

She was on the run for her life. Yifa could no longer hide as she was brought in by Darwin the major alpha and used as a breeder. She was abused all the time but she loved it. It made her fell in love with him and her life grew in puzzles She met people who might save her life but she endangered their lives and her run was still in the same cycle of escaping and getting caught...

Chukx_Whyte · Fantasy
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3 Chs


As I ran through the dense forest, my heart pounding in my chest and my breath coming out in ragged gasps, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter irony. I was not going to let them catch me though. Several thoughts began to cross my mind as I felt so weak, remembering what had happened although I had no idea how it had happened. For

as long as I could remember, I had been trying to hide my true nature from the world, afraid of the consequences if anyone were to find out that I was cursed. And yet here I was, being chased by a group of people who believed that I was cursed and needed to be put down like a wild animal.

I had heard him say it started a few weeks ago, when a series of strange and violent attacks began to occur in the small town of Millfield where they were from. According to him, at first, everyone assumed that it was just a pack of wild animals, or perhaps even a serial killer on the loose. But as the attacks continued, and the victims began to display strange bite marks and other injuries that seemed to be inflicted by some kind of animal, rumors started to circulate that something more sinister was at play.

It wasn't long before the rumors began to focus on me. After all, the news had spread far about me, a young woman who kept to herself and never seemed to fit in with the rest of the pack and I had always been secretive about my nocturnal habits, never letting anyone see me during the full moon or even asking me what I did during those long, dark hours.

So when the town's self-appointed vigilantes, a group of middle-aged men who liked to think of themselves as protectors of the community, started to gather evidence against me, it wasn't hard for them to paint me as the culprit. They claimed to have seen me sneaking around the woods at night, or heard strange howling noises coming from my property. They even found a few tufts of my fur caught on a fence near the scene of one of the attacks, and used that as proof that I was the one responsible.

Of course, none of it was true. Yes, I was a werewolf, but I had never attacked anyone in my life. I had always been careful to keep my wolf side under control, never letting it get the best of me or do anything that could harm the people around me. But try telling that to a group of angry, scared men who were convinced that they had found a monster in their midst.

And so I found myself on the run, my heart racing and my senses on high alert as I tried to evade my pursuers. I knew that if they caught me, they would probably kill me without a second thought. They had already proven that they were willing to do whatever it took to protect their town, even if it meant taking the law into their own hands and resorting to violence.

As I ran deeper into the woods, I tried to think of a way out of this mess. I knew that I couldn't keep running forever, and that eventually I would need to confront my accusers and clear my name. But how could I do that when they were so convinced of my guilt, and when the evidence seemed to be stacked against me?

For a moment, I considered turning back and trying to reason with them. Maybe if I could just explain that I wasn't the monster they thought I was, they would listen to me and let me go. But then I remembered the fear and hatred in their eyes, the way they had already made up their minds about me before they even knew the full story. There was no reasoning with people like that.

And so I kept running, my wolf form giving me the speed and agility I needed to stay one step ahead of my pursuers. I knew that I was taking a huge risk by revealing my true nature like this, but I didn't have a choice. It was the only way to save myself.

As I ran deeper into the woods, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, my senses on high alert as I tried to stay one step ahead of my pursuers. Despite the danger, there was a sense of liberation in being able to let my wolf side take over, to run free and wild without any of the constraints of my human form.

But even as I reveled in the freedom of my wolf form, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of anger and frustration. How could these people be so quick to judge me? to assume that I was the monster responsible for these attacks? Didn't they know anything about werewolves and how we could get out of control sometimes? Even if I was a curse, was it enough reason to do that to me?

I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair settling in. How had things gotten so out of control? I had always been so careful to keep be cool, keeping myself under control, always watching my back and never letting anyone get too close. I always remembered everytime I had done or harm someone but this one was different. I had no idea.

And yet here I was, being hunted down like a wild animal by people who thought they were doing the right thing.

As I ran, I tried to think of a plan. Maybe I could find somewhere to hide, somewhere they wouldn't think to look. But the forest was vast and dense, and I knew that they had already scoured every inch of it looking for me.

Then, as I rounded a bend in the path, I saw something that made my heart skip a beat. In the distance, I could see a small cabin nestled among the trees, its lights flickering in the darkness. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.

Without hesitation, I changed direction and headed towards the cabin. As I approached, I could see that the door was open, and a warm glow spilled out into the night. With one last glance over my shoulder, I darted inside and closed the door behind me.

The cabin was small and cozy, with a fire burning in the hearth and a few simple furnishings scattered about. It looked like it hadn't been occupied in a while, but it was clean and well-kept. As I caught my breath and tried to steady my racing heart, I realized that I had no idea whose cabin this was or if anyone was even inside.

Suddenly, I heard a noise from the other room. My senses on high alert, I tensed and prepared to defend myself if necessary. But then a voice called out

"Hello? Who's there?"

I hesitated for a minute before moving closer.

I was quite unsure of what to do. But then I realized that I had nothing to lose. I stepped out of the shadows and into the main room of the cabin, revealing myself to whoever was there.

It was a man, probably in his mid-thirties, with shaggy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He looked startled when he saw me, but didn't seem frightened or hostile.

"Who are you?" he asked, his eyes flickering over my form.

"I'm... I'm Yifa" I said hesitantly. "I'm being chased by some people who think I'm responsible for a series of attacks in the town. I didn't know where else to go."

"I know you. The cursed girl" He growled, looking at me like I was some sort of criminal. My heart skipped as I got even more scared. Was I in trouble?

The man's expression softened, and he gestured for me to sit down. "You're safe here," he said. "My name is Liam. I live here alone, but I have some experience with people like you"

Like me? Had there been other people referred to as cursed? I could not understand.

I heaved a sigh of relief as I managed to sit beside him, hiding my fears.

"I used to work with a pack up in the mountains."

I stared at him in disbelief. Was it possible that I had seen him somewhere? Could he be talking about our pack? I could not understand as it felt very strange.

"I understand you are going through so much. Talk to me. What is the matter?" He questioned, looking at me surprised?

"I am a curse. I am cursed" I threw my arms.

He chuckled and looked at me as he engaged me in a conversation.

He didn't see me as a monster or a threat; he saw me as a person, someone who was struggling with a difficult condition.

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