
Academy Of The Elites

Magnus Academy where the best of the best gathers have just enrolled this year's new students. How many great people will emerge from these exceptions and will graduate as Elites? The future holds the answer. The crazy fantasy academy life for our MC has just started!! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/96cJ7CWFAE

Dark_Cross · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Little Talk

One week has passed since the entrance ceremony. Everyone was enjoying the breakfast leisurely while talking with their friends. Today was the weekend.

Students can be seen wearing a muffler as the temperature has dropped. The coldest season of the year has arrived. Looking outside the window, white blanket of snow covering the trees and ground could be seen. A painting painted in white.

"I am too excited to go home!"

"Me too!"

"Your birthday is on Christmas!? Amazing!"

Everyone was discussing their Christmas plans which was three weeks away. Many students were going home in Christmas break.

After eating the breakfast, I left the dormitory for a walk. There's nothing else to do.


The student council members announced yesterday were all from royal families and it was expected. All the royal family's children receive best education possible from their childhood, as he or she can be the next ruler of their kingdom. Besides, it's also done to show the superiority between a child of commoner and a ruler.

Footprints were forming on snow behind, as he walked.

Alexa Luferd, princess of the Luferd Kingdom is the President of student council this year. She is third in line for throne but is already considered to be the next ruler due to her extraordinary talents. Well scoring top marks in the entrance exam of Magnus Academy can't be done by any child.

He passed by the fountain.

Then there is the Vice President, Lux Swiss, prince of the Swiss Kingdom. He has no brothers or sisters, so the throne is all his. He was second in the rankings of the entrance exam which shows his capabilities. He is also the financé of Alexa Luferd.

He was walking by the A class building and saw Professor Alphine. She was stumbling while carrying thick books covering her face.

Why isn't she using magic?

"Need some help, professor?"

She peeked through the side of the pile of books.

"Yu Rorgesberg, right?"

"Yes." He answered as he took half of the books from the pile.

"Thanks for your help, I am really grateful."

"Don't mention it, by the way may I ask you a question professor ?"

"I know what you are going to ask and the answer is that you cannot use magic on Library books. A thin layer of dispell magic is covering all the books in the library making all the magic useless. It's done for the safety of the books."

"I see. So where are we taking these books?"

"To my room. Follow me."

They both started walking.

"So are you enjoying your time here?" She asked.

"It's not bad."

"Hmmm.. Made any friends?"


"Why? Loner type?"

"I don't know."

"You really give short answers, don't you?"

"It's my personality, I guess."

"Fu, fu."

Was something funny? He questioned inside his mind.

They both talked with each other the whole way and arrived outside a Dormitory.

"This is the dormitory where all the professors live." It was very similar to Star Dormitory. They arrived at the First Floor. She opened her room's door.

The room structure was also the same. It was a little bigger than ours.

She kept the books on the table placed beside the bed. He followed the suit.

"Have a good day, professor."

"Wait." He was about to leave but was stopped by the professor.

"Have a coffee, it's cold outside and also a way of saying thanks for helping today."

"Thanks for asking bu-"


A coffee cup appeared in front of him floating in air. Having no other choice he took the coffee cup.

"Come to the balcony. Drinking outside has its own beauty." She said as she walked into the balcony. He followed her. There was a small white round table with two pair of chairs placed on opposite side. She sat on one of the chair and gestured him to sit. He sat too. They were sitting opposite to each other.


As she snapped again, a barrier appeared around the table blocking the cold wind from outside. They started sipping their coffees.

He glanced sideways and the same lake which was visible through his room, can be seen from here too. It was covered in more mist compared to before. The lake was barely visible.

"That's the Rainbow Lake, on the day of Christmas every year, all the mist surrounding the lake disappears and a rainbow emerge from it's water. No one knows where the mist comes from or why does it disappear on Christmas." She explained.

"What do you want to do after graduating from the Academy Yu?" She asked, looking at him.

"Are you sure I will graduate?"

"Fu fu fu, you really are an interesting person. Let me change my words then, What will you do IF you graduate from Academy?"

"Not decided."

"I see."

The coffee talk was soon over. They arrived at the exit.

"Extend your hand."


"I said extend your hand."

He extended his right hand. He wondered why was she asking for this.

Soon professor's right hand interlocked with his.


"Yu, people's warmth can help in easing the pain too. Please remember that."

There was a gentle smile on her face.