the phone 

That crazy bitch if something happens to my father she will pay with her dear life.