
Adapting to the Multiverse

First time writing a fanfic, so there may be some mistakes if you see any let me know. I welcome all constructive criticism. I'll try to make this story flow as smooth as possible without the reliance on plot armor, but if there are instances that don't flow well, end up terrible, don't make sense, or that you just hate let me know. Our mc was once just an aspiring inventor who's only goal was to make technologies from his favorite stories in real life, but after his death he got a chance to be reborn into a new reality. Now born onto a world where he's doomed to become a slave, watch as our mc changes his destiny and leave his new world behind to fly through the stars and travel through the multiverse.

Adramelech · Movies
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17 Chs


The next day, after getting my markings, I had to attend a family meeting to discuss the upcoming meeting with the other middle class families. We were thinking of just bailing on the idea, but since we were the ones to orchestrate the meeting, we couldn't back out. Originally, the plan was to ally with one of these families, but due to my vision, we had to change plans and ended up becoming a middle class family ourselves. I wanted to be able to gather more info about the future, but since the first time I saw a vision, I haven't seen any more. Maybe it only shows me major events that could potentially cause negative outcomes for me or my family. If it wasn't for that first vision, we would have been reliant on the grace of the other families and had our hopes destroyed later on when we found out about their plans. Now we don't really have a need to even bother with them and our family is pretty big in the middle class.

Now, the meeting wont be to find a family to sponsor me, but instead will be used to find families that we could build an alliance with. While family size and honor brought forth by a champion would help to elect a new matriarch, without allies, we would surely have a lot of enemies that'll will try to remove us and facing them alone would be suicidal. With an ally, we'll be able to better protect ourselves and will have more political support and in return, we'll give them our support if they end up being nominated as the heir apparent's household. And should they have any enemies, we'll also be there to have their backs. But the main reason people would bother to ally with someone else is in hopes of having more clout in the name of having the new matriarch's backing, which would allow them to do more and make their family flourish to new heights. They could even become noble families and could cause their enemy families to lose their standing and wealth, which will eventually cause them to fall to a low class family if they lose enough.

After some digging/spying was done on the families' background and any, if not all, of the secrets they tried to keep were gathered, the family council headed by my mother, Que'laag, and her right hand, Que'lana, decided on who were eligible to ally with us and who were going to have to be removed from the candidate's list. Out of the original ten families, four were removed due to us finding out about them having ties with families that treat the Nightbrothers terribly or that they have caused the unjustified death of a Nightbrother, but then covered it up. The six families that were left had been proven, so far, that they have never treated the Nightbrothers unjustly or have even supported the betterment of the Nightbrothers' treatment and living conditions.

It would be great if we could get families from all over, who followed the same ideals, to help pass a law that would free the Nightbrothers from the slavery status, but due to the fact that, even on this harsh world, there'll always be infighting and battles between different covens, the Nightbrothers were considered to be the main fighting force for these wars and it was apparent that after their history, if the Nightbrothers were freed they'll most likely not fight in a war that was always started by the Nightsisters.

The Nightsisters were the ruling class on this planet and as such, they dealt in the politics and policies of the covens while the Nightbrothers were the workers that just abides by their rules. As such any battle that was had between any covens, were brought about due to the disagreements between the Nightsisters and it was always the Nightbrothers that were forced to fight and to kill the fellow brothers, for a cause they didn't know or believe in and in a war that didn't really have anything to do with them. All the Nightsisters did, was to imbue some of the Nightbrothers with the power of their magick and turn them into Behemoths. Of course, that was only to further their own agendas and not for the sake of the Nightbrothers' survivability.

It was due to these pointless wars and countless battles, along with the Nightbrother training and arena battles, that lead the Nightbrothers to develop and evolve into such a battle harden race, while the Nightsister never really changed that much from their ancestors. The Nightbrothers through each generation would get bigger and stronger in order to better facilitate their warrior life style, but the Nightsisters, that remained mainly inactive, didn't really change much. The only thing that changed with them is their ability to handle the force through their magick increased and they probably became smarter in order to better handle their roles as political leaders and council members.

Despite all these facts, it was still the hope of my family to eventually free the Nightbrothers and mend the broken relationship between them and the Nightsisters. Hopefully, we would be able to prosper under a newer more peaceful rule. That doesn't mean that there won't be any wars fought and that the Nightbrothers won't participate in them or the arena battles, it just means they won't be treated unfairly and will have a choice in what they'll do in the future. The arena and training that the Nightbrothers go through probably won't disappear due to the fact that the Nightbrothers have grown used to it and have developed for it. And there would still be a need for hunting in order to feed the citizens of the covens. Plus, I know for a fact that some if not most of the Nightbrothers love to fight and battle all the time, it's like it has become a part of us after so much time has passed with us doing the same thing generation after generation, causing us to adapt to the situation and develop to better fit it.

Some might say, "Then what's the point of setting them free," but the point of that is to actually give them freedom to choose, as not all of the Nightbrothers are warriors. Due to being born from the Nightsisters, we'll of course also have Nightbrothers that are better suited for the political or tactician role, but they always end up dead due to the Nightsisters forcing them to fight while they are physically weak causing them to die an early death. I feel that this is the reason why most of the Nightbrothers are idiots. They receive no knowledge besides how to fight and all the smarter ones that are physically weak die off way too fast, leaving only those with strength to survive there causing future generations' genetics to prefer to make stronger warriors than smarter.

These families that we'll be allying with are or hope of a better future. I just hope it'll all work out in the end.

After the council meeting, letters were sent to the four families that we removed from the listing that they'll be removed from the meeting and the list of potential choices due to their past choices.

(AN: Yo guys I really need help with these family names. Besides Sla'Mmeron, I need another 5 and if possible, pls make a suggestion on their background that fits with what the previous knowledge provided.)

Hey everyone. I just wanted to apologize about last week. I didn't update this story cause I had another idea for the story with the general premise being the same but the execution was changed. Feel free to check it out if y'all want, no pressure.

Adramelechcreators' thoughts