
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · Fantasy
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32 Chs

About Playing Videogames

Video games. Oh, I love video games. They are like books, but you actually do something within the story. Even in pure action games with no true storylines, there are tiny bits that are yours and yours only. With enough imagination, you can turn them into a whole story unique but quite ephemeral. That's one good point they have in my opinion.


You are quick to be called a geek when you state that you enjoy games. Even today, you can't really compare to someone who says they enjoys, say, this random book's story.

I mean, doesn't it sound more intellectual to say you like a book?

Granted, in my middle school years, I got that reputation as a smart, sheltered, bookworm of a girl who only ever thinks about school just because I always went to the school library during the breaks. Actually, I just did it because I was really bad at staying around other people and the library was almost always empty. Oh, but I did like reading too! I am not a masochist!

The librarian, Mr. Barnes, who also happened to be my teacher, was the only person I felt was easy to stay around for a while. I wonder what he is up to now…

Anyway, what I am getting at is, people think books are better. Many people knew me in my middle school years even though I never talked to them and all of them thought of me as a sort of genius. Their opinion would definitely be different today if they saw me play Penultimate Fantasy X for the third time.



That or this is just my opinion…


Okay, I will explain what my true problem was then.

The name is Dawn Riftwalker. Sixteen. First-year student at Eve's Anathema and a bit of a twisted teenage girl. It was 3 AM and I was sitting on my bed, my GS4's controller in my hand, and beside me was a vampire girl I met two weeks ago reading one of the books I bought but never opened.

No, there was no problem with the fact that a vampire was in my house at 3 AM. AT ALL.

You get used to that quickly, believe me.

The problem was that she wasn't saying anything. She was doing the following in order: read her book, glance at the screen for about 10 seconds (yes, I counted), repeat.

I don't see a problem with that, you might think. She was reading after all. People are expected to be silent when they read, right? Wrong! She tended to talk a lot when she was reading, so much so that, whenever I was sleeping when she visited my room, she would inevitably wake me up!

But whenever I was playing, she would just stay silent. She didn't emote much. She never even mentioned it.

What? Is she one of those people who thinks video games are childish? I asked myself. If so, I will just ignore her opinion on the matter like I do with the others!

That… was the plan.

I am ashamed to admit it, but I actually wanted her to be interested in what I was doing, but if I just went and said that, she would just act like, well, herself. Everything but that.

"Question," she suddenly said while closing her book before meeting my gaze. "I might be wrong but aren't you looking at me a bit too intensely? It makes me wet."


You see, THIS is what I was talking about.

"... You are talking about sweat again… right?"

"Of course! What else could I be talking about?"

And so she smiled.


Long story short, about two weeks before, I (thought I) killed this vampire girl, and for whatever reason we started hanging out every night in my bedroom.

No, I don't mean it that way.

I mean, she WAS pretty. She had long dark hair tied in a long braid, pale and fair skin, long eyelashes, and those red eyes with white slit pupils common amongst her kin. Additionally, I must admit that even though she wore those big round glasses, they really suited her. However, if I learned a thing about this girl during those first two weeks, it was that she was the textbook definition of "beautiful only as long as she shut up."

"So, is there something you wish to ask me?" she asked.

"... Nothing."

"Is that so?" she said with a slightly surprised tone. "Perhaps there is something on my face, then? Oh, am I stupid? Of course, there is. Like my nose, and my eyes, and my mouth! Do any of those lure you then?"

"No! And what is with that choice of words?!"


Again with that soft laugh. I was starting to think she might actually be a mind vampire that feeds on my embarrassment. Usually, I was pretty calm and took some pride in calling myself a woman of few words but… she just calls forth the worst of me with her every word!

I think it was safe to assume that she knew every single way to push me to talk: uttering slightly inaccurate facts just so that I would correct her; twisting anything I say in such a way that I will feel obligated to correct myself. Or you know…

"You know, I think the Y-Box 720 is better than the GS4."

"*inhale deeply*"

I… I was trying. I was really trying.

"What do you even know about game consoles? You don't even seem interested," I said, my usual flat tone thankfully hiding my irritation.

"I don't? Misunderstanding! You misunderstand me! I am quite interested in those new technologies! I am quite confident I can tell you their entire story from the basic radar's mod to the powerful 4K/120FPS air conditioners!"

"And I want to believe you but what are you even calling an air conditioner?"

"Just so you know, I actually like air conditioners. Quite useful to cool a room after a torrid night, don't you think?"

"I wouldn't know!" I yelled looking elsewhere. She was staring at me in the eyes for a while there.

"Then, how about we make this night hotter?"

She leaned to me with what I believed to be a suggestive smile. Her face was too close. I leaned back in embarrassment.

"S-Stop it…" I said, barely above a whisper.

"Verification. You don't have school tomorrow, do you?"

"I… I don't, but… Hey, what does it have to do with—"

"Silly. Isn't that obvious? We will be working up a little sweat!"

And here, she pulled up her red pullover.

"Huh?! Wait, you aren't doing what I think you are—"

And produced a game disk.


"I believe you shouldn't yell this much at this hour?"

I put my hand on my mouth, looking away. It seemed I got carried away. Yet again.

"Are… Are you asking me or are you telling me?" I whispered.

"Funny. Your voice is usually so soft. I didn't think you could yell that loud," she said, with her never-fading smile.


I turned to her again, but my heart almost stopped. She was even closer than before, only a breath away from me. I gasped so loud that my yells earlier sounded like whispers. Or at least, that's how it felt to me.

"Hmhm. So you are saying I can make you yell at night, huh? Interesting."

"Why?! Why do you always need to say things that way?!" I said, pressing nervously on my controller while affecting to only care about my game. I am sure I was already quite red at the moment but then, she just had to do what she did next.

She leaned even closer and whispered in my ear, "It makes me want to make you yell louder."


I could feel her breath. The intoxicating breath of a vampire. I knew she actually meant something else than what it looked like but I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

"Why would she whisper something like that to me?!! Jokes need to have limits!!!" I yelled, covering my ear. I was so embarrassed that my face hurt.

She leaned back with her usual smile, "Success! This is exactly what I am talking about!"

"Stop teasing me, please! It is bad for my heart!"

"Hm? Why is that? Did I say something inappropriate?" she asked with a smile and tone implying that she knew exactly what I was talking about.

If she was going to play dumb, I thought I wouldn't bother embarrassing myself explaining why I was embarrassed in the first place.

"Just stop! Don't whisper in my ears anymore!" I said getting up.

The girl looked at me before making a pouty face.

"Why are you the one pouting here?! I am the victim!" I couldn't help but yell. It was like that every night nowadays. My neighbors must like me… Wait, no. They are worse.

Anyway, the girl's smile came back. She got up too and walked into the room a bit looking for whatever. Of course, I was on my guard, ready to punch her hard if she tried anything. I swear, it seemed like something that could genuinely work on a vampire in my mind.

After circling around my room the girl suddenly turned to me. I twitched expecting some sort of attack, but instead, she just presented me with the game disk from earlier.

"Request. Could you learn how to play this as soon as possible? I really want to play with you as soon as possible," she said.

"I am terribly sorry but I only heard the 'as soon as possible' part here could you repeat please?"

Looking more closely at the disk, I noticed it was a fighting game: Corridor Fighters IV. Where did she find that?

"While I look forward to beating you until you cry, I don't think I will take any pleasure in winning against an amateur," she continued, agitating her hands as she explained herself. "Let's work up some sweat with these muscular office workers! I look forward to hearing you yell and despair at my incredible fighting strength!"

"Oh…" Of course, she meant something like that. Even now, her jokes are a little bit too obscure for me to be honest. "Yeah, sure. Actually, I already know how to play."

"Oh? Is that so? You only ever play those turn-by-turn games so I thought…" she stopped mid-sentence, putting her fist in front of her mouth. I think it meant she was thinking about something.

Since she suddenly got silent, I thought I had to pick up where she left off and answer her question.

"I just like games where I can play without moving too much I guess. I don't have too good reflexes so I enjoy turn-based RPGs more than action RPGs. You have more time to think about what to do, and you can fully use a party. Well, cooperating with other players is good too, but doing my own thing feels the best at times. I also like fighting games and, without bragging, I think I am decent at most popular titles. But just decent."

I lied. I actually considered myself good but just in case my opponent was good too, I needed to make them believe I was no big deal. They would not go at full force at first, I would win without giving my everything and then, when they would decide to get serious, I would give my very best to win more than them.

I believe that it makes people believe that I am stronger than I really am, making them get discouraged whenever I can connect a lot of good blows and thus, giving me the edge. I have no proof it works like that though.

Anyway, the vampire girl smiled and nodded, her hands on her hips, "Then it's settled then! Tomorrow, we will play all night! Be prepared!"

"Tomorrow? You are leaving?"

"Yes. I have things to do."

"Oh…" I said. I think I sounded more lonely than I wished.

"Hm? Interesting. Could it be that you want me to make you cry tonight?" she asked, again with her teasing smile.

"Just go," I said, my tone back to its usual indifference and coldness.

"Hm? Sadness. I wanted to play with you so much…"

"I think you had too much fun already."


"You know your speech pattern is weird, right?"

"Well, well, good night!" she said, waving happily at me.

"Don't ignore me…"

The girl nodded again before climbing onto my bed. I don't know if she was actually replying to me since she seemed to be far away already but she was preparing to leave… by the window she had just opened.

"Can't… Can't you use the door like everyone else?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

"Of course, I can! Well then."

She immediately jumped out of the window anyway without letting me add anything.

"... Then use it," I mumbled to my now-empty house.

I sighed wondering about what that girl did to me. Back in middle school or even two weeks ago, I used to think that being by myself was easier. I was a loner, but I didn't feel alone. I always thought that it was better than feeling alone with people around you. Yet, ever since I met that girl, I felt something was different about me.

In my mirror, before going to school, I would look at my neck. No biting mark. The girl didn't attack me in my sleep. I wasn't a vampire either. What did she do to me then?

Whenever she was around, I could hear the sound of excitement. I could hear the sound of my face doing what I could describe as a smile. I could hear myself getting angry, embarrassed, annoyed, mostly annoyed but that wasn't important. What was was that I could hear myself emoting.

On the other hand, I could now hear the sound of silence – talkative as ever.

I had an analog clock that just worked whenever it wanted because its batteries were low. I never bothered buying new ones because, well, smartphones, but, three days before, I bought a whole pack of new batteries. I didn't even put on the correct hour, I just wanted to have a noise to focus my mind on before sleeping.

That was weird. What did she do to me? I was still a human, but I was hearing weird things.

In the back of my head, a simple answer was whispered. But my unconscious self would just stab the idea as soon as it came to my mind. I was there, just that I didn't plan to do anything about it. With luck, I would forget.


"Hello, good morning everyone!!!"

2:51 AM.

The door of my room opened. Just as expected, the weird vampire was there. Guess that was morning for her.

I waved at her while pointing at the place close to me on my bed.

"Come here. It is time for me to make you cry all night," I said. I wanted to laugh at the silliness of the situation. The deadpan me saying such a thing with absolute seriousness. Even the vampire was surprised.

"Oh? Interesting! I shall take you on that offer. However, it is you who shall cry today!"

"We will see."

"Hmhmhm! Here I come!"


To put it as respectfully as possible, I totally roasted her. Not that she was bad. She was good, really good. I just so happened to be better. Yet…

"Oh… I won," she said.

"You finally did…"

"Could it be that you let me win?"

Ugh. Spot on. I thought I hid it as best as I could but…

"Hm…" she said as her eyes disappeared behind her glasses.

"Huh… Are you angry?" I asked.

"Affirmation. Yes."

"E-Erm… Sorry…"

I didn't know what else to say. While she was losing, I thought her smile wasn't as bright as usual. Her laugh didn't appear natural for me so I thought about going easier on her but, of course, she noticed. She was a vampire after all. Guess she heard my fingers moving slower or something.

Either way, she was angry at me for the very first time ever since I knew her and, surprisingly, it was even more stressful than my mother was.

"Sorry, you say? Do you mean it?" she asked, piercing me with her scarlet eyes.

I think I instinctively looked at the ground again before replying, "Yes" like a good little dog.

"That means you would do anything to make amends, right?"

"Hell no."

I totally saw where she was going there.

So much for my apologies.

"Hm… Regrettable. Just remember that what will happen next is all your fault."


And then…

"30 to 10. How? How did that happen? HOW?!!"

"Ready to do anything then?"

"Hell no! You were actually going easy on me the whole time?!"

"Please, do your best. If I reach 50 victories, I am going to take something really important to you whether you want it or not."

"Something… important…?"

She grew closer and whispered in my ear, "No. Something very, very, VEEERY important."


I didn't like where this was going. I couldn't possibly stop her if she set her mind on anything so my only option was to make sure she would neve— she beat me 20 times straight. I didn't even feel my fingers anymore.

"Now then. About my reward."

"I didn't agree with anything! I didn't agree with anything!! May the laws of betting save me!!!"

That was a correct depiction of my mindset here.

"Incorrect. You didn't refuse so it counts as accepting."

"You didn't leave me any time to refuse!"

"In 20 fights? Surprise. Are you so tired that your mind has slowed down?" she asked, taking a thinking pose. "Either way, I won. You lost. If you aren't going to do anything, how about a simple thing?"

"... A simple thing?" I asked, looking at her with suspicion.

"I want to watch a movie with you. Is that a no?"


Was that truly her wish? It sounded too simplistic coming from her, but well, I could at least do that.

"Huh, okay, I don't mind."

"Really?!" she seemed really excited all of a sudden. That's when I noticed I didn't ask which kind of film we were going to watch. Oh no.

"... Huh… which kind of film is it?"

"Nothing suspicious!"

"Now I feel in danger!!!"

"Don't worry, don't worry! You won't regret it!"

"More like I won't have time to!"

She only responded with a smile. That day, she left by the window again, pretexting she had to find the ideal movie. In the end, she never told me which kind of movie we were going to watch. That night, I couldn't sleep thinking about what she was going to do. Did I have the time to move out before the next night?