
Absolution by Elle Stone

Alexandra Veneur was born into the hunt. A destiny and birthright she refuses. She ran to escape but ended up in the arms of the prey, or was she the prey? James Richards the alpha of his pack. His duty to the pack is what drives him but when he found her it felt like everything changed. Discovering the truth might mean death for him and everyone he has sworn to protect.

xx_ElleStone_xx · Fantasy
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12 Chs


*** Lexie ***

She laid there on her bed completely and totally sated. It took her longer than normal to gain control of her breathing. She was fit but that was next level. She felt connected to James in a new way. Something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She closed her eyes and then felt his warm lips with a little spark at the base of her neck. She smiled to herself.

"Well that was quite the celebration Mr Richards"

He chuckled warmly into her.

"Is that a thank you?"

She shifted so she could turn and face him. Staring at his beautiful face she realised something was different with the way he looked at her. As she lay there trying to put words to her feelings she drifted into the most peaceful sleep she's ever known.


Her and Jess giggled as they walked towards the study hall. It was a Monday morning which meant History which morphed into the Combat Theory lesson in the afternoon. Lexie both hated and loved studying the history of the werewolves. Hated because it was all viewed from a skewed perspective. Every history lesson ended up being taught a new technique or tactic on how to survive or use what has been learned against them. Despite this she found it absolutely fascinating. The hierarchy intrigued her and how one wolf gets hurt the entire pack comes running regardless. Of course they would twist it and suggest different ways to use it to your advantage but she couldn't help but look deeper.

Often on Monday nights she could be found in the Hunting Library researching. As a legacy no one ever questioned her. She found that the wolves had such a loyalty towards each other, for them the pack was their family and they would do anything for each other. Hunters of course see this as a weakness. In Combat Theory the first thing that gets drummed into you is that the mission comes first, everything else second. In other words get hurt or wounded badly enough and they will leave you behind.

They took their seats in the back. Their History teacher was one of the eldest hunters on the compound, her grandmother, Sylvia. Apparently she used to be sweet and warm with a deadly aim. Now she just has a deadly aim. There is nothing sweet about her and age meant nothing. She was fit and could easily keep up with most of the other hunters. However her experience demanded that she become a teacher. Lexie's grandfather died at the hands of an alpha. After that loss apparently something in her grandmother shifted. That shift resulted in her being the deadliest hunter and most efficient leader in the Veneurs' family history. Her father though worked hard at exceeding his own mother's reputation when he took over.

"Good morning. Today we will look at the fairytales the wolves tell to their pups. Especially one in particular."

Mack, the guy who was trying super hard to get into her pants blurted out.

"How the fuck are fairytales supposed to help me in a fight?"

Big mistake Mack. Always raise you hand and watch your language. Before he even realised what was happening a piece of chalk hit him dead centre between the eyes.

"Language and raise your hand. Do that one more time Mr Landon and you'll help the freshman with cleaning duties."

With his red face he tried to disappear into his chair.

"Although your respect seems to be lacking the question does not. We have come across old werewolf teachings that indicate these fairytales may have some foundation in truth. When the original hunting family started The Mission they came across similar teachings which have led to our knowledge of silver we have today. Therefore we cannot discount any literature that we come across. Today we will be focusing on the theory of true mates."

The rest of the day blurs by and before long it was evening and once again Lexie was in the library looking for the texts her grandmother mentioned earlier that day. She found it in the very back of the library. The corner where most books that have little effect on the hunt tend to go. She settled into one of the couches in to room, stretching her aching limbs from the extra training she had to do as a legacy.

Reading the book she got lost in the romance of it. The Moon Goddess spent eons looking through space and time at every single soul that would walk the earth. She found that each person's soul was missing its other half, so she took it upon herself to find the other halves. Taking a red string and she tied it around one's heart and stretched it out and tied it to its perfect other half. Her plan was that the string would slowly start winding up, pulling each other close together in the hope that when they meet it would be undeniable. The truth of finding their love would be earth shattering for them. They would fall into each others arms because one won't be able to live without the other. The wolves would mark their mate on the neck as a sign to the world that this person is theirs and theirs alone, bringing them into the pack. Protecting and loving them with all the strength and breath they have.

Lexie sighed as lifted the book close to her heart. It was such a fairytale and the fantasy of finding someone that would literally die to keep you safe only made her sad. Sylvia said there is no actual record in their histories of true mates however if that ever occurred you can use one mate to get to the other. That is why they always check their prey's neck, just in case. On and on she went on how useful of a tactic this would be if it were true. She almost seemed sad that it wasn't which only made Lexie shiver.

All of a sudden her neck is really warm. The heat increasing spreading out slowly but she can't stop shivering. What the hell is happening? She can hear her name being called from behind the door.

"Lex! Lex! C'mon baby! Come back to me!"


*** James ***

He loved watching her sleep. James was studying her face and counting the couple of freckles she had. She was perfect and she was his completely. Guilt did nibble away at him. He should have told her beforehand what he was instead of just claiming her like that. As soon as she's awake he'll let her know and then they can talk about what is really going on with her. Its not like him to just jump into any situation like this half arsed with so little information but the pull she has on him is making him stupid. If only she was a wolf this would be so much easier. I never do easy anyways.

He knows now that the Moon Goddess brought this woman into his life as his perfect partner and he knows he would do absolutely anything to keep her safe. Fuck if she didn't want to see him again he'll understand but she will never ever go anywhere without protection again, whether she knows about it or not.

Mentally he was working his way through the Gammas to find a couple that he could trust to start a protection detail on his mate when she started shaking. James tried to wake her up but she was dead to the world.

"Lex! Lex! C'mon baby! Come back to me!"

She jumped up and out of bed. Before he knew it she was across the room, hand on her neck and a fucking silver blade in her other hand.

"You fucking marked me!?"

The fear seemed to roll over her body as she said those words. He would have enjoyed the sight of her naked in the moonlight if it wasn't for the fact that the light was bouncing threateningly off of the small silver hunting knife. Realisation dawned on him like a cold bucket of ice water.

He stood up. Muscles aching at trying to contain the rage within him and working hard at quietening the battle that is going on between his heart and head. Breathing heavily and measuring his words carefully.

"Lexie, are you a hunter?"

She stood there looking at him, the knife shaking in her hand. Eyes wide. Her heart is beating furiously.

"Alexandra answer me. Are. You. A. Hunter?"

He growled out a command. She is marked as his. A fucking hunter! That has been the missing puzzle piece. She's been working him. This is a new low even for them. Hunters are disgusted by wolves so for them to get one of their own to sleep with him made his blood boil. How could they do this to his Lexie? My Lexie. My mate. He is an Alpha. There are so many lives depending on him. How could the Moon Goddess make a hunter his mate and put their lives in danger? He started slowly moving towards her.


Her answer is barely a whisper but loud enough to stop him dead in his tracks. He knew the answer but he still didn't want it to be true. Does she have any idea what this does to him. He feels like his whole world is imploding. Her eyes haven't left his. Each waiting for the other to make a move. She is small, he can easily deflect her and that little blade she is carrying will only scratch him. Against a Gamma he is sure she could do some damage but not an Alpha. Protect her. He growled at that thought. She was looking at him. Fear in her eyes mixed with something else then those beautiful eyes went cold. Expecting her to start a fight she does the opposite. She drops the knife and falls to her knees weeping.

His heart is aching at the sight of her crying but his instincts are a mess right now. Part of him wants to end her right here and the other wants to scoop her up into his arms and take her far away from everything where it could just be the two of them. As much as he wants to hold her and kiss away any fears she has, his anger is in control now. He needs information from her. He has to protect his pack, his family. She is your family now. Another growl in frustration.

"Put some clothes on. Now. If you are even as half as capable and as smart as I think you are, you won't try anything."

His voice cold. He watches as she quickly moves to pull on some clothes. His cock betraying him as he watches her bend over and the moon shining on her beautiful ass that has his handprints fading away. Get it together.

He moves her into her living room and quickly puts his clothes back on. He pulls his phone from his back pocket.

"Markus. Prepare the cellar for a prisoner."

He ends the call. Switches off the lights.

"Don't move."

He walks over to the window and peers through, scanning the streets looking for the fucker that was stalking his girl. Most likely another hunter, gone now. Fuck they were probably working together.

"Does your friend know I'm here?"

She shakes her head. I trust her. He grabs her by the arm and moves her out of the building and into his car, keeping to the shadows. She hasn't said a word since the truth about her came out. He wanted to reach out and touch her, make her feel safe but he couldn't do that could he. He wasn't safe. His pack wasn't safe. His bunny, his mate was a hunter and he was stupid enough to mark her without all the information and now he is driving her back to his home. Our home. James was at war with himself. Torn between the pack and undoubtedly the love of his life.

He pulled up to the wine cellar entrance and was greeted by Markus and Dom. Dom started to move towards the trunk when James opened the passenger door and moved Lexie out of the car.

"There's no one in the trunk."

Both men looked at Lexie in shock, unsure of how to proceed.

"She's the prisoner"

He said in a matter-of-fact tone. Markus was about to open his big mouth but seemed to know better than to question him in front of a prisoner. Not a prisoner. Your mate.

"We've set up the end room Alpha."

Dom moved to grab hold of Lexie when James growled in warning. He instantly moved back and fell in step behind them. Markus opened the room and moved to grab some chains. Dom stayed at the door. He could feel the uneasiness roll off Markus like a terrible itch but yet moved to carry out protocol. James put Lexie in the metal chair as Markus reached out for Lexie to place a chain around her waist. Another warning growl, this time stronger. Markus retreated and carefully James chained both her ankles to the chair. One chain around her waist that weaved through the back. He moved her arms behind her, cuffed her wrists and threaded that chain through the chair and secured it to the bolt on the floor.

He stood up and realised she still hasn't made a sound. She tied her hair up when she got dressed and there peeking out from under her shirt was the start of his mark. He instinctively reached out and ran his fingers over it. The second he touched her skin there were sparks. He could hear her sharp inhale. She felt it too.

Realising he was being watched he dropped his hand and walked out without looking back. He never thought the door shutting was a loud sound but that night the sound of that door bang would echo in his memories forever.

"Take the first shift. I'll organise a roster of Gammas and get you relieved first thing"

Markus informed Dom and then both James and Markus walked out and got into his car. The short drive up to the main house was quick. Once they arrived, neither one of them moved.

"James. She's your mate."

James ran a hand across his face before saying it out loud.

"She's also a hunter."

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! Even if its something you don't like!. xxx

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