
Abyssal Path : Ascent Of The Arcane Swordsman

This story chronicles the journey of Dante,a youthful swordsman who, despite being devoid of a mana signature, embarks on a dangerous quest to unravel the enigmas of the universe and attain the title of the ultimate swordsman. He was consumed by a singular desire: to acquire magic and execute lightning-fast maneuvers with the swordsmanship he had learned from a mysterious man who had rescued him. His long-cherished aspiration to wield mana came true when he gained the power to manipulate an enigmatic energy that could neutralize magic. With a powerful and enigmatic katana, as well as two accompanying entities, Dante must traverse treacherous terrain and surmount lethal obstacles and challenges that constantly reshape the very fabric of his world. Along the way, he faces malevolent creatures and ruthless foes who seek to thwart his every move. As he delves deeper into the enigmas of the Abyssal Path and its energy, carving his name into the earth with his blade, he stumbles upon a dark and ancient power that not only menaces his world but also imperils all of creation. Dante realizes that a destroyed world cannot witness his ascension as the best swordsman, and thus he is compelled to prevent its annihilation. However, he must confront similarly formidable adversaries, even as he struggles with a new and ominous force that has taken root in his own heart. As Dante battles through the constantly shifting events and obstacles, he begins to question the true motivation behind his quest. Did he truly desire to become the king of swords or was his entire endeavor, from his days as a lonely orphan to his current pursuit, merely an attempt to discover his true self? As Dante delves deeper into the mysteries of the world and reveals the ominous and ancient power that jeopardizes all of creation, he recognizes that his quest is more than just about becoming the finest swordsman. He is compelled to confront the malevolent seed that has taken hold in his heart and wrestle with his own identity, as the energy that granted his wish shatters the fragile barrier between his humanity and his now corrupted emotions. Despite the challenges and uncertainties he faces, Dante is determined to save his world and prevent its destruction. He must not only battle malevolent creatures and ruthless foes but also confront his inner demons and discover the truth about who he truly is. Will he emerge victorious and ascend to the throne of the greatest swordsman, or will his journey lead him down an entirely different path? Only time will tell. ---------------- But first, he has to survive his crazy academy. #Slow Paced...Very #Complex MC ....The initial volume primarily serves as a foundation, weaving together tantalizing fragments from the past while reserving the true essence of action for its successor. It offers glimpses of historical intricacies and lays the groundwork for an exhilarating journey that truly starts in the second volume. (A/N: I do not own the cover art, and it will be removed upon the artist's request.) Pardon the long synopsis. I am a new author and finding small words to describe something that encompasses the whole novel is somehow difficult.

Inked_Dragon · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Basic World Geography And Powers Of The World II


The Rothschild Family is one of the most powerful and wealthy families in the world. They have been the leading family in the field of swordsmanship for generations.

They have perfected the art of sword fighting and their swords are sought after by warriors and collectors alike.

They are the creators of the most advanced flying cars in the world, and they have mastered the art of teleportation.

They have also developed powerful holographic interfaces that can be used for communication, entertainment, and security.

The Rothschild Family's wealth and power have made them the target of envy and admiration.

They have strong ties to the ruling class and are often called upon to defend their kingdom.

The family is headed by the patriarch, Lord Rothschild, who is the master swordsman and the head of the family's business empire.


The Newton Family is a family of inventors and engineers. They have been responsible for the majority of the world's technological advancements and magical medicinal pills.

They are considered the intellectual elite and are admired for their ingenuity and creativity.

They have developed cutting-edge technologies such as the magical teleportation devices, which are used for transportation and communication.

They have also developed magical medicinal pills that can cure even the most complex and deadly diseases.

The Newton Family is headed by the matriarch, Lady Newton, who is a renowned scientist and inventor.

She is often called upon to solve complex problems and is regarded as the world's leading expert on magical technology.

The family's influence extends beyond their inventions and into academia, where they fund research.


The Darkmore Family is a family of mage assassins. They are feared and respected for their deadly skills and magical abilities.

They have been hired by governments and wealthy individuals to carry out assassinations and other covert operations.

They have developed unique magical abilities that allow them to move stealthily and remain undetected. They have also developed deadly magical spells that can incapacitate or kill their targets.

The Darkmore Family is headed by the enigmatic patriarch, Lord Darkmore, who is a master mage and assassin. He is known for his ruthlessness and cunning.

The family's influence extends beyond their deadly skills and into the criminal underworld, where they are rumored to control vast criminal empires.

Despite their fearsome reputation, the Darkmore Family is fiercely loyal to their own and will stop at nothing to protect their family's interests.

The Golden Monarch serves as the face of the three most prestigious families, including the Rothschilds, the Newtons, and the Darkmores.

The Rothschild Family is widely recognized as the face of a coalition of the three families, owing to their extensive knowledge, perfected clan power system, and immense wealth.

[Note: The leaders of different factions operate as autonomous entities rather than subordinate to the Monarchs who represents their coalition of groups.

The Monarch's presence within a particular faction merely implies a stronger foundation in terms of knowledge and history in comparison to the other factions.

The level of magical ability possessed by leaders of these factions may or may not be the same as that of Monarchs.]

#The Four Remaining Monarchy Factions#


The Nightmare Brigade is not just any criminal organization; they are a dark and mysterious group that deals in Magia, a dangerous and forbidden form of magic.

Their members are shrouded in secrecy and are known to be highly skilled in the dark arts.

They use their magic to control multiple avenues of crime, such as smuggling, extortion, and assassination.

The Nightmare Brigade is known to operate from hidden bases all over the world, with only a select few knowing the location of their headquarters. Their members are fiercely loyal to the organization and will stop at nothing to protect its secrets.

They are known to be ruthless in their pursuit of wealth and power, often at the expense of others. Nightmare Brigade are apparent in their use of fear and intimidation to control those around them.

They are known to have a vast network of informants and spies, and anyone who dares to cross them is dealt with swiftly and brutally.

In this world of magic and technology, the Nightmare Brigade is a shadowy force that operates in the shadows, always lurking and waiting for their next opportunity to strike.


While the Military Task Force is known as the world's police force, their methods are often criticized for their heavy-handedness.

They are a faction that is dedicated to maintaining order and keeping the peace, but they are not afraid to use force to achieve their goals.

Their members are highly trained in both combat and magic, making them some of the most formidable fighters in the world.

They use their advanced technology to keep the world safe and secure, but their methods are often seen as extreme.

The Military Task Force is guided by a strong sense of justice, but their methods often leave civilians feeling oppressed and afraid.

They believe that the ends justify the means and are willing to do whatever it takes to maintain order.

While they are a powerful force in the world, the Military Task Force is not without its critics. Many argue that their heavy-handedness is a threat to civil liberties and that their methods often result in innocent people being caught in the crossfire.

Despite the criticism, the Military Task Force continues to maintain their presence across the world, using their advanced technology and formidable skills to keep the peace.

They believe that their methods are necessary to protect the world from those who seek to do harm, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.


The Hunter Association is a group of skilled individuals known as Hunters. They are dedicated to hunting down dangerous beasts from Dungeons and Gates that threaten the safety of the world.

Unlike the other factions, the Hunter Association is not tied down to an organizational role, and their members are more like partners than employees.

The Hunters are known for their free spirit and willingness to take on any challenge. They have branches in every major city, and their members are highly skilled and fearless.

They use their advanced technology and magic to track and kill these creatures, often risking their lives to protect the world from these monsters.

The Hunter Association has a unique culture, and its members are known for their camaraderie and sense of adventure.

They work together in small groups to take on dangerous missions, and their success often depends on their ability to work together as a team.

The Hunters are not just skilled fighters; they are also experts in tracking and wilderness survival.

They are often called upon to investigate mysterious phenomena and to gather information on dangerous creatures.

Despite their free-spirited nature, the Hunters are respected by the other factions for their bravery and skill.

They are an essential part of the world's defense against the dangers of the Dungeons and Gates, and their members will stop at nothing to protect the world from these monsters. At least most of them try to.


The State Academy Island is a prestigious organization located on a secluded island. It consists of five academies and a research institute, dedicated to the advancement of magic and technology.

Their members are some of the brightest minds in the world, and they work tirelessly to push the boundaries of what is possible.

The State Academy Island is at the top of the educational hierarchy and is responsible for training most of the young generation of future mages.

Their programs are highly selective, and only the most talented and promising students are accepted into their academies.

The State Academy Island is known for its cutting-edge research and development in both magic and technology.

They use their vast resources to conduct experiments and tests, and they are constantly discovering new ways to apply magic to the modern world.

The State Academy Island maintains a neutral stance in the affairs of the world and abstains from involving themselves in the politics between factions, families, and kingdoms.

They prioritize their research and development efforts over political agendas, and their members are expected to remain impartial in all matters outside of their academic pursuits.

The Six Monarchs represented a variety of group of families, group of nations, factions and an academy

State Academy Island: Ancient Monarch

The Hunter Association: The Huntress

Four Great Nations: Mundane Monarch

Three Great Families: Golden Monarch

Nightmare Brigade:

Military Task Force:

It should be noted that there may exist other factions with leaders possessing comparable strength to the Monarchs, as well as individual mages.

The world is far more intricate than it appears, and in keeping with its enigmatic nature, anything is possible. At least, it is precisely this sense of mystery that makes exploring it such a delight.