
About a Certain Vampire Girl

2:51 AM, the vampire hour. For days now, Dawn Riftwalker, a teenage girl student at Eve's Anathema, has quite the problem. A strange girl with glasses breaks into her room every night without any warnings. That would be one big problem by itself, but the girl in question just had to be a vampire too. Nonsensical, forceful, flirty, that girl is just the kind of person the introverted Dawn has hardest time to deal with. But under all that, she discover someone she enjoys being around as well as a new side of herself. That being said, the world around them is not exactly the most logical place there is and the vampire girl she knows might hide a past and a mind too alien for her to even hope to understand. Amidst all of this, can Dawn finally realize her feelings and convey them properly? Thus begins an heartwarming – albeit slightly twisted and nonsensical – love story about a certain socially awkward girl, and a certain vampire. *** There will be about 4 to 5 chapters per weeks starting on Wednesday or Thursday.

FalSe_sMile · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

About My Neighbor Breathing Heavily

"*loud moaning*"



"*even louder moaning*"

"How lively."



"*inhale deeply*"


The name is Dawn Riftwalker. Sixteen. First-year students at Eve's Anathema and a socially awkward teenage girl. As a normal person living in a normal city in a normal time period called 'nowadays', I know about those things called, huh, adult sites. As a healthy teenager, I sometimes visit them out of curiosity. Only out of curiosity.

What? I am not lying! I am on the doujin team. I like all kinds of plots. Anyhow, I do enjoy reading all kinds of things, those included.

The question you are asking yourself has an obvious answer: it happens… sometimes.

Anyway, it is not the kind of thing I would want someone to find out about. Especially not the teasing vampire that comes to my room every night. That is why I kept my history clean and hid my 'collection' in hidden folders on my phone. As far as I knew, I couldn't be found out by a person randomly searching my phone.

The vampire girl could tease me about a lot of things, but not that, I thought. Weird jokes about weird things would surely kill me, I thought.

But here's the thing.

As a normal person living in a normal city in a normal period of time called 'nowadays', I have that thing called a neighbor. What about him, you ask? Well, he, huh, 'breathes loudly'. Often. With another person. A woman. Who breathes louder? Oh boy, why am I even trying to talk about that?

Anyway, he kept silent recently – don't ask me why – but ever since yesterday, he went back to business. And ever since yesterday, my conversations with that girl have been awkward. We were in front of a horror movie in the dark but I was more embarrassed than afraid.

What? You think she was embarrassed? No! Does she even know that word?! I think not! All she has been doing is grinning and making remarks about how lively the neighbors were! It was arguably more embarrassing than her finding my collection! How come?! I wasn't even doing anything!

"Curiosity. How often do you do that?"


Oh. Of course. She had to go there.

"... Do what?"

"Cruelty. You want a maiden to utter those words?"

"What about you is maiden-like? Aren't you too old and impure to pass for one?" Also, don't smile while saying that if you want me to believe you!

"How horrible. I am actually quite young, you know?"

"So you admit being impure?"

"I can drink holy water just fine."

"Well, yes. You aren't evil, are you?"

The girl looked at me with widened eyes, "Surprise. Not evil you say? Why would you think that?"

"Huh? Well…"

Why indeed? On Mikipedia is it said that vampires are generally 'evil' by nature and she even explained to me what kind of evil she was following a while back. However, what is an evil person actually? I wasn't sure how to answer that but…

"I guess you are… somewhat nice? Maybe…?" I said barely above a whisper. Why was it so embarrassing to praise her?

However, the girl took an uncharacteristically serious expression and looked at the screen.

"I am not nice," she said curtly.

Her affirmation sounded way too powerful. It was as if she was clearly telling me not to even try to start a discussion on that topic. I guess that is what people call being cold. At least it froze me for sure.

However, a bad habit of mine surfaced.

You see, there's a not-so-funny reason I like to think of myself as a woman of few words. As a socially awkward teenage girl, I often get flustered when being around other people. I have a hard time talking to someone if I don't have to and even when I do, I need to think about what to say a lot. And you know the best part? I am bad at explaining things verbally so I end up saying things out of order, panicking, trying to correct myself on parts I don't need to, making my sentences too long, repeating myself, and, of course, panicking even more. The result is that I am usually afraid of saying anything, and the lack of experience makes me even less likely to succeed.

Oh, and I often talk too softly. Just imagine how it works with the rest. Like what the vampire girl would say: sadness. Well, let's look at the good side – at least I know my problem, right?

*sigh* I feel like dying.

Anyway, another thing linked to that is my restlessness around people I feel relatively close to. When we stay at the same place without saying anything, I feel like I should, you know, start a conversation. But I don't, because I have nothing to say. That would be fine on its own if I didn't start talking anyway.

"It possessed a doll? Hahaha, that's a lame reference to Robert! Or maybe not? Who would want a doll so creepy?"


"And those kids who don't run away only after, no, I mean, those kids who don't run away before seeing the danger. Are they stupid or what?"

"They are curious."

"Oh come on! This movie was made when paranormal things didn't yet exist! They should know that… Ah yes, that is a movie. Then, they should run if they know something is wrong!"

"They are in an almost deserted region without a functioning car. Where should they go?"

"Ah! That is true! But come on, that is way too convenient! Unrealistic! Couldn't they make a better scenario? Too classic! Look, after this, the possessed child will just kill them one by one and the supervisor will be revealed to be a religious person who will…"

I stopped.

You see, I just remembered – when the vampire girl came with that movie, she said she wanted to watch it with me.

"It is a so-called slasher movie! I have never watched one, so I am kind of excited! Don't you want to hold my hand in the dark as we make our hearts race?" she said with her usual excitement.

"Wrong! The way you present it is wrong! Who even uses CDs nowadays?!"

"It is a Blu-ray!"

"It is the same thing!"

"So, is that a yes?"

"...*sigh* Whatever. I am stuck on that elf guy in Penultimate Fantasy X. I need a break. Besides, we were supposed to watch a movie together, right?"

"So, is that a yes?!"

"...I guess."

"Yay! I have always wanted to watch a new movie with a friend!"

She looked much more excited than usual, smiling while holding that disc – any more and she would probably jump to the ceiling. I think my heart skipped a beat there. Vampires sure are dangerous.

"B-But… I already saw that film, you know? Is it really okay? Seeing it with me, I mean…"

"Yeah! I wouldn't want to watch it with anyone but you!"

"... O-Okay."

The name is Dawn Riftwalker. Sixteen. First-year student at Eve's Anathema and a total pushover. Blushing for a few words even though I knew that what she actually meant was that she couldn't watch it anywhere else, since she had no other friends.

But I still felt happy.


So glad I bought that Blu-ray disc reader!

Huh, ahem, I saw that movie something like two times and I remembered them perfectly. I have a good memory after all. I knew it would be boring, but if she was going to smile like that, I could bear with it. I wanted her to enjoy the watch so I was angry at my neighbor who chose that day to get 'lively'.

But now, I realized I did something worse just because the silence between us was too heavy on me. My mind was too weak. I started making pointless commentary, acting as if I didn't know what would happen. I forced myself to laugh and make fun of the scenario. Worse still, I spoiled the movie for her. Sure, it was a slasher, and slashers are gonna be slashers, but it was her first, right? I just spoiled her experience with my thoughtless comments.

It wasn't me being overly conscious. A bit before I stopped talking, I noticed she was actually staring at me while holding her knees. With her mouth hidden by them, I couldn't tell exactly what her expression was, but it was as if she was saying something along the lines of "Since you are going to make comments during the whole film anyway, let's gain time by just watching you instead" in a sarcastic way. I will be honest, the thought hurt me. Words would just get stuck in my throat. Heavy. Painful. Dry.

I couldn't even apologize.

We continued watching the film in silence. Well, as silent as it can be with people moaning next door.

"... don't they ever get tired?" I whispered my mouth on my knees. I wasn't even embarrassed anymore, just really pissed off. I wished they could just shut up.

"Do they bother you?" the vampire girl asked.


She turned to me, "You asked if they don't get tired. Do they bother you?"

Vampires have good hearing. I only realized then, but part of the reason it was so easy to talk to her was that I didn't have to repeat myself. Usually, she would hear my voice regardless of how low I was speaking.

Realizing that, I felt embarrassed. I didn't want to bother her again, but because I got angry by myself, she probably felt obligated to talk to me. But if she took the time to talk to me, I had to answer. Again, I felt I had to.

"... Huh, no. I mean, yes, but… huh… don't they bother you?"

"I mostly think of it as an interesting background sound."

"Oh… Fine then…"

We stayed silent for a moment but she was still looking at me as if waiting for something. I was growing more and more nervous, unable to decide if I should still look at her or elsewhere.

But I had to decide so, of course, I took the most courageous option! I looked directly into her ey— I looked at the screen. Yes, I totally stand by the fact I am a coward! Come at me, world! I am not ready!!!

However, the girl grew closer for some reason.

"Give me your hand for a second," she said.

"...Eh?" What was that?

"Usually, when people get angry for the sake of others, they only do so because they imagine themselves in their situation. It is fine and all, but since they put 'themselves' in rather than trying to understand others, they falsely think everyone gets offended by the same thing as them. In short, compassion is just a form of glorified egoism," she said.

At first, I didn't understand what she was talking about but I remembered my question earlier. I assumed she was bothered by the moans only because I was. I didn't try to see things how she would. Again, I said something unneeded.

"...s-sorry, I—"

"That means it bothers you, right? Let's do something about that!"

"... What?"

The vampire girl took my right hand in her left.

"Okay, follow my lead!"

"Huh? O-Okay?"

She took a deep breath and…



"Here! Do it too!"

"Wait, did you just—"

"AAAAAAAAAAHNNNN— is what I said. Now, now, do it too!"

"Ahn?" What was I doing?



"Louder! Not enough sensuality!!!"


"What else? I want to make you moan so that we can bother your neighbor."


"Correct! This is about the required volume! Now use your sexy and feminine voice for me! Like so! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHNN!!! SO GOOD!!! YOU ARE MAKING ME GO— AAAAAAAAAAAHHHNN, I AM LOSING MY MIND!!!"

Red. The color of some apples, blood, that girl's eyes, and my face at that moment. It was me who was losing my mind there.

"By the way, what is your name?" she suddenly asked.

"Huh? Er… Dawn. Dawn Riftwalker."

Her question genuinely surprised me, not only because it was sudden or because of what she was doing a second earlier, but because I always thought we had a sort of silent agreement about our names – I don't ask hers, she doesn't ask mine, everyone is happy. A casual relationship with someone you are close enough to allow them to stay in your room, but distant enough to not care about their name. I always thought it was like that, but guess I went ahead of myself again? Anyway, I would regret replying without thinking the following second.



I… think my hand was getting sweaty. I don't know anymore. She was holding it too tight. I stopped caring about it.



We continued yelling things I am glad I forgot about for about half an hour. I don't like raising my voice usually, but that time, it was strangely easy. I said everything that went by my mind. It was… exhilarating. I couldn't help but smile. I had to do my best to not laugh.

To be honest, I was somewhat frustrated every time I heard my neighbor go at it. He was loud and he made me do things I would rather not talk about. Even worse, now that I had a friend at home, he was ruining the mood and making me have bad thoughts.

So yes, it was kind of refreshing. Making him taste his own medicine. Smiling with that vampire girl who wasn't quite my friend. Taking pleasure in yelling even though it was still embarrassing…

In the end, we didn't watch the rest of the movie and I am happy about that.

The night had gone silent yet again. No moaning of any sort anywhere thank you very much.

Apparently, our plan was a success. The girl my neighbor called over just got outside of his house a few minutes before. I couldn't tell if she was angry or anything, but the vampire girl laughed a little so I guess she had a funny expression.

We weren't saying anything. The movie had started again, but we weren't watching it. We were just lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling, our hands still intertwined. I don't know why but I was truly happy.

"So you are into BDSM, huh?" the vampire girl asked.

I… WAS happy... Truly.

"No. Why would you think that?!"

"'You like it there, don't you~? I will punish you~'" she said with a counterfeit voice.


"'So dirty~. It seems you are never satisfied aren't you~?'"


"'Here! Show me your devotion~. Lick my—"

"I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO LICK ANY–*cough**cough*"

"Don't force yourself. Your throat must be painful after yelling so much."

"Who*cough*... Whose fault is it?! My voice doesn't even sound like that!"

"Indeed. It is more like 'Show me your devotion!', right?"

Shivers. I got shivers. It was clearly my voice. I knew it was possible to imitate other people's voices but not that much I was sure. I didn't remember reading about vampires being able to do that.

"Wah… Now, you sounded just like me… creepy…" I said.

"Oh? I… uh…"

Oh? She was acting flustered for some reason! That was kind of refreshing!

"You can imitate other people's voices?" I asked.

"Only people I like."


She took me by surprise and, as usual, she burst into a soft laugh while I frowned at her. The fact that I was getting used to this annoyed me more than her actual bad joke. I mean, it was a joke right? If she liked me, she would kill me, right?

"Oh. I almost forgot. Which hour is it?" she asked.

I looked at the clock I recently put in my room. It indicated… 5:55 AM?! I was supposed to be at school in less than two hours!!!

"Oh no…" I mumbled.

The girl got up and looked at the clock too. Her eyes opened wide in panic.

"Oh no," she said too. Guess that's an universal reaction alright.

"Sorry, I will take my leave now," she added.

She got up, her hand leaving mine which made my feeling of loneliness whenever she was about to leave even more concrete this time.

"You… You are leaving?" I asked. I was ashamed of that me who could only ever ask that. A pointless useless meaningless question.

"*chuckle* Well, that is what I said, yes."


"See you."

She opened the window again. She was leaving using it that day too.

– That means they bother you, right? Let's do something about that!

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought about those words. While the method used was discussable, she showed me that acting when something bothers you can help. I know it doesn't always and even if it does, you won't necessarily have the power to do what is required. However, the case was simple here. I just had to talk to her. I didn't have to be afraid. If it bothered me, I just had to say it!

"Ahem! Hey!"

"Hm?" she turned to me. "What is the matter?"

Here I go. "So, I have been thinking, why… do you always leave by the window?"

"Efficiency. It is quicker than taking the stairs."

"That's all?"

"More or less?"

"Then why don't you use it to get inside?"

"Let's say you see someone jumping from the ground to pass through a window after midnight. What would you think?"

"That is a burglar?"

"The window is more than 5 meters off the ground."

"That is a creep."

"See? And that's the least creepy way I can think of to get inside."

"It doesn't explain to me why it is okay for someone to fall out my window in the early morning. Besides, many people nowadays are 'creeps'."

She stayed silent for a few seconds and then adjusted her glasses, "Flawless! I can't argue against that! Well then, I will stop being lazy and take the stairs!"

So easy!!!

"So*cough*... this *cough**cough*... this was about being lazy?"

She tilted her head and smiled, "Always has been!"

"Give me a break…"


We were currently going out of my house. The sun was dawning but the streets were still quite dark. There weren't nobody on the streets so to speak but most people seemed to still be in their home.

In the coldness of September's mornings, I was walking side by side with a vampire. I wasn't going to see her home since she said it wasn't necessary – understand 'no' – but I would at least reach the closest crossroad with her.

"Are you sure you will be okay? Shouldn't you try to sleep for an hour or something?" the vampire girl asked me.

"It is fine," I said, shrugging. I couldn't do anything about my sleep at that point anyway. "More importantly, I wanted to apologize."

"Why for?"

"The movie. You couldn't see it because of me. Sorry."

She shook her head, "Don't worry about it. Actually, I already saw that movie."

"Oh, still, I… huh? Wait, what did you just say?!"

"I already saw it. About 205 times."

"Huh?! You… You lied to me?!"

"See? I told you I am not a nice person."

She made what looked like a bitter smile and continued, "I would not say it is my favorite film from the ancient era, but I still like it quite a lot. I wanted you to enjoy it too. That's why…" Her eyes looked sadder. "I was a bit sad when you told me you already saw it."


That's when I understood. The real reason she was looking at me during the movie was to see how I was reacting to the different scenes. The expression her knees were hiding, it wasn't annoyance or contempt but happiness. Maybe, just maybe, she was actually smiling while looking at me.

I knew it was just a wild guess at this point, but just the thought made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Isn't September supposed to be cold?! Vampires are dangerous!!!

"T-Then! How about we watch, well rewatch, it another time? Properly, I mean!" I said. "It would be the fourth time for me but… uh… erm… it is kind of embarrassing… ah, well, you see…"

Words. Never here for me when I need them. I couldn't end my sentence.

"You know, right now, I am really happy," she suddenly said.


We had reached the crossroads. The vampire girl crossed the road without adding anything. Once on the other side, she turned to me with a large smile. She raised her hand and waved at me.

"See you tomorrow, Dawn," she said.


How do I put this? Vampires are dangerous again? I don't know.

Why did it feel like that when she smiled at me? I was confused. All I managed to do was to wave back at her. At least, I think I was waving and not just raising my hand at shoulder length.

As the dawn colored the streets with his light, I, Dawn Riftwalker, was possessed by only one thought – Why the hell is a crossroad so close to my house?!!


On a side note.

Going back, I saw my neighbor at his window.

He gave me the thumbs up.

Better not thinking about it too much.