
Abyssal Path : Ascent Of The Arcane Swordsman

This story chronicles the journey of Dante,a youthful swordsman who, despite being devoid of a mana signature, embarks on a dangerous quest to unravel the enigmas of the universe and attain the title of the ultimate swordsman. He was consumed by a singular desire: to acquire magic and execute lightning-fast maneuvers with the swordsmanship he had learned from a mysterious man who had rescued him. His long-cherished aspiration to wield mana came true when he gained the power to manipulate an enigmatic energy that could neutralize magic. With a powerful and enigmatic katana, as well as two accompanying entities, Dante must traverse treacherous terrain and surmount lethal obstacles and challenges that constantly reshape the very fabric of his world. Along the way, he faces malevolent creatures and ruthless foes who seek to thwart his every move. As he delves deeper into the enigmas of the Abyssal Path and its energy, carving his name into the earth with his blade, he stumbles upon a dark and ancient power that not only menaces his world but also imperils all of creation. Dante realizes that a destroyed world cannot witness his ascension as the best swordsman, and thus he is compelled to prevent its annihilation. However, he must confront similarly formidable adversaries, even as he struggles with a new and ominous force that has taken root in his own heart. As Dante battles through the constantly shifting events and obstacles, he begins to question the true motivation behind his quest. Did he truly desire to become the king of swords or was his entire endeavor, from his days as a lonely orphan to his current pursuit, merely an attempt to discover his true self? As Dante delves deeper into the mysteries of the world and reveals the ominous and ancient power that jeopardizes all of creation, he recognizes that his quest is more than just about becoming the finest swordsman. He is compelled to confront the malevolent seed that has taken hold in his heart and wrestle with his own identity, as the energy that granted his wish shatters the fragile barrier between his humanity and his now corrupted emotions. Despite the challenges and uncertainties he faces, Dante is determined to save his world and prevent its destruction. He must not only battle malevolent creatures and ruthless foes but also confront his inner demons and discover the truth about who he truly is. Will he emerge victorious and ascend to the throne of the greatest swordsman, or will his journey lead him down an entirely different path? Only time will tell. ---------------- But first, he has to survive his crazy academy. #Slow Paced...Very #Complex MC ....The initial volume primarily serves as a foundation, weaving together tantalizing fragments from the past while reserving the true essence of action for its successor. It offers glimpses of historical intricacies and lays the groundwork for an exhilarating journey that truly starts in the second volume. (A/N: I do not own the cover art, and it will be removed upon the artist's request.) Pardon the long synopsis. I am a new author and finding small words to describe something that encompasses the whole novel is somehow difficult.

Inked_Dragon · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Basic World Geography And Powers Of The World I


Over the past millennia, Earth has undergone significant evolution since the emergence of an energy known as "mana."

As a result, the planet's seas have expanded, and its overall size has increased by over 70,000 times. In modern times, the size of a typical town is equivalent to that of the largest known nation in the past.

The three largest land masses that spanned across the vast oceans are commonly known as the Three Continents. Apart from these continents, the oceans were also scattered with numerous islands.

The world was populated by humans, but other civilizations had also established themselves beyond the gaze of others.

They utilized the magical domains of the environment to shield themselves and create protective habitats.

The first continent, named Gaia, is a land of abundant forests, towering mountains, and meandering rivers.

Its diverse terrain is home to a plethora of creatures, both magical and non-magical. The continent is inhabited by various states and a kingdom, each with its unique culture and way of life.

Gaia is split into two distinct regions. The first one is known as Central State, a nation that blends magic and science to create an ideal society.

This democratic government prioritizes knowledge, innovation, and progress. Its citizens enjoy cutting-edge technologies fueled by magic, such as flying cars, teleportation devices, and holographic interfaces.

The second region is called Britannia, a medieval-themed land renowned for its rich heritage and culture. Britannia's people are governed by a queen, kings, and nobles.

They incorporate magic into every aspect of their daily lives, from farming the land to defending their borders. Despite its ancient traditions, Britannia is a land of enchantment, where dragons soar in the skies and unicorns roam the forests.

Nestled between these two divided parts of the Gaia Continent is a significant island known as the State Island Academy, renowned for its unparalleled technological advancements, surpassing even those of the Central State.


On the continent of Aquana, amidst the vast seas and concealed islands, lies Shinryu no Kuni, a land that spans half of the continent.

This dominant nation commands a significant portion of the ocean, with its seafaring samurai and state-of-the-art navy patrolling the waters with precision and expertise. Its prowess attests to its position among the Four Great Nations.

Shinryu no Kuni is a shogunate, with a government governed by a powerful military leader called the Shogun.

The military comprises exceptionally skilled samurai, trained in the art of combat and the use of traditional Asian weaponry.

However, the nation's cutting-edge ships and submarines are evidence of its advanced military technology.

Despite its advanced technology, Shinryu no Kuni's infrastructure is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and architecture.

The cities and towns are embellished with traditional Japanese edifices, featuring sliding doors, paper walls, and exquisitely crafted gardens.


Afrik is a magical continent encompassing frozen tundras, snow-capped mountains, jagged glaciers, deserts, volcanoes, and more.

The individuals who reside in this land are tenacious and tough, living in remote communities and enduring not just the severe climate but also the magical beasts and forces that dwell in this enigmatic realm.

In Afrikian society, magic is held in high regard and deeply integrated into the daily lives of its people.

Each member of the community is expected to contribute to the welfare of the tribe, employing their distinct magical talents to assist in activities like farming, hunting, and fishing.

The remote communities scattered throughout the unforgiving terrain of Afrik possess their own unique magical customs and traditions.

They are fiercely autonomous and self-reliant, utilizing magic to not only survive but also flourish in an environment that would otherwise be challenging to inhabit.

The inhabitants of Afrik have cultivated a profound sense of courage and fortitude, refining their magical abilities and confronting mystical obstacles with bravery and perseverance.

They are unflinching in the face of adversity and will go to any lengths to safeguard their loved ones and territory.

Despite their relatively lower level of technological progress compared to other continents, the people of Afrik are a formidable assembly of magic-wielding warriors and adept artisans.

The governance of Afrik is in the hands of a Tribal Council comprising representatives from the major magical tribes.

This council convenes periodically to address important matters concerning the people of Afrik. Decisions are reached through a collaborative process of consensus and negotiation.

At the helm of the council is a wise and experienced magical chief, elected by the people for their leadership qualities.

The chief assumes the dual roles of head of government and commander-in-chief of the military, harnessing their own formidable magical prowess to safeguard the security and wellbeing of their nation.

The council also includes a group of magical elders, respected members of the community who offer guidance and advice to the chief and the council.

The elders are valued for their magical wisdom and experience, and their input is considered essential to the decision-making process.

These Four Great Nations are represented by their respective leaders, with the Mundane Monarch as their figurehead and the Queen of Britannia, Isadora, as the prominent face of the nations.


Beyond the Three Continents, there are countless islands scattered throughout the vast seas. Some of these islands are home to secret civilizations, such as the Sky People who live in floating cities powered by magic crystals, or the Undersea Kingdom, where mermaids and sea creatures dwell in underwater palaces.

There are also dangerous pirate islands, where lawless crews roam the seas, preying on unsuspecting ships.

As the world has evolved, humans have learned to harness the power of mana and magic, using it to create wonders and advance their societies.

However, there are still many mysteries and dangers in this world, waiting to be discovered by brave adventurers and explorers.

The foggy magic domain areas still hold untold secrets, and ancient ruins dot the landscape, waiting to be explored. In this world of magic and wonder, anything is possible.

Note: Only Afrik can claim an entire continent to itself since Central State and Britannia share Gaia. Shinryu no Kuni shares Aquana with other smaller islands and pirate groups whose funding are mostly provided by another Monarch Faction Level like Nightmare Brigade.

#Bonus Description#

Rancor, located on the outskirts of Central State, is a densely populated city with a sprawling and maze-like layout.

It is plagued by extreme poverty and despair, with its residents living in makeshift dwellings and battling to make ends meet each day.

The narrow and winding streets of Rancor are flanked by towering buildings, creating a labyrinthine atmosphere that can be disorienting for those unfamiliar with the area.

The buildings in Rancor are in a state of disrepair, with dilapidated facades and walls that have been patched together using any available materials. Many of the structures are so unstable that they pose a threat of collapse at any given moment.

Despite their diverse ages and backgrounds, the residents of Rancor are united by their daily struggle for survival.

Since, it was a dog-eat-dog world, one could not exactly say that everyone was united.

The vast majority of Rancor's residents are impoverished, with limited access to basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare.

Parents often work grueling hours in dangerous jobs or participate in criminal activities to provide for their families.

As a result, many children are left to fend for themselves, wandering the streets in search of food and shelter.

Sadly, some of these children resort to prostitution and drug dealing as a means of survival, further perpetuating the cycle of poverty and desperation in the area.

The conditions in Rancor are dire, and the lack of resources and support makes it difficult for residents to break free from the vicious cycle of poverty and crime.

Due to their vulnerable status, women and children are often coerced into participating in illegal activities in order to survive.

Violence is a pervasive issue in this area, with gangs vying for control over territory and scarce resources.

[Dante spent his childhood in this city, although he only grew up in a specific part of it because the city claimed around one-third of Central State. So much for democratic country :)]