
Acheron in Tensura

Rain poured down, mingling with the blood that soaked the ground. Death and loss surrounded a girl clutching a long katana. Her black hair framed two long red horns protruding from her head—she was an Oni, a rare evolution of the ogre species. She stared at the monster that had destroyed everything—her friends, her family, her home. It resembled a dragon but was something else entirely, its form shifting between liquid and solid blackness. Disclaimer: I do not own any anime or the characters in them.

Apandora · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

13. Cook of cooks

Luminous sat alone at the long dining table, the empty chair across from her starkly highlighting the absence of her usual dining companion. She drummed her fingers lightly on the table, her gaze drifting toward the door. Acheron was nowhere to be seen, which was unusual given her punctuality.

Minutes stretched on, and Luminous's curiosity grew. The doors finally opened, and instead of a servant bearing food, Acheron walked in, flanked by Gunther.

"Ah, there you are," Luminous said, her tone a mixture of relief and mild impatience. "What took you so long?"

Acheron approached, her stoic expression unchanged. "I was practicing," she said simply.

Luminous raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Practicing? Cooking, I presume?" She didn't understand why the others were looking away and stifling their laughter when Acheron mentioned this endeavor.

"Yes," Acheron confirmed.

Luminous's curiosity turned to slight concern as she noticed Gunther's apprehensive glance. "And what were you practicing this time?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light.

Before Acheron could answer, Gunther interjected. "My lady, Lady Acheron encountered some... difficulties in the kitchens."

Luminous sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. "Where did she get lost this time?" she asked, knowing full well that every hallway in the palace was clearly marked but despite that Acheron got lost anyway.

Gunther, with a bow befitting his professional demeanor, responded, "Lady Acheron managed to find herself in the storage room for weapons instead of the kitchen. It took a while to redirect her."

Luminous waved him away with a resigned smile. "Thank you, Gunther. You may go."

With a polite nod, Gunther exited the dining room, leaving Luminous and Acheron alone. The table, instead of being set with the usual elegant food, held what looked like a bizarre creation that might once have been food. Luminous eyed the dish nervously, while Acheron stood stoically, waiting intently.

With a deep breath, Luminous picked up her utensils with a shaky hand. "This can't be that bad, can it?" she muttered to herself.

As she took a tentative bite, her face darkened instantly. The taste was indescribably awful, poisoness and corrosive a blend of burnt and raw, sour and bitter all at once. She forced herself to swallow, barely suppressing a shudder.

Acheron watched her closely, her usual stoicism giving way to the slightest hint of concern. "Is it... acceptable?"

Luminous smiled weakly, trying to find the right words. "Acheron, your effort is commendable. Cooking, however, may not be your strongest suit."

Acheron nodded, taking the critique in stride. "I understand. I will continue to practice."

Luminous couldn't help but laugh softly, her earlier frustration melting away. "Perhaps under supervision next time?"

As they settled into a more typical meal brought by the palace's skilled chefs, Luminous found herself grateful for Acheron's presence. However, the earlier mishap lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts. She knew she had to find a way to keep Acheron out of the kitchen for everyone's safety.

She looked at Acheron, who was quietly eating, and thought, 'Cooking is dangerous. I need to find a way to keep her away from the kitchen. But how?'

Despite the disastrous meal, Luminous felt a warmth in her heart. Acheron's earnest effort to do something special, even if it resulted in a culinary catastrophe, was endearing. It was moments like these that reminded her of the bond they shared, a bond that went beyond words and actions.

As they finished their meal, Luminous resolved to talk to Gunther about finding more tasks for Acheron that didn't involve cooking. Maybe more guard training or sparring sessions. Anything to keep her out of the kitchen and prevent any more culinary disasters. She sighed, feeling a mix of amusement and exasperation. Life with Acheron was never dull, and she wouldn't have it any other way.


That evening, the palace was quiet as usual.

The two women ate in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. The absence of Milim was palpable, a reminder of how much she had come to mean to them.

As Luminous took a sip of her wine, Milim's question from earlier echoed in her mind. *"Will you marry Auntie Acheron?"* She glanced at Acheron, who was calmly eating her meal, her expression as unreadable as ever. 'I really like Acheron,' Luminous admitted to herself. 'But does she feel the same?'

Determined to find out, she decided to test the waters. She cleared her throat softly. "Acheron, do you ever think about the future?"

Acheron paused, looking up at her with mild curiosity. "The future?"

"Yes," Luminous continued, trying to keep her tone casual. "What you might want for yourself, where you see yourself in a few years."

Acheron tilted her head slightly, considering the question. "I live in the present. The future is uncertauncertaI don't need to know what it has in store for me."

Luminous nodded, her heart sinking slightly. 'Of course, she would say that,' she thought. 'But I need to be more direct, blunt, honest.'

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Do you ever think about... companionship? Someone to share your life with?"

Acheron's gaze remained steady, but Luminous noticed a flicker of something in her eyes. "Companionship is valuable. Trust is rare and to be cherished."

Encouraged by this, Luminous pressed on. "And what about... love?"

Acheron blinked, her expression momentarily puzzled. "Love is a complex emotion. It's a phenomon created by our body."

Luminous smiled faintly. "Yes... Do you think you could ever... feel that for someone?"

Acheron looked directly at her, the intensity of her gaze making Luminous's heart skip a beat. "It is possible? But such emotions are hard to feel."

Luminous's hope flickered, a small flame burning brighter. 'Maybe she does feel something, but she's just not used to expressing it.'

She reached across the table, placing her hand gently over Acheron's. "I think... with time, we can learn to express these emotions together."

Acheron's gaze softened slightly, and for a moment, Luminous thought she saw a hint of a smile. "Perhaps."

The silence that followed was no longer heavy with unspoken words but filled with the promise of possibilities.

(End of a chapter)