
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

The less interested person.

The waiter froze, eyes quietly across the Fu kite body, nodding: "Yes."


"Ok, a glass of warm milk, please." Jiang Wan Wan said, turned to Fu Kite winked, obviously to her point.


The waiter finished the list, said "please wait" and was about to leave when he was suddenly stopped: "Wait."


Back to the sound, on the pair of exquisite and beautiful eyes, the boy's heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat, his palm slightly sweaty, unconsciously nervous asked: "Hello, is there anything else you need?"


Fu Yuan nodded: "Warm milk do not, can you show me the wine list again?"


Jiang Wan Wan was shocked, stunned and came to her side, "What's the situation, baby, you don't drink?"


The name of the cocktail list is strange, and the Fu Kite is dazzled, she gently "um" a sound, and then pulls a classic Chinese quote: "Come to... I want to try it."


It is not a lie, too many things happened today, perhaps because suddenly remembered the message Ms. Jane sent her, or remembered the scene when she got along with her parents in the afternoon, or.....


Fu Yuan drooping eyes, whatever the reason, let her inexplicably gave birth to an impulse -


Taste the alcohol.


The waiter took the courage to bend over, pointed to the lower left corner of the list, and whispered, "If you're drinking for the first time, you can choose these cocktails, which have a very low alcohol content and are suitable for beginners."


"Thank you." Fu Yin ordered a cup at his suggestion, "Just this."


The dim light fell on the girl's long curly and thick eyelashes, and cast a small mottled shadow on her white and delicate face, which was quite beautiful, but her eyes were cool, polite and distant, with some faint sense of distance.


The boy paused, his fingers clenched unnaturally, and finally didn't have the courage to ask for contact information. ".... All right, two guests, please wait a moment."


After they left, Jiang couldn't help rubbing his hand against her cheek, smiling and teasing: "Our baby really feel welcome, the boy has been peeking at you when we just ordered."


"Tut, little puppy type, looks pretty good too." After saying that, she shook her head and smiled with her chin on her back: "Unfortunately, in my heart, only big man can match my kite kite beauty...."


'Well -!


Fu Kite quickly covered her mouth, and blocked back what she was going to say next, "I'm not familiar with him, you don't talk outside."


Jiang Wan Wan begged for mercy, nodded hard, "Don't shrink... I sang my praises....."


Two people make, just the wine arrived, Fu kite let go, for fear of her language out of surprise, warning to look at her.


'I'm honest! Jiang Wan Wan promise.


At the same time, not far from the booth, Liang Ruibo is hanging with people drinking wine, the atmosphere is a riot.


The circle of the rich second generation has always been unable to get around the topic of beauty and luxury cars, and a boy hugged a small star to sit down and proudly showed off to everyone: "How is it?" Isn't my girlfriend pretty?"


"I fuck you boy lucky, the new girlfriend is so beautiful!"


'It must be beautiful!


The group of people were very face-saving, one after another heckled in response, the boy raised his eyebrows, and immediately hooked his girlfriend's chin in front of everyone to French kiss.


The atmosphere is set off to the extreme, and they start a drinking game.


Lou Yu too lazy to pay attention to them, sitting alone in the corner of the sofa, the black shirt at will untie two, the line of sight slightly drooped, the eyes carelessly fell on the mobile phone screen, from beginning to end did not look up.


Young eyes dark, the whole body temperament cold and expensive, even if it is incompatible with this environment, no one dares to have an opinion.


Even proud to be at the same table with him.


"Lut brother, come to the bar without drinking more boring, come have a drink ah." Liang Ruibo carrying a bottle of wine in the past, the people present I am afraid only he dared to persuade Lou Yu to drink.


"No." Lou Yu closed the mobile phone, glancing at him faintly, "stay away from me."


"Cut." Liang Ruibo boring mouth wine, wine gas, he suddenly laughed down, play cheap called the name of the boy who just kissed his girlfriend.


"Congratulations, I know a girl who is hundreds of times more beautiful than your girlfriend, you know?"


He opened the mobile forum and held up his phone for the crowd to see.


Bright provocation, he came forward wanted to do a fight with him, but saw the girl in the photo suddenly stunned in place, said: "Liang dog, Lao Tzu want to chase her."


"My God, this is amazing!"


"Old Liang you are not authentic, such a beautiful girl you actually told the brothers now, fuck you have her contact information, I want to chase her, seriously!"


"Don't even think about it." Liang Ruibo took back the phone, joking with a smile: "really want to chase, that also depends on our low with disagree."


"?" Someone whispered, "What's the matter? Since when has he had anything to do with women?"


Liang Ruibo innocent show hands: "This girl is our Beijing university flower, Yu less interested in people."


With these words he felt the air cool.




Finish the calf.


The others, keenly aware of the trouble, even stopped breathing, hunched in their positions and stared at each other, afraid to move, lest the Lord would anger them.


"Want to die?" Lou Yu raised eyelids, dark sharp eyes coldly swept over him.


"No, I don't." Liang Ruibo legs soft, speak but the brain: "I was wrong to Yu brother, you have not caught up with the school flower, I should not show them the school flower photos, let her have a few more suitors."


"But you think ah, Lut brother, the more suitors of this crooked melon crack date, the more you can reflect your excellent... Is that right?"


"Go away." Too lazy to care about this fool again, Lou Yu interest lack up, holding the mobile phone to leave.




The Fu Kite seven crutches eight, once again walked to this corridor.


"..." She pressed her lips together, finally making sure she was lost.


It all started ten minutes ago --


When she suddenly received a phone call from Rong Qian, said Yan Siyu dancing too crazy, accidentally sprained his foot, now need to leave the bar to go outside to find a clinic to see the foot.


Smell speech, she and Wan Wan wine also can not drink, immediately settled the bill to find them on the dance floor to meet.


After leaving the bar, Yan Siyu found that his bag forgot to take, a few people turn back too toss, so she proposed to let them go first, go back to take the bag.


And then.....


And then I got lost.


Before, Jiang Wan Wan led the way, she only needed to follow behind, now alone, she found that the bar was complicated with many different areas.


In fact, at first she tried to ask for directions, but the people all smelled of alcohol, and the words in their mouths were obscene and disgusting.


Fu kite depressed sigh, is ready to look for a waiter, suddenly came a wretched voice behind --


"Beautiful, alone?"