

Chapter 32 Cleanup

  In a corner of the royal capital, torches illuminate the surrounding area, and the sound of hacking and killing has gradually ceased.

Although some nearby residents heard the sound and awakened from their sweet sleep, they were silent again after seeing through the crack of the door that the side who was making the killing, wearing a kingdom-style armor and carrying a flag with the royal emblem He drew his head back.

  It's nothing to do with me, I don't know anything.

  NOZUONODIE, if you don't die, you won't die!

  Everyone understands this truth.

Seeing someone whose arm had been tightly tied and was being pushed to the ground by several soldiers, Jim Watts sat on a chair with his legs upright, "Sir Carl, what else do you need to say" Is it?"

  Listening to the coldness in Jim Woz's words, the other party immediately struggled and shouted: "Your Highness, I am innocent!!"

  Although the other party has already been sentenced to death, Jim Woz doesn't mind listening to the other party's last words: "How innocent? Let's listen!"

  At first glance, there is still a chance. Carl's face full of tears and nose was immediately full of surprises. He hurriedly explained: "They just called me to be a guest. I didn't know they were secretly selling military supplies!"

   nodded, Jim Woz did not ask much, just pointed his finger behind him: "Understood, you wait a moment, the result will be known immediately, after all, they have brought the things over."

  Carl looked at him for a moment and turned his head away.

  At a glance, I saw a group of soldiers walking out of the blazing house. The leading general was holding several heads in one hand and this thing in the other.

  Looking at the **** heads, the familiar faces, and the book in the hands of the general, Sir Karl rolled his eyes and passed out.

   glanced lightly at Carl, who had passed out, and Jim Woz didn't care, but calmly asked the general: "Did you deal with it cleanly?"

  The other party casually threw his head behind Carl, knelt on one knee, and handed the book in front of Jim Woz: "Your Highness, do not humiliate the mission, all the sinners present are already dead! The books are also intact!"

   Taking over the ledger in his hand, Jim Woz nodded, and exclaimed with a serious expression: "Very well, I will go to the military camp to receive the reward later."

  After holding back his inner joy, the general respectfully stood up and said: "Thank you for your reward!"

   "Well, go and rest!"

  After dismissing the general at hand, Jim Woz turned over the ledger and looked at the extremely clearly recorded accounts seriously.

  It is clear from the quantity, price, whereabouts, and the division of benefits. Seeing Jim Woz's face, he unconsciously twitched a few times.

  He really did not expect that when he was cleaning up the cult, the cultists had not yet encountered it, but he directly discovered the largest military material smuggling case in recent decades. It is also a pleasant surprise!

  After handing the account book to a confidant, he slowly stood up, kicked the heads of those people who were still dripping blood, and looked at the familiar faces. He knew that these people were either nobles or wealthy businessmen.

   Then it was a roundabout kick at Sir Carl, who was still unconscious on the ground, kicking him in the air with a single kick, rolling a few times in a row.


   Accompanied by the sound of the bones in his body being completely broken, Carl was killed immediately, blood slowly seeping from the mouth, eyes, nose, and ears, and fell to the ground without any breath.

After taking a slight breath and exhaling it again, Jim Watts smiled and said to the guard beside him: "Cut off his head and put it together with the heads of those people. I want to see today. How many heads can be chopped off!"

  He feels that today's surprises will never be less, even more unexpected.

   Pointing to the place codenamed 2, he mounted his horse and said: "Let's go, the next place..." 鈥斺�

  Along with the search of locations, fire lights and shouts of killing continued to ring around the city.

  Countless people who were sleeping, were awakened from their sleep, and looked out of the window with uncertainty.

  No one knows what happened, but the soldiers outside the window carrying the royal flag let them know that this is not an invasion by foreign enemies, so they couldn't help but let go of most of their hearts.

Randomly glanced at the looming gaze in the surrounding dwellings, Jemworth shook the blood of the knight's sword, pointed to the head of the man with several carriages piled up behind him, and asked Charles a little helplessly: "Brother, you give it to me What are the locations that I'm looking for? I'm looking for the Wrong Linghui. Warehouses for smuggling military supplies, dungeons for selling children, gathering places for underground assassins, hiding places for wanted criminals in the kingdom...what the **** are these!"

Charles explained with a slightly embarrassed expression: "This is just a small problem. It shows that as long as it is a force that wants to hide, everyone chooses a place in common. Although the main target is not found, there are many other results. I think it's okay!"

  He didn't expect that the king could hide so many monsters and ghosts, and he was so lucky. He pointed out seven or eight places at once, but he could only say that this place has accumulated too many rotten things after years of accumulation.

  Able to get rid of them easily, it is considered unintentional.

  Looking at the 'rich' results behind him, Jim Woz sighed and said, "I don't know what the results are on the church side?"

   Inexplicably cleansed the underground forces of the royal capital, he can't tell what he thinks.

  Although there is no loss, but I always feel that it does not meet the expected goals.鈥斺�


   Kicked open the door of the basement and looked at the masked people who were watching him and others warily.

Safi looked at it a few times. After the patterns and logos embroidered on their black robes, they immediately recognized the identity of each other, frowning slightly: "Evil Whisper Society? This is the fifth one, right? Marton. There are so many cults in the Principality?"

  Safi was a little skeptical, whether he was shadowed by Jim Wozzi?

  Only searched about ten places, and encountered five kinds of cults plus two unseen underground forces. What moving frequency is this?

  'The land of the capital of the Principality of Marton is so good. Will everyone get together and play together? ? '

  Safi is really puzzled.

  In the past, the forces that needed to be carefully searched, today are the same as the large wholesale, just find one right!鈥斺�

   Just like the various signs of cults known by heretics hunting, cults also know them deeply.

The leader of the other party, only through the positions and weapons of the priests, could see through the identities of Safi and others, and his eyes condensed and said in a sullen tone: "Huh! Heresy hunting station? I really didn't expect your news. It's so smart that we haven't done anything yet, so you just came to the door directly. It seems that you have inserted a traitor among us, and you are still the kind of high-status..."

After all, in the astonished gaze of Safi and others, he drew a dagger from his waist with lightning speed, turned around and stabbed another masked man next to him in the chest, without giving him anything at all. Opportunity to react.

"Kalai, although I knew you were a traitor for a long time, and passed a lot of information when we were not paying attention, but I didn't expect you to start so quickly, you did not even plan to finish the action, and you did it. I was caught off guard."

  After a sharp pain, he looked at the hideous face of the opponent close at hand.

  The man named Kalai widened his eyes, his flushed face was full of disbelief, obviously he hadn't reacted yet.

   His legs softened, he directly knelt down on the ground, blood with blisters gushing from his mouth, he wanted to say something but said no sound: "You, you, him"

After closing the opponent, he looked at Safi and the others who had been stunned. He smiled disdainfully: "How is it? Didn't you save yourself, isn't it very angry?"

Looking at someone lying on the ground who was already suffocating, Safi explained sincerely: "...Well, I think you should have misunderstood something. Our church was planning to arrange an internal response in the Evil Whisper Society before, but then the staff was tense. So I transferred him to another place."

  Never thought, after hearing this, the other party just laughed disdainfully.

   glanced contemptuously at Safi, he shook the blood off the dagger nonchalantly, and laughed with disgust;


  Don't think I don't know, you guys are trying to divert my attention! "

As soon as   's voice fell, the dagger in his hand directly stabbed at the other subordinate.

   is still an old technique, very skilled!

  Under this superb skill in killing, the opponent was hit directly.

  It's just that this time he left some strength and didn't fully pierce the internal organs. He just injured the opponent seriously and paralyzed his whole body with the potion applied on the dagger.

In the shocked gaze of everyone present, after doing all this, he said to Safi again: "Don't think I don't know, you have two undercover agents in my place. Although the one just died, But this is not there yet, Bishop Safi, you shouldn't be so ruthless, don't you save meritorious officials?"

  As the other party finished speaking, looking at the subordinates beside him, there were some steps and movements.

  Safi immediately understood that they really believed that the two stabbed were their own people, and wanted to try to rescue them.

So in order to avoid leaving a cold-blooded impression on his subordinates, he could only helplessly explain: "...I explained it to you. We didn't intervene with you, so why bother? Woolen cloth?"

  When the other party heard this, he became angry and said: "Huh, your mouth is hard, it seems that even if you sacrifice your own people, you are not going to give us a way to survive!"

   After finishing speaking, he kicked the person lying on the ground and said loudly: "You **** has been abandoned. Tell me your origins. I want to see how that polite old thing explains it!"

  Hearing these words, the muscles on Safi's face moved slightly, and his face remained unchanged, thinking: 'You're dead, I must kill you. '

After being kicked, the man looked at the blood oozing out of his wound, and glared at the other side miserably: "You fool, I am a member of the royal family of Lord Yal. I originally wanted to secretly support your development and give Marton The Principality has caused trouble, you actually recognize me as a member of the church, I am XXXXX..."

After listening to the   , Safi looked at the stunned opponent and shrugged helplessly: "What I said, you just don't believe it."

   then made a gesture to everyone beside him, motioning to do it directly.

  So the battle begins again!

  Among them, he himself carried the warhammer, and directly approached the leader of the opponent, and he just made a decision.

  You have to smash the opponent's head with your own hands!

   Soon after, when everything was over, Safi and the others left completely.

  A figure appeared in the basement.

   glanced at the corpse lying on the ground, and casually stretched out his hand to grab it.

All the undissipated souls near    were condensed into a crystal clear crystal and appeared in his hands.

  Push it into your mouth casually and chew.

   Olga commented: "Although there are a lot of scenes, I have been blinded by BB, but it tastes good."

  In general, since people weren't killed by him, the accounts cannot be calculated on his head, so it will not cause the world's oppressive power to increase.

  He is quite satisfied with this buffet.

  The opponent kills in the front, and Olga picks it up in the back, which is considered to save resources.

  (End of this chapter)