
Abnormal Creatures

A remote and old big house, a bunch of abnormal extraterrestrial beings, and a labor contract from "gods". The three elements combined made Lin Feng the busiest landlord and the most capable nanny in the world, and the most chaotic. , the story of the strangest and most abnormal room host begins. "From the day I pressed my fingerprint on the labor contract, I knew I was on a pirate ship..."

DaoistlpXQ8U · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Foreign country

As the plane took off, Muyun and Vivienne seemed to have swapped personalities.

Usually, Muyun was the lively one at home, full of energy and curiosity. She would enthusiastically investigate anything she came across, even picking up a stone on the street to test its hardness if no one was around. In contrast, Vivienne was much more mature and stable. Despite her constant misfortune, the vampire girl always maintained her special pride and dignity as a "bloodsucker," appearing much more stable than Muyun.

However, their roles were completely reversed now. Muyun was lying comfortably in the spacious first-class seat, casually browsing the LCD TV for programs she was interested in, while Vivienne was suddenly filled with excitement. The vampire girl was leaning against the airplane window, mouth agape, watching the clouds quickly pass by outside. After a long while, she exclaimed, "Oh, we're really flying! And we're flying so high!"

Lin Feng chuckled. "You usually can fly yourself, isn't it necessary to be so surprised?"

"It's different when you're flying yourself!" Vivienne justified herself, "And I don't usually fly this high. Flying too high is prone to lightning strikes, and the low temperature and dangerous clouds at high altitudes. When I wanted to study the stars in the sky, I flew too high and ended up frozen into a big block of ice and fell down. I almost got discovered by the demon hunters for this, so I rarely fly above a kilometer anymore."

Lin Feng raised an eyebrow, quite surprised. "So, when you traveled the world, did you fly at low altitudes? Weren't you afraid of being shot down by arrows?"

"During my world travels? Sometimes I flew, sometimes I walked. Anyway, I'm stronger than humans, and time is not a problem for me. It's not difficult to go around the Eurasian continent. Besides, I'm not afraid to fly at high altitudes when necessary, especially when avoiding demon hunters; they rarely have the ability to deal with high-altitude targets. Speaking of arrows, I'm not afraid of them. Even the longbowmen of Wales couldn't hit me. Do you think those arrows could fly far when shot into the sky? But during World War II, I was accidentally shot down by an anti-aircraft gun once..."

Lin Feng was astonished, and Vivienne patted her chest with lingering fear, "Hmm, you humans have mastered the art of dealing with dangerous things so well. Not long ago, you were throwing stones at each other and fighting with big knives and spears, relying on praying to the heavens to survive headaches and fevers. Now, in the blink of an eye, you can launch tens of tons of steel plates into the sky. I thought the anti-aircraft gun was a new type of catapult, and I ended up with a shot in the face. If I hadn't turned into bats in time, I might have become the most flamboyant bloodsucker in the world."

Initially, Lin Feng could smile and interact with this girl, but later, he could only stare wide-eyed and listen. Some things were completely beyond his comprehension, and he didn't even know how to react!

When Vivienne mentioned that she once had an old acquaintance who was killed by a meteor while flying over North America, Lin Feng decided to change the subject and turned to Muyun, "You seem quite comfortable. Do you often fly on planes?"

The werewolf girl lazily raised her head and smiled, "I've flown on early Situnson airliners."

Lin Feng was puzzled, "What's that?"

Vivienne sat up tremblingly, "It's from the Republic of China... How rich were you back then?!"

"I couldn't afford a plane ticket from the Republic of China. But I could sneak into the engine compartment and even hang on the outside of the plane. At that time, the security was not as advanced as it is now. No one checked these places too much. And with my skills, it was easy to avoid the eyes of ordinary people. However, it was difficult to land at the destination. I had to jump off in advance, although I wouldn't die from the fall, it was quite scary."

Lin Feng exclaimed, "Nonsense, a normal person like you would have died halfway there!"

Muyun stuck out her tongue, "Anyway, I accumulated experience from that time. So, this bat is too rigid. Sometimes, it's not as smart as me. You don't know how to make good use of your physical qualities."

Vivienne turned away, "I don't think it's something to be proud of to hang outside the plane to escape paying."

Despite saying that, she couldn't help but discuss with Muyun, and their main topic was how to safely hang themselves on various human modes of transportation—Muyun taught Vivienne how to sneak into the luggage compartment, while Vivienne told Muyun how to avoid anti-aircraft guns. Regardless of how unreliable the topics themselves sounded to Lin Feng, these two archenemies finally reached a temporary truce in this bizarre field: they were both quite interested in these thrilling activities.

Looking at Muyun's happy face, Lin Feng thought that this werewolf girl was probably much more powerful than she appeared. It wasn't frightening for her to hang outside the plane and fly over half of China. What was frightening was that she dared to do so during the Republic of China period. How many shocking experiences did this seemingly foolish girl have behind her? When Lin Feng thought about modern Chinese history, he immediately dared not think further.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. The strange trio flew for eleven hours and finally arrived at their destination, Heathrow Airport in London.

Lin Feng, dragging the almost sleepy Muyun and the fully energized Vivienne out of the terminal, took a deep breath of the cool air of a foreign land and slowly exhaled, "It seems that the air here is not much different from back home..."

Vivienne looked up at the sky. It was early in the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and the faint morning light was slowly spreading from the horizon. The sky was covered with a thin veil of mist, making the already dim light even dimmer. The streets of the foreign land, the cold morning breeze, and the dim morning sun in the mist—these three elements might make ordinary people feel depressed, but they were just right for Vivienne, the vampire girl. She nodded in satisfaction, "This sunlight is just right, good for the skin. These past few days, I've been sunburned. Have you ever seen a vampire out in the sun all day?"

Lin Feng gave her a disdainful look, "Of course not. Have you ever seen a vampire looking for a job all day?"

Vivienne scratched her face awkwardly, then tried to change the subject, "Um... speaking of which, the scenery here seems a bit unfamiliar. It's not quite like the England I remember..."

Still sleepy, Muyun yawned and teased, "You couldn't even afford a plane ticket before. How could you possibly know the way to the airport?"

Lin Feng suddenly felt a sense of crisis for no reason, and Vivienne's following words confirmed his feeling, "That's not what I meant. I mean... um, I remember this place should be all wasteland or rocky beaches... if my vampire sense of direction is correct."

Lin Feng was almost speechless. He finally understood what was wrong from the beginning. "When exactly did you come to the UK?!"

After thinking for a while, Vivienne slowly lowered her head, "I remember there was someone called Richard the Lionheart fighting..."

Lin Feng's mouth almost dropped open. That was in 1190!

It seemed that Lin Feng's world history was quite good.

"How can you be so clueless sometimes?" Lin Feng rubbed his chin, looking incredulously at Vivienne. He hadn't expected someone to be so confused— even if there were, it should be someone like Muyun, right?

"I've lived for so many years, can't I have some mistakes in some details?" Vivienne tried to make her tone sound more imposing, but in the end, she lowered her head, "You know my memory is a bit fuzzy."

"What do we do now?" Lin Feng felt a bit at a loss. It might be okay for someone who often goes out and has seen the world to encounter this situation, but Lin Feng was a homebody who had never traveled far. The only translator and guide he relied on had also become clueless, and his task was to go to a remote place that couldn't even be found on the map to find a "client" whose name and appearance were unknown. This first task since taking office was indeed a bit tricky.

Vivienne bit her lip, "It's okay, at least I can speak the language. Isn't that better than you?"

Lin Feng thought about it. Although something seemed off, he could only nod.

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