

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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At the old mansion, Alex was not himself at all as he was consumed with rage at what he had just heard on the phone about Emma being responsible for his father's illness. When he arrived all his subordinates sensed his temper and they did not dare to approach him for fear of him retaliating all his wrath to them. The best they could do was to bow to him and keep looking down as they knew any silly mistake would make him extremely angry at them.

Federick his father's assistant was the one who dared to approach him, which he did.

"welcome home young master", he said bowing his head in courtesy.

"drop the pretense, where is my father", he said with a tone of annoyance evident in his voice.

"I just put the old master to bed sire and I hope you can come back to him when he is awake to discuss this issue at this moment you might hurt each other. You know very well how your father's temper may be", this was his mother who answered when she came to welcome him.

'Mother how are you doing am sorry for all the trouble how is father", he said whilst hugging his dear mother.

"let's talk inside for now he was just angry at you but I think your secretary is not at fault at all rather it might be all a misunderstanding", she said trying to ease the tension that was evident in his eyes when the word secretary was mentioned.

"Mother you don't know who she is but I don't understand one thing how can she be the cause of his high blood pressure", he asked.

"well let us talk inside please", she invited her son inside.

They both enter the house and Mrs Allan goes into the kitchen and first wash some fruits for her son. She loved to spoil him more at any given moment she had because he was her only child.

"Well, Mother you did not have to do all of this you could have just asked the servants to prepare the fruits for me. I don't want you to tire yourself too much", he stated his worries.

"you idiot is it bad for me to do it for my son, now am angry with you", she said jokingly.

"Mom is sorry," I said jokingly. mom, can you tell me now what happened with my father and my secretary that he had to get this agitated today? I asked her nicely if what I knew how to get my mother talking was basically through acting spoilt and cute towards her.

Well, I overheard your father on the phone with Mr Blossom who demanded an explanation from your father with the excuse that his daughter was beaten up by your secretary today at your workplace, she said looking at me with questioning eyes.

How did it happen and when? I remember that yes she was at my workplace and she is such a problematic person and if she went to throw airs toward Emma hell would break loose for her. I said it with a smile subconsciously spreading on my face.

Alex what has happened to you and who is this Emma who is making you smile like a fool my son tells me, she questioned.

Mom is my secretary and even though I had an encounter before I believe that she does not fight anyone if that person does not initiate the fight themselves and am smiling because Lucy today has met her size today so I guess she deserves it she is too proud and likes to push everyone around like they are her slaves.

But you two are going to get married don't say such words, my son.

Mom, not you what have you done with my mother Mrs Allan, you don't sound anything like her.

Boy, I know this is all a pretense but what if you fall in love with her in the future what will you say if she hears the words you have just said, I just want you to do what you will not regret later you might take good care of her since she is the only woman around you after that siren left your life.

Mom please spare me the details I don't believe in love anymore what I can do for now is to protect the little heart left I don't want to experience that encounter ever again.

I know Alex anyway are you going to stay for dinner?

I think I need to go back to work and finish some of the work I left unfinished when I was called earlier I'll get going then if Father wakes up tell him I'll give Mr Blossom his explanations and deal with his matter, I will stay for dinner some other time.

My mother walked me back to my car and gave me a hug 

Take care my son and am serious other ladies from my dance class are already talking about their grandchildren, some are even coming with their daughter-in-law laws please settle down sooner than later you are not getting any younger.

I will Mom I have to get going now.

Also don't over-exhaust yourself my child take your meals seriously, please.

I will your highness, bye.

After talking to my mother I was now calm but I wanted to deal with that lady called Emma and the best way to do so was to go and intimidate her more I always loved her cute reactions every time I bossed her around but who am I fooling did I just call that ugly person cute. I think my brain is now malfunctioning.

I arrived at the office and I went straight into my office then started with my work peacefully as there was no noise since most of the workers had left for their homes. As I was about to leave my office I saw the empty table in front of me and thus when I was reminded of the hatred I had for its occupier.

I swiftly took out my key card for the apartment next to hers since it was my building and I was determined to visit the notorious secretary of mine. When I drove to the apartment I looked at the pedestrian pavements and I saw a shadow or body that gave me the idea of familiarity but there was nowhere she could have come back to this city after what she did to me.

I drove my Audi into the parking lot of the building and I was met by the apartment's name ALEXISA and it made me want to vomit to think of such a name I had visited this place a very long time but now since am here it made me go back into the memory plane and it made me feel sick.


Baby, I have this project at hand I just purchased an apartment block I was thinking of a name for it can you help me with any suggestions?

How about you name it ALEXISA I think it will be so sexy.

And what kind of a name is it