

Chapter 31 Assigning Tasks

   Soon after, another small group also arrived outside the city gate.

  Jem Watts greeted them immediately after recognizing each other.

  After a cordial greeting, Jem pointed to Charles next to him, and smiled and said: "Bishop Safi, I'll introduce my friend for you, Charles!

  He was in charge of fighting against cults in our Principality of Marton, but his actions have been relatively secretive, so he is not well known, but he is definitely a genuine expert, and his knowledge of cultists is absolutely top-notch! Almost knowing the cultists as you know yourself!

  This time, I specifically found him, so that he combined with previous information to screen out the most likely locations for the cult to hide in the city. "


  After listening to Jim Woz's introduction, Safi, who didn't care much, couldn't help flashing some curiosity in his heart, and looked at Charles.

In response to his gaze, Charles stood up, stretched out his hand and shook hands with Safi, and said excitedly: "Hello, Bishop Safi, I've admired your name for a long time, never thought of me. I can also have this day, and being able to meet with you really caught me off guard!"

  Excited as if seeing an idol, even talking a little bit awkwardly.

Seeing his excitement, Safi was involuntarily stunned, and then said with a smile: "Where is it? It's too polite. I didn't expect that there will be an expert like you in the Principality of Marton to deal with cultists. It's a fortunate for Marton! "

Charles immediately showed a look of shame on his face: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, in dealing with cultists, you are the greatest authority in charge of heresy hunting and killing. I can be appreciated by His Royal Highness Jim. What an honor, where..."

  Listening to their business talks and the idea of ​​going on, Jim Woz, who knew what their backgrounds were, felt that the pain was so painful. A cult leader and the executioner who was responsible for cleaning up heretics blow each other, is it interesting?

   couldn't help but interrupted: "Two people, let's talk about it in advance, let's take care of the important things first, and it's not too late to talk!"

  After looking at each other, the two nodded in satisfaction: "Also." x2

  One of them admired each other very much, and they needed to have a long conversation after the incident, which made Jim Watts feel a bitter cold.

   So he hurriedly waved to Shire and instructed: "Shire, you divided the map, Bishop Safi."


   took the map that Shire had handed him, and Safi didn't do anything to hide it. When he opened it, he looked very rigorous and looked at it carefully.

  At first sight is the circle of various colors and sizes, the most conspicuous is the location of the palace with a big red circle in the middle of the map!

  Safie couldn't help but stunned, judging from the color of the circle, it should represent the difficulty, and the three colors represent the three difficulties, which is not difficult to understand.

   But looking at the position of the palace, the big red circle. Safi was still a little unbelievable. He really didn't expect that Jim Woz would even search the palace, knowing that he hadn't been crowned yet.

  Although his father is dead, his mother is still alive, and she is also the current administrator of the palace!

  According to the rules, only after the crown prince completes the coronation, she will give up this part of the right, and Jim Woz's move to search the palace overnight is undoubtedly a transgression, which makes people feel like a palace!

  So after doing this kind of thing, it will undoubtedly affect his evaluation among the people to a great extent!

   is not conducive to future development.

   Give excuses to his brothers and sisters.

  After hesitating for a while, Safi still asked: "Um...There are so many places, but how come there are even palaces?"

   "There is no way.

  My mother's queen is not very good at managing affairs, so now in the palace where people's hearts are a little distracted, cultists do have a certain degree of success in mixing into it, so it is necessary to search it again.

  I will explain to the queen myself afterwards, so you don't have to worry about anything. "

  The implication was that even his mother did not know that he was going to search the palace.

  I wanted to come because I was somewhat suspicious of the other party.

After hearing the implications, Safi can only say that Jim Woz is a ruthless character, and he doesn't even believe in his own mother when necessary, and judging from the sketched locations, there are quite a few suspected dignitaries. This As long as they can achieve their goals, they are not afraid of offending people. They have the confidence to suppress them. They are both capable and decisive. No wonder they can completely suppress their brothers and sisters and secure the throne of the crown prince.

  However, this kind of person does not seem to be the ideal goal of cooperation that the church needs, and he may turn his face against others and kick the church out of the game at any time.

  In Safi's mind, the ideal goal of cooperation should be the kind of people who can stabilize the situation without much success.

  I want to turn Safi's eyes around here, and after discovering that there is no good way for a short time, I finally decided to put this problem aside for the time being and make a decision later.

  After all, after the matter has been dealt with today, the church's power can formally enter the Principality of Marton. If this fails, then everything is meaningless.

   So he asked with a look of confusion: "If this is the case, then how to allocate goals?"

Jim Woz didn't know the plastic teammate in front of him. He was trying to yin himself, so he still had a smile on his face and said: "The red one will be dealt with at the end, and the other places should be divided left and right. You choose the left half, or Right half?"

When Bishop Safi heard that he was about to take over half of the task, he raised his brows and said with an unpleasant expression: "Oh? But this is your place, your Royal Highness. We are just here to help. Isn't this bad? After all, the manpower of our church is only about one-tenth of yours, but it is responsible for as many sites as you."

Jim Warz explained frankly: "That's not what I said. Your heretical hunting house was established specifically to deal with cultists. In this respect, the experience is extremely rich. I'm afraid you know better than them yourself, and although the soldiers under me are brave and brave, but without those experiences, the casualties are bound to be far greater than you."

  In response, Safi just shook his head and firmly refused: "But even so, our church should not take such a big risk. After all, I can't take the life of the priest as a trifling matter!"

  In the face of his decisive refusal, Jim Woz did not have any surprises, but smiled calmly, and wrote lightly: "The scope of the parish has been expanded by one third, and the construction cost of the Principality of Marton will contribute 600,000 gold coins."

"make a deal."

Safi's expression was shocked, and he stretched out his hands to press on the shoulders of Jim Woz, and said solemnly: "In terms of fighting cults, everyone in the church is very responsible. I have never Lax, because that is the bounden duty given to us by the Lord, so your highness is too far-sighted. My shirk just now is just to talk about it, why not be so far-sighted!"

  'Old stuff, don't Bilian! '

As if feeling the determination revealed by the other party, Jim Woz flushed his eyes and hugged Safi very moved: "This is so touching that the crown prince is extremely moved. Our Principality of Marton has always had a good relationship with the church, my dear. Like brothers, this is just a little bit of heart, and please accept it!"

  Safy refused with a serious face: "How can this be? Such a style does not conform to the rules of our church!"

   "No, you must take it!"

   "No, our church..."

   "No, you must..."

  Looking at the two people's righteous expressions, Xia Er silently spit on the ground while others were not paying attention.

  The affectionate performance of these two people really made him sick.

  In the struggle between kingship and theocracy that year, the two forces of the Principality of Marton and the church made several gestures with their swords, and many people died.

  If it weren't for other forces to stop him, there would have been endless friendship hundreds of years ago.

  'It's worth playing politics, and the faces are indeed thicker than the other. Such disgusting words can't even be said by me as a sorcerer. '

After another push, Bishop Safi finally accepted Jim Woz's proposal with a look of shame, and chose the site responsible for cleaning up the city on the left half, and Jim Woz also thoughtfully let the team The soldiers followed them, ready to help and prevent them from fishing.

   Before leaving, Jim Woz held Safi's hand with a serious face and asked them to take good care of themselves. The task is precious and the price of life is higher!

  Looking at the church walking away, the smile on Jim Woz's face disappeared immediately, wiped his hands with a disgusting face, and then spit on the ground.

   immediately took a bottle of wine from the subordinates behind him, washed his hands, and rinsed his mouth again.

  What he just said, he himself felt sick.

  He would have to vomit if he did it again.

  'Surface teammates! Someday find a chance to kill you old stuff! '

  He thought of it angrily.鈥斺�

  Looking at an uncomfortable face, Bishop Safi writhed with lice on his body, the priest behind him immediately asked with concern: "What's the matter with you, Bishop? Are you uncomfortable?"

   "Nothing, just want to change clothes."

   Obviously, just like Jim Woz, he was also disgusted.

  But in the end he endured it, but took off his coat, shook it, and put it on again.

  After everything returned to normal, he asked the priest beside him with his usual expression: "Have any of you heard of Shire?"


   "Never heard of it."


  Looking at the priests looking at each other, Safi stroked her chin.

  He clearly remembered that on the map in his hand, some of the points marked out were the targets of the problems that the church had investigated first.

   was originally used to make a deal with the Kingdom of Mardun, but was marked directly without thinking, so I had to give it up.

  'This is unreasonable. If the target on the map, that guy really guessed it himself with some intelligence. Then he should be extremely professional and extremely experienced in dealing with cultists, otherwise it would never be possible to understand them like this.

  No matter how much this kind of people cover up the news, there will be more or less rumors. After all, unless you can kill the cultists every time, you will inevitably leak the news...'

After thinking about it, he glanced at the soldier who was not far behind him, and had been following him and waiting for others, before he commanded: "After today, I want to know all the information about the man named Charles. I think he and us Crown Prince Jim Woz has a big problem. What are they hiding from us..."

  (End of this chapter)