
Abyssal Firmament

Jin was a mortal reincarnated into a cultivation world. He made a name for himself and became a person while far from reaching the peak was a person feared by angels, devils, and the fallen. But when he came across a powerful treasure in the abyss he was ambushed and killed. When he thought it was over he was reincarnated into a new world, in a new era with his memories and the treasure he was killed for. Join his journey as he rises above all and reigns supreme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first try at creating a novel. After reading so much, I decided I wanted to make my own. I would appreciate some advice and tips to improve as I am a newbie writer. The cover picture is not mine if wanted to be taken down, let me know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical or religious records. All characters and plots in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be understanding towards the plot and read it as fictional. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes.

Risks · Fantasy
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112 Chs

Vestrial Zafari - Report

Looking at the monitors in front of me with my hands crossed behind my back I showed a stoic expression as I looked at the scenes that were happening throughout the academy.

"How are things going so far?" I asked, looking towards the assistant that was assigned to me for this task. I didn't know the guy that much and he seemed to be a complete rookie, it seems the higher-ups are trying to make me fail from behind the scenes.

"Everything is fine so far Captain." Responded Clyte, the assistant who was given to me to help me oversee the extermination squads of the Immortal Blood Sect. He had blond hair and emerald eyes but his appearance was rather ordinary, a special case as cultivating helps you become the most perfect version of yourself by removing impurities and bad genes.

I honestly don't even get why the sect is doing something like this. Targeting the Seven Blessed from Heaven? Even the heads of the other clans aren't so bold to do something like this, it seems that the sect has fully gotten arrogant ever since they gained the protection of the royals.

Sigh...it seems no matter which organization and how strong they are, they always fall the same way. From internal conflicts, complacency, and arrogance.

I was pulled from my thought when I heard my holocube ringing. I answered the call to then see the face of a goddess.

The number one Prime Disciple and the most important member of the Vice Sect Leaders faction, Priya Lacroix. This demoness stared at me with a smile that could enchant saints, her dark brown hair and orange eyes gleamed with a foul and horrid power that shook me to my core.

"How are things Vestrial?" She asked in a soft voice that aroused my deepest desires, but I killed that feeling as soon as they formed. I heard stories about what she did to her victims and just the small amount that I've heard is more than enough.

"Things are going well so far. If things continue to go as planned then all members of the Seven Blessed from Heaven will be dead by day's end." I said with a bow.

I was a prideful man who would never bow down to another man, let alone a woman no less but the tanned skin woman in front of me was a different breed even compared to those monsters. Priya is only at the peak of Heavenly Transformation but can easily kill peak Dao Kings like they were ants, even Tanya could not beat her, only the seven were qualified to be her stepping stones.

Priya narrowed her eyes and nodded in agreement, "Also, I have a little assignment for you to do for me. You can complete it while we are on the call."

"What is it that the Tribulation Demoness asks of this lowly servant." I flattered. Call me a simp, I don't care I'm still a straight man at the end of the day.

"Check the progress of the extermination squads and see if they have spotted their targets yet."

"Is there anyone you are specifically looking for Mistress Lacroix?" I asked, not seeing why she would be asking something like that. She was at the academy herself and was the leader of the strongest extermination squad whose mission was to assassinate Duan Ru Feng. The problem is that we don't know where he is, one of our spies said that he was last seen around the headquarters of the Royal Parliament faction but that place is sealed off from the rest of the academy. Even an expert in the Realm of World would have trouble breaking in.

"No one in particular, but I do want to know about-"


I turned around quickly, ready to slaughter the idiot who dared to barge into my chambers unannounced and didn't even have the courtesy to knock. But when I realized that it was a man I couldn't kill even no matter how much I wanted to, I swallowed my anger and lowered my head like a common dog. The handsome man with black hair and silver eyes who just walked in looked at me with mockery and disdain and he stopped in front of me and smiled.

"Looks like you're doing a good job Vestrial" The man complimented sarcastically and then patted my head like I was his pet.

My body shook and my heart seethed with killing intent as it took my all to not rip this fool's head off.

Just wait you bastard. One day I will make you beg for your death, even the Nine Hells won't save you from the torment I will bring you.

The man then looked at the screen where Priya watched all of this with an indifferent expression on her face, "Priya, still as beautiful as ever."

Priya scoffed, "What are you doing here Nen? Were you not supposed to go and kill Kellian Faulen?"

Nen, another Prime Disciple of the Immortal Blood Sect frowned as he responded, "I don't know why but there was something weird about the whole mission. Not the mission itself but the way Kellian acted."

"What do you mean?"

"When we got to his location it was like he was waiting for us the whole time. When we surrounded him all he did was smile and disappeared. After that it was a slaughter, the entire squad got wiped out and I was the last one remaining." Nen answered, making both me and Priya look at him in shock.

He is that strong!? This is bad it looks like we heavily underestimated them.

"What was his cultivation level?" I asked, trying to get as much information as possible. In our reports, Kellian is ranked as one of the strongest in the Seven Blessed from Heaven but it seems that position might change. If Kellian alone is this strong then what about Talia and Yennifer?

"Kellian Faulen is at the peak of Heavenly Transformation. But is battle prowess is far higher than that, even though we didn't fight I could tell that I wouldn't have come out on top in the battle even though I am at the peak of Dao Transformation." Nen revealed with a smile making us even more surprised.

"Then why are you smiling?" Priya asked with a frown on her face and I could not help but agree.

"Because it seems that we feel in part of a deeper scheme," Nen replied as he shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as a chill raced down my spine.

"After Kellian killed my squad he didn't fight me, he just let me go even though he had me dead to rights. With just a swing of his spear, my head would've rolled but he didn't do that. He just smiled and told me to leave, you want to know what he said when I asked him why he was letting me go?" He explained as now everyone in the room, Clyte included was paying attention.

"He said that it wasn't time yet and that the Vice Sect Master still has his role to play. He knew what faction I was in and who I report to. I wonder how he knows that I wonder." Nen smiled as I and Priya paled in shock. I don't know is Nen realizes how bad this is or if his arrogance had blinded him to the point of no return but either way this is bad very, very bad.

"I have a report. Lian Taiyang, Tanya Zel Laurius, Siana Solis, and Hakari Kenji have just saved Jerena Rose and killed the squad that was sent to kill her." Clyte reported, making us all quickly turn our heads towards him so fast that his face paled and he almost curled himself up into a ball like a scared animal.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" Nen howled as his silver-white aura flared, drenching me in cold sweat and making Clyle shit his pants.

"Are you sure it was Hakari? What did the guy look like!? Quick, answer me!" Priya yelled with a serious and threatening tone that had me and Nen in shock.

Does Priya have a history with the Asuran Prince? That has to be the case for a woman as cold and stoic as her to be reacting like this to just his name alone.

We sent a squad to the floor Hakari was residing on. They were one of the first squads sent, we had no idea how strong Hakari is, and as he is one of the most mysterious out of the seven we didn't really know how to deal with him. Some said they should send Priya and Nen together to deal with him and others said that he is clearly not that strong and said they should send an average squad to kill him. It was eventually settled when Talen volunteered to lead the squad to take him out.

When they got there it was doomed for failure. That damn emperor made that announcement and they were caught off guard and they were on Hakari's floor at the time. The place descended into chaos and most of the squad was killed by the carnage on that floor within the first few minutes. We later got confirmation that Talen along with his woman was dead but we got no news of Hakari and haven't heard anything regarding him since then and now we find out that he is with not one but two other members of the Seven Blessed from Heaven but is also with the crown princess of the Solar Dragon Empire?!

This is getting worse and worse. Priya is strong but I don't think she can handle Siana, she is a peak Dao King after all. As for Hakari, who the fuck knows with him.

"The male was reported to have dark skin, jet black hair with scarlet eyes." Clyte read out the report, confirming everything.

Priya's orange eyes blazed with a fire that I've never seen before as she then looked at someone who we could no see, "Get the squad ready we're moving out now." she commanded and then turned her attention back to us or more specifically Clyte, it seemed that she wanted to keep him in her sight and scan his soul to make sure he was not lying.

"Give me their current location immediately. Hakari is mine," she said in such a tone that I took a step back unconsciously.

Clyte who was sweating profusely at this point nodded his head and sent the information about their current location to her holocube, she then nodded his head and gave Nen a look with a glint in her eyes.

Nen, understanding whatever signal it was smiled and walked towards Clyte saying, "Well I guess my business is done here. You've done very well my friend, the contribution you've made today is a huge step in bringing us closer to our goal. What's your name?"

"Clyte. My name is Clyte young master," he responded, bowing his head.

"Clyte huh? I'll remember this name. I'll also be sure to report your merits today to the upper echelons, you might even get a promotion and get rewarded resources to improve your cultivation. You've done the sect a huge service and have made me impressed" Nen complimented as he reached his hand out for a shake.

Clyte, too shocked and happy about his bright future raised his head and shook his hand with a smile until his body froze and fell down.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end when I realized the state of Clyte, he was dead, his soul was vaporized and he didn't even realize it as he still had that smile on his face even in death most likely lost in thoughts about his bright future that would never come.

Nen smiled as he looked down at the corpse and then spat upon it and turned his eyes to me.

"Clean this fucking mess up and get rid of all the shit this bastard contaminated the air with. I had to use my cultivation technique to filter my lungs to not take any of that fucking smell in." Nen growled in anger.

"By your will young master." I complied and bowed my head

"Mhm." Clyte nodded and flickered out of the room and Priya hung up the call, getting ready to pursue Hakari and his group.

I sighed as I stood up straight and walked towards the soulless vessel of Clyte who was still smiling.

"Stupid fucking prick. Stop smiling like that you fucking disgrace, worthless trash that doesn't even know he is dead. Do you know what you just cost me?! Now my evaluation after this whole plot is now fucked because of you!" I howled as I stomped on his body, easily turning it into paste.

I'm about to stockpile chapters for the mass release. As for how long that will take...Idk. Also sorry for the inconsistency for the past few months. I've been busy with a lot of things and college, I'll try my best to go back to my 2 chapters a day schedule. I should also take this time to say that as this is my first novel there was not really that much planning into this. Most of what you have seen so far in this novel is only because I dreamt about it on a whim and ran with it so there was no advance planning into it. Unlike Fallen of Chaotic Order which will be heavily planned and fleshed out. I say all this to say that although I will try to fix my consistency don't be surprised if I go a few days without uploading a chapter due to a lack of ideas or if I do have the idea but just don't know how to execute, but I will make notes about the ideas I have for this novel from now on. One more thing, watch out for Priya.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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