

She was on the run for her life. Yifa could no longer hide as she was brought in by Darwin the major alpha and used as a breeder. She was abused all the time but she loved it. It made her fell in love with him and her life grew in puzzles She met people who might save her life but she endangered their lives and her run was still in the same cycle of escaping and getting caught...

Chukx_Whyte · Fantasy
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3 Chs



For the first time in so long, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe I wasn't alone after all. Maybe there were people out there who could accept me for who I was, not just judge me based on what I looked like or the rumors they had heard.

The stranger had pointed out a room to spend the night in as I was quite exhausted. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind, several questions bothering me that very minute.

I nodded as I walked back in to sleep again.

I woke up with a start, the full moon casting an eerie glow over my small bedroom. I was quite worried. I couldn't control the change that occurred once a while but I hoped to manage it as best I could even though I failed.

Even in the middle of the night, I got up, feeling the fur that covered my body and the long claws that had replaced my fingers.

I sighed, knowing that my nightmare would come soon. The stranger had been nice to me. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt him.. He told me he was once believed to be cursed but they had he had learned to know how to manage and control his transformation much better than I had. I had always felt like a disappointment and this night was no better.

I grabbed the bottle of water he had offered me and slipped out of the house, careful not to wake him up.

As I walked through the woods, I felt alone and unloved. I had never had any friends, never been invited to any parties or events. I was an outsider, always on the fringes of society and now, things were worse.

I was beginning to hear footsteps coming from the woods and I felt like it has to be part of the vigilante team trailing me. I was stuck between continuing into the forest or go back to the cabin. But then, I was scared that I might hurt the only person who I felt understood me. I had to proceed further because no matter who it was, it's not going to be anybody who gives an eff about me. I don't care what I do to who ever it was. I stepped more into the woods and a team of rogues attacked me. About five of them. I first felt a sharp blow on my back. I turned to see who it was and I got another on my leg. I fell and wailed for pain. I was about getting up and then I looked around and saw myself in the middle of it. They strucked me with multiple blows and started ransacking me to see if I was with any valueable under my possession and then I hear the faint sound of a siren from across the small cliff over the part we were. I wailed loudly not minding whether I get hit harder or not. Luck was on my side and I got heard because the vehicle started coming quickly towards our direction and the sound of the siren grew louder and louder. It came so close that they had to take off, making away with my mobile phone and bracelet I got as a present while I was with Lowell Moore. My uncle. "Who's there!!" A masculine voice echoed from above the cliff. "Help me!! Help me!!!" I cried as he came down the cliff and saw me. Immediately I saw the golden badge beside his pant I knew he was from the states sheriff's department. "You! I know you!!" He said taking me up by my arm. "Follow me!" He blurted.

I just don't know why life has to keep moving me in circular motions. I'll get out of something in a way and still on the process of getting out, something would being me back to what I'm runnyaway from. "Sir I promise I'm not who you think I am. I am not a murderer. I didn't do what you think I did! You have to trust me!" I said while crying but he turned deaf ears to my pleas and led me into the car, cuffing me to the handle inside. I sat there and calmed down because nothing is gonna change no matter how much I wail and cry and plead. I just have to take whatever comes to me.

We got to the station and I was cuffed both hands to each other and made to sit facing this sheriff man who was about to tell me something. "I'm the same as you. I'm Alpha Daemon. The alpha of moon wolves pack. And the best friend of Nicklaus Bradford. I would fight to secure enough evidences to put you to trial before the supreme court. You evil!" He spatted at me and ordered junior cadets to imprison me. As I was being taken away, he blurted loudly, "you'll remain here till I gather enough evidences to press concrete charges against you before the court. I would avenge my friend!" He said and I sensed bitterness in his words. "What have I done. What sort of world am I in?! Why am I cursed?! I didn't kill my mom why should this be me?!" I asked myself a lot of questions as I sat all night and wept. I don't know when I fell asleep only to be jolted back to life by the struck of a baton on the iron bars of my cell. "You have a visitor" the young officer said opening the cell and leading me out.

I walked out slowly yawning and trying to imagine who this person was. Because as far as I can remember, I'm not important to anybody until we got close to the reception and I heard a voice that sounded familiar. I just don't want to believe it's who I thought it was. I got to the reception, looked up and there he stood!

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