

Richard a mafia is on a mission to avenge the death of his parents, Getting encounter with the princess, Richard abducted her for his revenge. Along the line he found her attractive, letting go of his resentment for her, he protected her from the king who is hellbent on killing her . *Excerpt* Richard just go back to the quiet life you were living, No Jessie I've never been living a quiet life since the death of my parents,all I've felt was anger and hatred, I've been a criminal,a terrorist. But something also changed since the day I met you,I've been happy, somehow that feeling of anger and hatred was alleviated. Raising her chin up,I am not living you now and in the future Richard, Jessie called out,I want to ask you a question. Sure,go ahead. Why did you abducted me? *End of Excerpt* Seems Richard parents had some dealings with the king during the past. Getting to know the real identity of Richard, the king embarked on a mission to get rid of him along side the princess.

Joan_maco · Urban
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35 Chs

Emotions (2)

Running his fingers over his head, Richard sighed frustratingly,

Get a grip of yourself, what is wrong with my emotions, it's normal to have such emotions for your fellow humans right, but why do I feel different towards her,

Why do I feel jealous whenever Roland is close to her or when she's talking to him.

Here it goes again, I'm thinking about her,

Maybe I should give her some distance,he thought laying on his bed.

Just when he closed his eyes,a knock echoed from the door.

You can come in, it's not locked.

The door opened and Jessie walked in slowly,

Hey Richard,I brought some food for you.

What about the maids, you shouldn't have done it yourself.

It's fine Richard, but why are you still in this mess, you didn't change your shirt until now,

Moving closed to Richard, maybe I should help,

She said trying to unbuttoned his shirt,

No thanks ,he moved back from her,

Come on Richard, I want to help,

I said it's fine,no need I can help myself out.

No Richard, just let me help

Enough, just stop it Jessie, Richard shouted angrily.

Seriously you're getting on my nerves.

Stop,I told you I'm fine severally but you still insisted,I think you should know your boundaries,so you don't overstep them.

Jessie felt hurt, she was so shocked, Richard just scolded me for the first time she thought, her eyes went teary,

Richard, I'm sorry for my behavior, I'll take my leave now but please don't forget to eat your food,

She looked at him once more before turning to take her leave.

Jessie, Richard called out

Take the food with you,I don't need it,he uttered coldly .

Okay, Jessie replied picking up the tray of food ,

Richard walked to the bathroom shutting the door with a loud bang.

Jessie left in a hurry trying to hold her tears,

Meanwhile at the bathroom Richard rested on the door, hitting his head slightly against the door.

Come on, was that necessary,I tried to avoid her and now looked what happened,I ended up hurting her.

Shit, what I've I done.


Getting to her room, she felt hurt,

What did I do so wrong,why the sudden change of attitude,

What does he think of himself, maybe I should really know my boundaries.

From now on I would try not to get too close to him,if that is what he wants.

He thinks so full of himself, Richard will pay for hurting my feelings.

She said to herself angrily while walking out from her room.

Walking downstairs, she met Roland and Evelyn playing chess,

Hey, Jessie, come join us,

No I'm okay, besides I'm not good in playing chess.

Why are you back with the food untouched, Roland asked.

Oh, about this, Richard was having an upset stomach,so he decided not to eat this, Jessie quickly lied.

Alright, Jessie how about swimming.

Remembered you asked me last time to teach you how to swim.

Uh,no Roland,I'm fine,I don't feel like swimming anymore,

She quickly passed the tray to a maid standing close.

I'm heading upstairs, enjoy your game

Alright Jessie, Roland replied.

Rolly,why isn't her ugly boyfriend teaching her how to swim, Evelyn asked giving Jessie a hard glare.

Jessie stop climbing the stairs, immediately she heard those words.

Who's ugly,she asked walking back to Evelyn.

Oh, Jessie, she was just asking about a friend of mine, Roland cut in.

Oh, okay, Jessie managed to reply after glaring angrily at Evelyn.

She turned to walk away.

Roland gaze was fixed upstairs to make sure Jessie was out of sight before turning to Evelyn.

What is wrong with you Evelyn, are you trying to start a fight with her deliberately.

What is my offense this time, Evelyn replied plainly.

You shouldn't have said that, Evelyn.

Whatever, Evelyn said smiling.

Come on Rolly focus on this game or else I'm going to kick your ass out.

This is your biggest mistake, for letting me get to your king,

Don't forget your bishop is out already Evelyn,

My eyes are on you, Rolly.

Bang,I got your queen out, Rolly, you're so dead now, Evelyn laughed.

Evelyn come on take it easy on me,

Seeing Evelyn was winning already,he decided to trick her.

Argh, Evelyn he shouted, look at that .

Evelyn looked back feeling scared

Roland threw the chess on the floor,

Just kidding, cause you I can never let you win,

What, you knew I was going to win and then you decide to pull this stunt come here you are a dead meat once I catch you Evelyn roared

Looking at Evelyn coming for him,he ran away quickly.

Come on Evelyn it's just a game, don't be like this.

He quickly dashed upstairs and Evelyn chase after him.

Trying to catch up with Roland, she mismatched her steps and slipped.

Evelyn, Roland shouted turning back to grab her hands .

Just then she felt a strong arms holding her up.

Thank Goodness, Roland said,

You little brat you almost killed me, Evelyn replied pinching his cheek hard.

Ouch Roland winced in pain,at least you should be thankful to him.

Turning back to look who it was, she opened her mouth in surprise, she tried to force words out from it , but it just hung opened.

This isn't a playground Roland , Richard uttered .

Oh my God, even his voice is like a melody to my ears,he has such a sweet voice,a well built muscle and a broad chest,his lips looks so moist, and even…

Evelyn, Roland voice sounded in her ear waking her from her thoughts.

She didn't realize,he was no longer there,

What were you thinking about Evelyn, are you hurt Roland asked worriedly.

No I'm fine Roland,

Please I need a glass of water Roland.

Evelyn please be careful,if Richard didn't catch you on time I wouldn't have forgiven myself.

Here, have some water, Roland said helping her to drink from it.

Roland , Evelyn called out,

Yeah,do you feel any pain.

No, but is that the Richard,

Yeah, that's him , come on you should get some rest.

Roland was so worried about Evelyn that he carried her in a bridal style to her room.

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