
Abused mate (Namjoon x y/n)

Mia231 · Others
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17 Chs


Namjoon's p.o.v.

So not wanting to jump to conclusions I tried to come up with rational explanations. Maybe it was the tv I thought to myself. Ye of course it's the tv. Then I heard her sob and a crash. Ok definitely not the tv. My wolf immediately took control. I rushed towards the house and I broke the door down. I looked around for my mate.

I saw someone dragging her up the stairs. when she saw me her face showed relief then fear and confusion why was she scared. Then I realised my eyes were probably black. This was the first time I got to see my mates face properly. It definitely wasn't ideal circumstances but Like I thought she was beautiful but there were bruises and scares on her face that made me frown. What had she been through. Who had dared to harm my precious mate. Snapping myself out of my thoughts. I remembered the matter at hand.

I legged it up to the man and punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards I then wasted no time and I picked y/n up bridal style. She was so light in my arms. She was unconscious and I needed to get her to the pack doctor as soon as possible. I could tell she needed help immediately.

"Hey man I paid good money for her you can have her after" he said dazed. That sentence sent a wave of disgust through me. This guy better shut up if he knows what's good for him. I punched him again and knocked him out. How dare he say such vile things about my mate. Talking about her in such a crude way. She was too innocent for such things. Then a man that had the same eyes as Rena came into the hallway.


My wolf didn't appreciate his tone or his yelling. I pushed him to the back of my mind. How is this my fault I thought but I kept walking I need to get her to the pack doctor he kept yelling but I zoned him out. I can't go after him I need to take care of y/n.

I put y/n in the passenger seat of car and speed to the pack house I had mind linked the doctor so she would be ready for us. I rushed to the pack doctor.

"Put her in the bed in room 3 and wait In The waiting room alpha"

I growled I wasn't leaving her. Not after everything that just happened I needed to protect her and keep her safe.

" fine if you come in you better control your wolf" she looked stern and her tone would've been considered disrespectful but she was the best.

As she was treating her she hooked her up to an IV and heart monitor. She was muttering to herself as she treated y/n but I only caught parts. With each woe my anxiety and concern skyrocketed.

"Broken wrist.... sprained ankle.....underweight...scaring....broken ribs"

It was getting harder to control my wolf. I wanted to kill whoever did this to his mate. I suspected it was her father but I didn't want to jump to conclusions in case I was wrong. He was still her father so I couldn't harm him just yet. I needed to know the full story.

The doctor left the room and said she had to run a few a tests. My beta jin came in.

" so where's this mate I've heard so much abo... is this her. What happened" his tone was happy but quickly Changed to concern when he saw my mate. I mean I don't know what he had expected I had brought her here for a reason.

I quickly told him what happened. From following her home to the bang and everything that followed.

"Good thing you were being a creep and followed her home. " he said trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey I wasn't being a creep. I was being a good mate" I defended. Jin had definitely taken my mind off things slightly.

"Sure whatever helps you sleep at night dude. Will she be ok? Do you want me to get Mel to bring some clothes for her. "

Mel is jin's mate. They met a year ago while we were visiting other packs. They had instantly connected and Mel had adapted to her new role of beta female quite well.

"I hope so doc said she has to do a few tests and ye that'd be great." I just wanted my mate to wake up so I could check she was ok and find out what happened.

He nodded and silence enveloped us. I stared at her and prayed to the goddess she'd be ok. Mel soon came and left clothes for y/n. Then she left again jin soon followed after Mel. I was happy to be alone with her and it's probably better to not over crowd her when she wakes up. I kept looking at my mate hoping she'd wake up soon.