
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse is Linked

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"Alright, For the end of the battle and our new Friend, let us celebrate together." Rimuru said after everything calmed down and the demons got used to their new race.

Everyone cheered in happiness as they agreed to celebrate this occasion and boast about their names.

"Stop." Acnologia called seeing everyone getting all happy go lucky "There is no time to celebrate." He said making everyone freeze.

"C'mon Brother, they need to celebrate and forget their past." Rimuru spoke to Acnologia, Honestly, his older brother can be such a fun killer.

"No time. Start cleaning the village first, look at those houses, is this a place can be called a home? There will be no celebration until the village is clean from trash." Acnologia said in a harsh tone.

Rigurdo trembled "...How embarrassing...to think we will let out lord see such sight... Unforgivable!!!" He shouted "Everyone start cleaning the village!!!" He said.

"Yeah!!" All goblins and wolves started cleaning the village from trash and dirt like lightning. In the span of an hour, the village was clean from trash and now it is tolerable to look at.

"Good. You can celebrate now." Acnologia confirmed to the expecting demons and they all cheered and started preparing meat and juice drink. It was like a mini festival around here, one Goblin took charge of cooking while the others helped.

Rimuru was helping out too, when they were done. They all gathered in a circle and Rimuru gave a toast which no one understood, making the embarrassed Rimuru explain.

"Cheers!!" They all rised their cups and laughed for the Lord.

"Yeah...cheers." Acnologia felt pressured to return the toast. Seriously,. It is just a toast, why is Rimuru so picky on small thing.

But seriously...when is this celebration will end?...A day...it took these guys a while day of celebration before they all fell asleep. He looked at his brother who was still playing with Ranga and Acnologia would have shook his head if he could.

After several hours, Rimuru came to him and said "Now what do we do? We can half-ass this job, you know." It has been on Rimuru's mind since yesterday "What are we gonna do with them?"

"I do not know...but we must establish some ground rules here. Or we risk disorder." Acnologia said, it wasn't on his mind until Rimuru mentioned.

"This is a society now. Of course rules must be set. Though I don't think they can follow any complicated rules in the meantime." Rimuru nodded and spoke. "So let us go with the basics, there is two races now, so no infighting or racism, and lastly, we must let them know that we must avoid any possibility of another attack from other demons currently or even humans."

"Hm? Why?" Acnologia agreed on everything that Rimuru said but avoid fighting with other creatures wasn't understood.

"Think about, these guy were at lowest of food chain just a day ago, from my experience, a normal human can destroy a goblin in a direct fight, now what do you think about a whole army of them?"

Acnologia then remembered the three humans that entered the cave "Yes, those three from the cave were way strong for a normal Goblin, Alright. Until everything is settled and we know where we stand those will be the ground rules." Acnologia confirmed and then called for Rigurdo to gather everyone for an announcement.

The chief did his job happily and he gathered everyone quickly, the rules were set. No infighting, No racism, and no provoking outside fights.

After that, Acnologia ordered the continuation of the rebuilding the village.

In addition, Rigurdo was appointed as the general chief of the village, tasked with managing the village resources and citizens.

While Ranga was tasked with overseeing outside scouting and hunting alongside Riguru; Rigurdo's son.

Though... rebuilding the village wasn't an easy task, especially with demons who only know how to make houses from hay and straw.

Looking at the about to collapse house, Acnologia felt displeased. He too was not good at building stuff and was more of an expert at destroying them.

"How do we solve this?" Acnologia asked to Goblin chief, but the poor man had no solution.

"Is there someone we can ask for help?" Rimuru questioned, normally, in a fantasy world, there is always a group of people that are good at building stuff.

In that cue, Rigurdo recalled "Indeed, there was a time where several people came to our village a few years ago, they traded some food with us for some shiny objects we had, I bet they know how to build stuff since they looked very clever."

When Acnologia and Rimuru heard that [Brother...] Rimuru looked at Acnologia and spoke with telepathy.

[...Yeah...they got scammed.] Acnologia replied "But that doesn't matter, who are they?"

Rigurdo smiled and spoke "It was the Dwarves my Lord. At the Dwarves Kingdome To the north. It a bit faraway, but with the Storm Wolves I presume it will be faster."

Rimuru nodded "Alright, I will go myself there, brother can stay here and oversee the rest, at least one of us must stay."

"Take Ranga with you and a few more to help you if you need. And don't get scammed." Acnologia confirmed and he reminded Rimuru.

"Kaha! Who do you think I am Brother?" Rimuru quickly bounced away as he collected a few people to go on the journey with him. Ranga came out of Acnologia's shadow surprising him.

'Where was that guy hiding?' Unbeknown to Acnologia and Rimuru, Ranga has picked up a habit of sleeping in their shadows, apparently feels at home in their shadows.

No sooner, Rimuru departed with his company. Acnologia looked at Rigurdo "Are you gonna be fine alone? I will go take a walk around the forest." He said.

"No problem at all, my Lord. We will continue cleaning the village and cutting off the weeds in preparation of building new houses." Rigurdo answered enthusiastically.

Acnologia just hummed in response and then he left the village to take a stroll...but his main reason was to experiment on his body possession.

According to his calculations and theories, Acnologia needs a strong body that can hold his power without taking constant damage.

The Alpha fang wolf had a strong body, but it only could handle Acnologia up an hour...and that was when he wasn't even trying to use any powers.

If by chance Acnologia used any of his minor skills or even unleashing his magic aura, the body would have melted in seconds.

For the next couple days, Acnologia would leave the village to hunt some demons and try to take over their bodies. He has found some Strong veteran demons, like a armored Crocodile and Rock Golems that were sleeping in their nests.

Thinking that these two have some inherited tough bodies, they may be able to hold him, but unfortunately, they only did 2 hours better than the alpha wolf. Of course, that is not speaking about using his power, the Golem for some reason managed to squeeze out one [Minor Magic Blast] attack before self destructing.

"How useless." Leaving the crumpled body of the Golem, Acnologia spoke with disappointment.

[Brother!!] Suddenly, Acnologia heard his brother's voice in his mind.

[Rimuru? What wrong?!] The way he called suddenly made Acnologia think of the worst [Has somebody attacked you?!" He asked.

[No, but...but...but I am in heaven!!] Rimuru said with a drunken voice.

Suddenly Acnologia's surrounding plants strated to die [...What do you mean?] He asked in an ice cold voice.

[Boobs!! Boobs everywhere! Softer than my own slime body!!]

Not expecting that, Acnologia would have fell to the ground if he had a body [You Bastard!! Is that what you called me for?! Boobs?!] Acnologia shouted at his idiot brother.

[That is rude! What else is more important than boobs.] Rimuru said in an offend voice.

[I don't know. Maybe like the construction workers you went to get.]

[Ah those, yeah I got them. Matter of fact, it was them who invited me to this heaven! *Gasp*! Nipple!! I saw a Nipple!!]

[No wonder one of your skills is called a Great Sage! Only the greatest Virgin of all time can be this excited about boobs.] Acnologia throw some shades at his brother ruthlessly, cutting deep into the little slime's body.

[...Oh?! We are getting in trouble! Talk to you later..] the call was cut off.

"Tsk...what am I gonna do with him." He mumbled while returning to the village.

Two days later.

Still in his quest to find a suitable body. Acnologia felt something like a warning in his mind. As if he was being attacked mentally.

But that attack wasn't directed at him but someone else, "Rimuru...?" Acnologia concentrated and followed that feeling, Suddenly he found himself in a dark space.

Beside him was a large black and blue shadow with blue eyes that he can recognize everywhere, his brother Veldora.

Acnologia was back in his Dragon form in this space.

In front of the two Catastrophes. A small Craven King was looking at them with terror in his eyes.

Veldora's head moved forward "Nice skill you have! What were you trying to do by looking inside my little brother's mind?" He asked the small dwarf.

Quickly catching on the situation, Acnologia growled in annoyance, his head quickly neared the Dwarves king and spoke "Go ahead...Try it." He said.

"C'mon." Acnologia said.

"Don't be shy." Veldora added.

Without any further words, the dwarf that was once standing in front of them quickly disappeared and returned to his body.

"Humph! With that level you try to look inside my brother?" Veldora mocked.

"Pathetic!" Acnologia uttered before his body turned into mist and his mind returned to his Soul Orb.

On this day, The two older brothers realized that they have a mind link with each other to communicate and protect each other.

The more reason why they are becoming closer and closer as brothers.