
Absolute Power in One Piece

Reborn into the world of one piece what adventures will shurino find himself embarking on? (I obviously don't own any characters except shurino and any other ocs that I make. Go and watch one piece for the original story. BTW THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC/STORY IVE EVER WRITTEN SO PLEASE GO EASY ON ME.)

EnderFro · Anime & Comics
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Game plan and first marine mission

(Before reading I would like to tell you that from now on after someone talks I'll put one of these, -name of whoever talked, so for example, "I need to get stronger"-Luffy, or "I will never lose again!"-Zoro, to identify who is saying what.)

Putting those thoughts aside I got up and left my room. As I exited I noticed a couple of people in the hallway, and even though they were no one important I was forced to salute them because I was only an ensign and they were a rank above me. (I have to rise up in the ranks if I want to learn the marine six styles or any form of haki. But for now I need to find a nice secluded area to train in). Using the memories I got from the old shurino I found the entrance to the underground training rooms. 

When I opened the door there was a really long hallway with other hallways branching off of the sides. I walked though the door and started walking all the way down to the end. It took a minute but when I reached the end there was a hallway on my left and another on my right lined with even more training rooms. After a minute I decided to go down the left hallway. When I reached the end there was a door on my left and right so I chose the left door which was door number 169. 

When I opened the door I was faced with a pretty normal training room. It looked like it hasn't been used in years and like nobody ever came here, not even to clean it. I coughed having inhaled some dust. (This place is really messy, if I want to use it I'll have to clean it). And that's what I did, I went to a chore boy and asked him for some cleaning supplies. I spent around 4 hours making sure that the training room was nice and clean. After that I headed to the public library and looked around for a map. It took a couple of minutes of searching through books and random papers but I eventually found a map of most of the known grand line islands and the four seas. 

I looked it over and I found that the closest island to marineford were, Punk Hazard, Risky Red, and Raijin. (Wait punk hazard? That place has a copy of one of the most powerful devil fruits, the devil fruit of an emperor of the sea. The artificial fish fish fruit model azure dragon!). A huge smile appeared on my face when I realized that I have a chance to obtain one of the most powerful fruits in existence. The only question was, how will I get it? 

(I could somehow steal a ship and head there on my own, but I'm to weak to do that. Or I could request that I get sent there to scout out the island, considering I'm a little under year and a half before canon starts it should have been almost a year since it was destroyed by Caesar's chemical weapon. But once again the marines probably wouldn't send me because I'm not strong yet). 

The more I thought about it the more I realized the main problem, I'm too weak. (I should train before I decide what I do. And now that I think about it the poisonous gas is still on the island because Caesar doesn't come back until around a year and a half after it gets blown up. It's already been around a year since it blew up. I need to get stronger if I want to do anything in this world). "STATS" with that command the blue screen popped up.



NAME: shurino tanaka 

AGE: 17 

RACE: human 

JOB: marine 

TOTAL STRENGTH LEVEL: grand line pirate 

STRENGTH: (45/10,000) 

AGILITY: (40/10,000) 

DURABILITY: (45/10,000) 

STAMINA: (47/10,000) 

H2H COMBAT: (10/1,000) 

SWORDSMAN SHIP: (13/1,000) 





Well I have about 5 hours till sundown, so I should try to train and see how long it will take to raise my stats.


Having been training for hours, I was completely exhausted and extremely sweaty. I reached my hand over to my water bottle, grabbed it, and took a sip. I grabbed my towel and wiped the sweat off of my face, "stats".



NAME: shurino tanaka 

AGE: 17 

RACE: human 

JOB: marine 

TOTAL STRENGTH LEVEL: grand line pirate 

STRENGTH: (47/10,000) 

AGILITY: (41/10,000) 

DURABILITY: (46/10,000) 

STAMINA: (48/10,000) 

H2H COMBAT: (10/1,000) 

SWORDSMAN SHIP: (13/1,000) 





(Looks like raising my stats is gonna be really difficult). Feeling tired I got up and left the training room. I walked down the hallway and back to my room. When I reached my room I took a shower and laid in my bed. (Not bad for my first day, I think I'll enjoy my life in this new world). With that, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 



I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door. I got up and threw some new close on and headed for the door. I grabbed the door handle and turned it opening the door. On the other side of the door was a beautiful pink haired women dressed in her marine attire. Quickly recognizing the woman as captain Hina, the cage human and my current superior. I saluted her and waited for her to address me. 

"At ease ensign."-Captain Hina, with those word I stopped saluting the woman. "Captain Hina, if I may ask what are you doing here?"-Me. "I have come here to inform you that you have been assigned a mission to board Hina's ship to help hunt down a group of pirates that are terrorizing a nearby island."-Captain Hina, I adorned a confused look on my face, "If you are wondering why you are being put on Hina's ship all of a sudden, it's because a big chunk of Hina's crew was killed on our last mission"-Captain Hina 

(So that's the reason, I guess that makes sense, ensign are all usually really weak so they are more likely to die). "Hina's ship departs in an hour be ready and on the boat by then, understood?"-Captain Hina, "Yes ma'am!"-Me. Having done her job of informing me Captain Hina walked away with out saying anything else. (It's my second day and I've already met a character, and a woman at that!) I couldn't help but be exited, (it's really starting to set in that I'm in a world that shouldn't exist). 

(I should get packing as I'm fairly sure this mission is going to take multiple days, if not a week or two). I walked back into my room and packed all the clothes I would need, and headed to the marine armory to grab two standard katanas, as shurino was trained a decent bit in two sword style. After I grabbed two standard katanas I headed to the docks to find Captain Hinas ship. 

After searching the docks for a couple minutes I spotted Captain Hina on her ship and boarded it. It was a little bigger than the average marine ship but other than that it was pretty normal. I went down into the living quarters and looked for an empty room to claim. After finding a room I went in, unpacked my clothes, and sat on the bed. (I wonder how strong the pirates we are hunting are. I hope they don't have any devil fruit user's, because I'm not ready to face a devil fruit user yet).