
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Vivian's little secret

Although the five-digit white-haired witch didn't seem very reliable, her promises never failed. Lin Feng received the activity funds allocated by the organization, and tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at the few extra digits on his bank card. "This treatment is really good. If Crow12345 had slapped me in the face with this string of zeros back then, signing the contract would have been a lot more enjoyable!"

Lin Feng realized something: he had to learn to break away from the mindset of an insignificant commoner and view the "Time and Space Management Bureau" from a higher perspective. In the eyes of this monstrous organization, the world's currency was probably just a prop, and an unlimited one at that—Lin Feng had thought about asking Crow12345 to add a few more zeros to his bank card, but later felt too embarrassed to do so...

But regardless, the activity funds were sorted, and he also solved Vivienne's food expenses for at least two years: since the useless vampire moved in, Lin Feng had been essentially feeding her for free. He had joked about hiring a maid and saving electricity to offset the rent, but that was mostly a joke. Lin Feng was just finding a reason to make himself and Vivienne feel better about accepting this situation of free living. But now that was no longer a problem. The five-digit white-haired witch had allocated enough activity funds for him to travel the world with two others, and they were off to England to pick up someone...

On the way to the international airport, Vivienne kept muttering beside him, "Landlord, do you think the Time and Space Management Bureau is hiring? I could help them with cooling!"

Even after boarding the plane, Vivienne continued to muse over this question. Lin Feng couldn't help but say, "Enough, it requires talent, you know? I may be a reserve civil servant and a candidate holy son, but it's not that easy—besides, the white-haired witch's house is warm in winter and cool in summer, she's a goddess, she probably doesn't need an air conditioner..."

For the past few days, Vivienne had been responsible for cooling the entire house, and while saving on electricity, all three of them had started to consider her as an air conditioner.

The vampire girl pursed her lips, then curiously watched the ground crew bustling about outside the plane window and muttered, "Is it okay to leave 'Roll' at home?"

"No problem, it's tough, don't forget its background." Lin Feng wasn't worried at all. Since the whole family was going out this time, they couldn't bring the cat on the plane. It wasn't practical to arrange for international shipping for that creature, so he left "Roll" at home, entrusted to a neighbor for care. But in reality, Lin Feng was quite sure that the cunning creature would probably sneak out and fend for itself the next day; it had a history of doing so. "Back in the day, with less than ten pounds of body weight, it could dominate all the cat and dog nests on the whole street. Its survival skills in the wild are better than mine. When I first raised it two years ago, I used to worry when I went out, but later I wasn't afraid: I threw it out for a month, and the guy came back half a pound heavier..."

"Landlord, what do you think England will be like? I've never been there." Muyun sat opposite Lin Feng, now squatting on all fours, looking out the window with curiosity.

This time, with ample "activity funds," Lin Feng had boldly bought first-class tickets, so the three of them had spacious surroundings and partitions between them and the other passengers. Muyun, who couldn't sit still, had been fidgeting for most of the time before takeoff. Of course, the reason for buying first-class was not only the ample funds but also the better privacy—Lin Feng knew he was traveling with two individuals of extremely special backgrounds. Although theoretically these two experienced superwomen wouldn't slip up, he, still a cautious commoner, wanted to keep them as distant from ordinary people as possible during the journey, which would also make it easier to discuss some "confidential topics."

"I don't know, I've never been there either." Lin Feng shrugged, turning to Vivienne. "By the way, just to confirm, you've really been to England, right? We'll rely on you as our guide there, since you're supposed to be good at English..."

"Of course, I value my reputation. I won't speak recklessly." Vivienne straightened her chest. "After all, I've traveled the world, I knew the Earth was round back in the days when you humans ate raw meat. Where haven't I been? I even worked at the Vatican..."

Lin Feng hurriedly coughed. "Ahem, let's not mention the days of scraping by in the church. I really don't know what your fellow vampires would think of your glorious experience."

"Them? I haven't seen them in centuries. Most of them are stubborn idiots, and a few smart guys are better at hiding than me." Vivienne shrugged. "Our clan is very loose, even during its heyday it was fragmented. How could it have declined to this extent today? Sigh, let's not mention the past. Thinking about it just makes me melancholy. How did I live my life so confusedly?"

Lin Feng chuckled. "You know you lived your life confusedly. Alright, I know you can speak English and find your way. We'll rely on you so we don't have to find a guide when we get there. We can't ask others for help with our affairs; Crow12345 said that to train new employees' ability to handle affairs, they wouldn't even give us a map..."

Vivienne confidently patted her chest. "Rest assured, rest assured. Arthur Pendragon never scolded me even when we quarreled—I've lived there for over a hundred and thirty years, my English is like my mother tongue."

Lin Feng listened somewhat bewildered, feeling that something was off, but the amount of information in Vivienne's statement was too large to analyze carefully, so he just nodded and didn't delve into the issue any further.

After a while, seeing that Muyun still showed no signs of calming down, Lin Feng found a topic to attract the attention of the restless werewolf sister. "There's something I've been wanting to ask. How do you manage your identities in the human world? Especially you, Muyun, how did you do it?"

This question had puzzled Lin Feng for days: while Vivienne could be considered experienced, leaving that aside, how had Muyun, this fool, managed to handle her identity in modern society? She claimed to have been wandering the world since the Republican era, and when she was still in existence, she was a famous literary and artistic youth on the Shanghai Beach. It had been nearly a hundred years since then, and the form of citizenship had changed countless times. How had this fool managed to thrive in the human world to such an extent—and she seemed to be doing even better than Vivienne? This was truly curious.

Muyun also sat down properly in her seat, shaking her head as if she had a pair of pointed ears on her head. "It's not difficult at all. I watched your society's order being established from scratch. Living

 in human society is easy for us, no difficulty at all."

With that, Muyun suddenly raised her head smartly. Her usually unreliable brain finally showed some intelligence. "Why especially me? Do you think I'm dumb?"

Lin Feng hurriedly shook his head. Vivienne, on the other hand, turned her face away, looking like she couldn't bear to look, while Muyun corrected him seriously, "I know you always think I'm not very smart, but my sixth sense is sharp, I just don't bother to argue with you. It's a matter of attitude towards life. Landlord, I'll tell you, although I don't usually use my brain much, I've got a lot of skills behind my back! I know a lot of people, like... um, most of them are dead now, so I won't say. Anyway, I'm awesome!"

Lin Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. His intuition told him that Muyun might have just mentioned a bunch of frightening names, many of which were probably prohibited, so luckily the werewolf girl shut up relatively early. Living with these two superwomen every day brought similar surprises; their tone when talking about historical figures was like discussing the neighbor Zhao's family, completely disregarding how much their audience's liver trembled.

At this point, the plane's preparations for takeoff were finally complete, and a stewardess began to remind passengers to sit in their seats and fasten their seat belts. Muyun, who had been restless for so long, obediently sat down and fastened her seat belt skillfully. Then she and Lin Feng simultaneously noticed a stunning fact: Vivienne seemed to be trembling...

Usually dignified and at least somewhat vampire-like, her face began to change as soon as she heard the announcement that the plane was about to take off. She seemed to not even understand how to use the seat belt properly, and after Lin Feng helped her fasten it, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you afraid of flying? You have wings!"

"I've never been on one..." Vivienne said weakly.

Lin Feng was quite surprised: this vampire, who had been squatting around watching the construction of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, who had seen and experienced so much, had never been on a plane?

Vivienne was on the verge of tears. "I can't afford plane tickets..."

Lin Feng: "..."