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Fedyenka is a modified being who has distinguish features of her body and her brain. She knows not of her past. Ever since the time she woke up, she found everyone to be hostile towards her. In the middle of all the conflicts, Fedyenka determined a goal of knowing the truth of the world. Among the twenty human sages, only two sides with her to end the war the Twentieth Sage began. Therefore, began her journey to know the past and to pursue the truth along with her brother, her father figure and her friend. In a world where there are various beings from fairies to dragons. No one knows what their origin is. A lab or somewhere else. Fedyenka might gain more companions and foes on her way.

Benami_Sarder · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 26: Most Likely Some New Abettors

Fedyenka grabbed his arm by the wrist and pulled it, took the gun by her other hand and pointed it towards him after backing a little bit from him so he won't do the same thing she did.

"Woah woah woah. Chill. That's a water gun." said Qiang.

"Why does a water gun look like Desert Eagle gun?" said Fedyenka.

"Alright. Shoot me with it."

Fedyenka shot him with all of her confidence but without any facial expression. She saw some water being sprayed at him from the gun.


"Shut up Qiang you are laughing a bit too much tonight." said Phantom while leaning against the wall.

"Oh come on. I was just laughing a bit because of-"

"I told you to shut up or else I'll slap you."

Fedyenka stayed quiet and wondered why she was stuck with these mysterious creatures. Qiang took his hood off and went to Fedyenka and said,

"If you trust me even a little bit then lend me your hand."

Fedyenka backed away a little and reached out her hands towards him. He slammed a paper on her hands and told her, "You have to trust people more."

She opened the paper and found a map. Phantom snatched the paper from her hands and took a look.

"Aight now, Fedyenka, we will head off." said Phantom while going towards a door in the room. The door was partially eaten by wood-louses. Phantom opened the door and called Fedyenka to come with him. Fedyenka once again before going, waved her hands to Qiang Li. Qiang Li smiled and waved his hands as well.

The room was dark but Fedyenka's wings lit up the whole place. She bumped with something edgy and looked back to see what it was. She noticed a giant mouth. She got startled and backed away from it, getting her guards up.

"Don't startle, that thing is the mouth of a giant. This place is barely visited these days eh..."

"What do you mean, eh?"

"Nothing. Let's move."

"Hey Phantom."

"What is it?"

"I feel like I have been here before."

"Yeah? Probably in your dreams. No one has entered here in ages. You can see that can't you."

Fedyenka started observing the whole room and bumped into something again. This time, it was a table. On the table there was a jar of ink. The label on the ink said, 'Kalajol'

"Phantom look here." said Fedyenka.

"What is it?..." said Phantom with an annoyed face.

"The ink label says 'Kalajol' here."

"So what? Wait...it's a company created five hundred years ago. What is it doing here?..."

"That is the same question I have. Phantom we have to get out of here. Soon."

"You are right. I fear that this place is still visited by that bloody Sabia Second."

Phantom held Fedyenka's hands and rushed off to a door that leads to another stairway.

"Hey Fed, give me your light." said Phantom.

"Uh...how am I supposed to do that..." said Fedyenka.

"Just move your wing a little bit here, on the map in my hands."

Fedyenka tried moving her left wing a little bit and she succeeded.

"Okay...now, first thing first." said Phantom while walking.

"What thing what?"

"We have to tuck your wings. Now, to do this, at first, sense that you have wings. Now move them a little."

Fedyenka started doing exactly how Phantom said again. She felt uncomfortable yet she didn't make a sound.

"Okay now, feel the energy that has taken the form of a wing. Think of tucking it in you. Think of devouring it. We both have dark blood flowing through us, this should be a trick of your left hand." said Phantom.

Fedyenka stopped doing as Phantom was saying and said, "Dark blood?"

"WHY DID YOU STOP?" said Phantom grabbing Fedyenka's collar.


"Sorry my- *sigh* Dark blood is something that flows through monsters. Only a few like us has pure dark blood now."

"Why is dark blood called dark blood?"

"Well I don't know why but I think it's because the blood's main element is flames which has burnt for thousands of years. "

"That doesn't really follow the rules of blood being blood."

"Well each era has different laws. It was said that blood is just the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. With time, the defination changed. The rules of blood being blood you know are backdated. Where did you even learn those from?"

"Oh...I don't remember."

"Alright then, redo the things I said."

Fedyenka memorized all the things Phantom said. She did exactly how he told her to but she failed and instead, did a self destructive thing. She somehow gnawed her heart from the inside. She screamed saying,


"Don't scream. Shh...someone's coming."

Phantom took Fedyenka on his back and fled from the place really fast.

The moment Fedyenka looked up she could see the sky. The sky seemed beautiful but the place was freezing cold. It did not take long for Fedyenka to realize that the place is no other than the Hibernation Hall.

"Aight now get off my back." said Phantom and dropped her.

"Now...we are gonna have a friendly fight. If you can win this I will give you a choco milk." said Phantom while walking around the hall.


"Just dodge my attacks. Use breathing techniques if you know any. It will help you with your stamina."

"I don't know any. I will ask Yuri to teach me some."

"Ah yes, Yuri. I can teach you the same stuff in shorter time. Just say 'please' and it's done."

Fedyenka thought that Yuri is mostly busy and perhaps, getting lessons from Phantom won't be so bad after all.

"Can you please teach me?"

"Ah yes. But not now."

Phantom took out a bow out of nowhere and started shooting arrows out of the air. Fedyenka got confused how it all happened. She jumped to the celling, rushed to the corners, got behind Phantom and did many other possible things to dodge Phantom's extremely fast attacks. The hall was really big so it wasn't much of an issue for Fedyenka to dodge. But the issue was her stamina. After a short time, she started getting blurred vision and lost balance. One of the arrows hit Fedyenka on her left hand. But, she didn't scream this time. She was used to such pain. In all of a sudden, Phantom slowed down his attacks.

"Why slow down your attacks now, huh?" said Fedyenka while swinging in the air.

"I realized that using my mid-class attacks on you would be a total waste."

"You ain't that much powerful though. Yet you talk so big."

"Don't judge people with power, little one. There are far greater things than strength."

Someone slammed and opened the door. The person was wearing a dark green wooly coat. Her hair was brown and her skin was white was snow. Her eyes were like a cat. It seemed like she is a corpse. Seeing her, they stopped fighting.

"Ah, Sabia Fifth. Greetings." said Phantom.

"What are you two doing here?" said Sabia Fifth.

"I was just teaching her some things. She is more than I thought."

"It is a pleasure to know that you two are co-operating. But, isn't is a bit too early for her to practice in the Hibernation Hall?"

"Oh, it's fine. She can take this much. Right Fed?"

"I don't like that name. Well yes you are right but now I feel like I'm gonna freeze to death." said Fedyenka.

"*sigh* A rookie is a rookie. There ain't no use of you here then. Scram." said Phantom.

"I believe you can be a little more gentle to her Phantom." said Sabia fifth.

"Come on Sherry, you run THIS place. You shouldn't be so 'soft core' in there."

"I am not like that Phantom. Giving someone the needed care is mandatory to build a proper tool for this place. No matter who she is to you, she is a tool. Treat her like that. Polish her. Don't overuse her."

"I wasn't using her Sherry. I was polishing her."

"Over-polishing a tool might cause damage to it. Please take some precautions."

"Alright alright. Hey, I told you to leave."

"I don't know how to go back..." said Fedyenka.

Phantom got annoyed by her answer to his question. He summoned a guapa by simply clapping his hands. He told the guapa to lead her to her room. Fedyenka followed the guapa. It took her a long walk to go back.

When Fedyenka opened the door of her room, she found Bea full charged. Bea came towards her and caressed her with her head.

"Okay okay. Enough. You are too cute Bea, I'll melt." said Fedyenka.

"Bee? (>.<) (o-o)?"

Bea asked her how cuteness can melt a person. Fedyenka just smiled at her and patted on her head. She found a letter on her side table. She guessed that it was from Yuri. She opened the letter and read,

"Have you eaten anything in a while? I know you must the hungry after hanging around with Phantom for so long. I told Bea to give the letter to you. If you are reading this, I think she somehow did. Eat something and go to sleep. It has been a long day for you. Tomorrow at seven O'clock in the morning, go to the south of the Hall of the Greats. There is a field over there. You can call a guapa to lead you around. Ae-Ri will be waiting for you there.


Fedyenka got excited after reading the letter. She asked Bea to get her some food. Bea opened her belly and took out a bowl of rice and some curry to eat with it. The curries were boxed. Bea told her that she needs to get used to all sorts of foods. She will have a mission outside soon. Fedyenka ate it like a stray dog. She was so hungry at the moment. Bea asked her why she was eating like that. She replied that she hasn't eaten in hours that is why. She ate her fill and went back to sleep. Thinking that she has a new possible ally now made her happy. While sleeping she saw another dream. The dream was about something she has never thought or could have a clue of.