
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs


After dinner, Jiang Fu drove some girls back to school.


The black Lexus LM stopped smoothly at the intersection, after a few people got off, Jiang's mother suddenly remembered what it was like, and gently called Jiang Wan Wan.


"Wan, wan, have a holiday the day after tomorrow, do you need mom and dad to pick you up?"


Jiang Wan Wan thought about it, shook her head and refused, the ticket to Yunzhou was booked on the second day of the holiday, anyway, there was no need to worry, she could not stay at home during the day, it was better to go out to play.


Jiang Fu Jiang mother respected her idea, indulging in a laugh, explained: "Play outside to pay attention to safety, don't come home too late, something to call us."


At the same time, Fu Yuan mobile phone rang.


Jane man sent her a message, said his work is busy, this holiday to go out of the province on business, let her behave at home, do not run out to play, do not go to make some messy friends.


And then there's a transfer at the bottom.


Ear Jiang Wan Wan parents gentle exhortation voice gradually blurred, Fu Kite staring at the two information sent will stay, long eyelashes slightly down, eyes at the bottom of the mood bit by bit retreat.


It was the sound of the engine starting that finally interrupted her thoughts.


She came back to her senses, raised her head, and was caught off guard by her mother's gentle smiling eyes.


Jiang mother waved his hand at her, "Kite kite, aunt knows you dance, to keep in shape, so the pastry prepared for you is low calorie no sugar, dim sum is aunt's hand, you rest assured to eat."


Fu Kite stunned, did not expect aunt will be so careful, can not help but be flattered, "this is too much trouble, thank you aunt...."


"What are you talking about? You are all friends. My aunt likes you very much." Jiang mother smiled: "Have the opportunity to bring you back for dinner."


"See you next time."


The car turned onto the main road and quickly disappeared into traffic.


Back to the dormitory, Jiang Wan Wan will be in the car one by one to everyone, Yan Siyu shocked: "Aunt for us to prepare things are not the same!"


She loves spicy, nothing is hot, except for the small dessert, the bag is almost all Sichuan-Chongqing specialties, some of which are her favorites.


Rong Qian smiled and opened her package: "These cake boxes are made by my aunt, and dry ice is added to the foam box. My aunt said that I can stick to the refrigerator until I go home for the holiday and let me go back to eat slowly."


"I said how she was always asking me what you like to eat and what you don't eat." Jiang Wan Wan raised his eyebrows proudly: "Originally I wanted to give us a surprise."


Yan Siyu saw the fascia gun in the Fu Kite bag, and sighed: "Wan Wan, consider letting aunt start classes, I sent my mother to study overnight."


Joncie: "Plus one."


One side of the Fu Kite looked at the fascia gun in his hand and sighed gently.


The ordinary fascia gun on the market can be bought for $180, but she knows this brand, and this one in her hand is a special high-end series of products, and then what is a few thousand smaller.


It's too expensive for her to accept.


Wan, wan....


Jiang Winwen understood her meaning and immediately hid away from her: "What are you doing? This is from my mother. Please don't give it back to me, otherwise my mother will know that I will definitely be finished."


"Can you give me your aunt's contact information?"


Jiang Winwen refused: "My mother usually does not use this thing, this looks like she bought it for you, you can accept it, please, otherwise she will be sad."


"Baby, are you willing to make my good and beautiful mother sad?"


After pulling for a while, Fu Yu shook his head and said helplessly: "I will transfer the money to you."


Jiang Wan Wan saw her resolute attitude, thought for a moment, came up with what he thought was a wonderful idea: "How about this kite, you leave it, and then the right of ownership to you, the right of use to everyone, we use together."


"Hey, hey, that's all right!"


Fu Yuan softly: "I will transfer the money to you, buy it, our dormitory can also be used together."


"..." Jiang Wan Wan mad, holding her arm to play rogue, "Oh I don't care! What does it mean to give money?! You don't even consider me a friend!!"


Although the two families are very well off, but the growth environment is completely different, the love and companionship of parents, Fu Kite has always been lacking.


It is precisely because of the lack of this aspect that it is difficult for her to believe and accept others' efforts to her.


Because of the environment and character, the Volkite has its own set of principles.


She patiently explained: "Wan wan, this is different, of course we are friends, but this fascia gun is very expensive, I am not suitable to accept."


"I get it." Jiang Wan, Wan understood her meaning, but there is no way to take back the gift..... Her head suddenly flashed, her eyes flashed a sly, excited to propose: "That kite kite, you invite me to drink bar?"


Fu Kite was taken aback by her words.


"There is a bar in the back street of the school, I heard that the environment is good, you should not have been to the bar, anyway, it is still early, should we go to visit?"


Jiang Wan Wan looked forward to seeing her: "There is a new product called Glacier Island, hundreds of cups of it!" If you buy me a drink, it will be a gift. How about that?"


All said to this point, and then refuse to appear pretentiousness, Fu Yuan winked, smiled: "No problem, tonight Miss Jiang's wine I bag."


"No, no, no, it should be 'we', but my aunt has prepared presents for us all."


"Agreed." Yan Siyu nodded.


Jiang Wan Wan was happy: "What are you waiting for, let's go?"




This time the bar has more people up, the music is deafening, men and women gathered inside, accompanied by the restless lights and music on the dance floor vigorously dance, drunk, drunk.


The air was heavy with the smell of alcohol and nicotine.


Around the screaming noise and boiling, Fu Yuan's brow slightly wrinkled, the first time to the bar, she is not very used to such an environment.


Little steps, instinct gave birth to some retreat of the mind.


"What do you do?" Jiang Wan Wan shouted excitedly, and his face was full of four big words "can't wait", "Go fast, go fast, let's find a place to go first!"


Fu Kite see her so happy, not good sweep interest, so nod well.


Difficult through the crowd, the booth area is only left in the corner of the space, where the light is dim, the dazzling laser light does not come over, and the people are few, relative to other positions to be quiet on a lot, the kite sat on the sofa, secretly relieved.


Rong Qian is not interested in drinking, just sit down within two seconds of excitedly dragging Yan Siyu into the dance floor.


Jiang Wan Wan gave himself a cup of ice island, knowing that Fu Kite does not drink, carefully scanned the wine list, looked up and asked the waiter: "Do you have warm milk?"