
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


"That guy is sure taking his time."

Said a very tall boy impatiently, strolling around in the nearly empty corridor. His eyes were teal in colour, and his hair was very dark. Of course, this boy is Royo.

"Don't worry. We can talk with Dr. Rein after the classes too."

"That guy is so irresponsible. Guess we have to postpone our visit, Amene."

Another boy complained, smiling in a condescending manner.

His hair was jet black. It went well with his eyes tinged with a reddish brown hue.

"Warren! Don't say like this... he might be preoccupied."

A girl defended the latecomer.

"Ahahaha... Sorry to make you guys wait..."

When they heard that nervous voice, they immediately turned their heads in the direction of the voice and a familiar person waved out to them. Even though he apologised for coming late, it seemed like he was in no hurry. He was walking in a casual manner.

Royo got infuriated at Mino's lackadaisical attitude and charged at him, but came to a halt and then came back.

"Those guys overdid it. Took the advantage of Ashu's absence."

He solemnly declared.

Amene and Maina's faces turned a shade darker while Warret said, "What do you mean?"

"I'll be helping myself to a seat, okay?"

Mino said cheerfully. But everyone (even Warret) could tell that the cheerfulness was assumed. There was a red smudge travelling upwards from his upper lip. His right cheek was bluish and he was having trouble breathing and walking properly. As he seated himself down, he didn't lean on the chair which he usually did, hinting at the possibility that his back was injured too. Hair dishevelled, he looked pretty hurt.

Amene couldn't help but frown and avert her eyes.

Royo didn't know what to say.

Maina said, "Royo, can't you beat them up? And M-mino... are y-you o-okay?"

"I sure look okay, don't I ?" A casual smile and a shrug.

A prompt satiric reply, causing Maina's shoulders to slump.

"Don't vent out your frustration on those who are trying to help, Mino." Amene indignant voice sounded.

"Sorry. Let us begin the real discussion then."

"Yeah okay. Haaaaaaa...."

Taking in a deep breath, Amene straightened her body and started...

" You guys sure know that my dad is a gymnast and my mom is a trauma surgeon don't you?"

A collective nod.

"And I'm sure we all know about the incident which occurred last evening, as well as the outcome this morning?"

Yet again, a nod. But this time, Warret's face had grown darker while Maina looked apprehensive.

"The cause of death is..."


Mino promptly replied, his face looking down.

Amene nodded in approval.

"But that's false."

Everyone except Mino looked at Amene, shock evident on their faces. Not bothering to listen to any question, she continued with a stern voice,

"The patient was incurable from the get-go. My mom said that the wound on his shoulder was not from a sniper bullet. It was much larger than a bullet. Also, by the time he was brought here, his forearm and upper chest had started blackening. Necrosis had begun already and was spreading at an unbelievable rate. And it couldn't be stopped."

Pausing for a while, Amene noticed the serious look on the faces of her friends.

He died had before the necrosis spread across his whole body, evidently his cardiac cells had been necrotized too. Some old man on tv claimed to have seen a black flash. Now, I have already told everything I know regarding this matter. Don't ask me any more questions. When you have finished digesting this, begin your own explanation, Mino."

Mino was sweating. And he was horrified too. Never had he expected the situation to be this bad. Trying to calm his heart which was loudly thumping in his chest, pressing against his ribs, he took a look to gauge other's reactions.

Royo appeared to be transfixed in shock, his mouth agape.

[Woah that blockhead actually got the situation?] Mino was genuinely surprised.

Warret was fidgeting, he apparently had something to ask. Seems like he couldn't bring himself to ask after Amene's stern declaration that she won't be entertaining any questions.

Maina had a hand pressed against her mouth, her eyes slowly widening. Looked like she was digesting the fact slowly.

Mino cleared his throat awkwardly, directing all attention towards himself. Finally, after a moment of silence, Amene spoke out.

"Come off clean, Mino."

He smiled meekly in response before starting.

"I was running too fast, I slipped and collided into a lamp post. The collision was violent enough to leave a dent on the post. And break my skull too."

The three of them winced, especially Maina.

Amene thought [That must have hurt like hell...]

He continued, "I was bleeding profusely, suffering from a concussion and my vision was blurred. When the ringing in my ears ceased, and before losing consciousness, I heard a boy's voice, in my opinion. What he said was incomprehensible, rather my head wasn't able to process those words. But I felt a white light filling my vision, coupled with a warm feeling. The pain subsided for a moment, before my vision turned black."

Pin drop silence. This corridor generally remained silent because nobody visited this corner of the school, but this time it seemed even more silent, in spite of four people being present in it.

"A healing spell, like in fantasy stories?"

Innocent words from Maina, which caught everyone's attention.

"Dunno. But I have a feeling that something abnormal is going on..."

"We all know that Mino, don't try to act cool." came Amene's stern reply.

Mino looked at her and frowned.

"So this is the end of discussion?"

Warret voiced out. But he didn't seem normal. His fist was tightly clenched and was shaking.


"No..." he brushed Royo's hand off his shoulder. Then he stood up and started walking in a certain direction. The others could guess where he intended to go, but it was not possible to go there now. The bell indicating the end of lunch break had already rung. They were actually running late.

"Hey Warret! Stop! We can go to the infirmary later too, you know?"

Amene rushed after her friend. Not returning to class after the bell was considered a breach of discipline.

But another person soon appeared in front of Warret. Seeing that person, he abruptly stopped, his eyes bulging out.

"Oi Mr. Lawkin? Seen Mr. Clair?"