
Ability Creation Within A New World

there are 7 realms within this world, and among the 7 realms, each holds 1 unmatched ability. I found myself in hell where I tortured myself, forced to relive my sins... but I ended up enjoying the moments, leading me to pass a trail and gain the ability to create other abilities. {first world is original, the second world is Naruto

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Sex with a goddess... was a whole few experiences, I was left satisfied for the first time in years. As for Athena, she fell asleep in my arms. She couldn't even remember the last time she slept, as such things were something she didn't need, yet she was sound asleep in my arms.

Slowly getting off the bed in my spaceship, I went to cook something for us to eat. Athena needed a short amount of time to sleep, just a few minutes and she woke up to the sleep of something which smelled amazing. I brought her some food, which made her heart warm up.

"So, how was your first time," I said with a smile, Athena blushed slightly as she remembered what just happened. It was amazing, but all of a sudden the reality hit her. She just had sex,

Athena was born uniquely, born from Zeus's forehead, she never had a mother. she was one of the few goddesses who cared for humans, going out of her way to birth and lead heroes to fight against the demon race. So, why did she not want to have sex?

She feared becoming anything like her father. Zeus, a man with lust which he can't control. she has seen the chaos brought by such actions and realized that self-control was the greatest power a person could have. so she avoided getting married and having sex, something which Zeus supported and helped her in keeping her purity.

She saw how sex transforms people, for a rare few they could control themselves. but those who can never get enough, can't help but seek more, leading to them destroying everything, she didn't want to risk such things. but she was snapped out of such thoughts, by my hand which fell on her palm, leaving her stunned while looking deeply into my beautiful enchanting blue eyes.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly, Athena opened her mouth for a moment before she smiled slightly while shaking my head

"You have to take responsibility... we have to get married," Athena said with a gentle smile, making me freeze questioning what I just heard. Athena didn't allow me to speak, as we both disappeared, appearing within another dimension, a dimension known as Mount Olympus.

There I appeared before huge gates, which were white, with golden patterns. I looked around in shock and found that standing amongst the clouds, I looked at the gates, where soldiers holding golden and red shields, along with a spear stood, guarding the gate. looking behind me, I saw many other buildings, and below them all was a city where there was a field with people.

Athena took my hand, leading me to the huge gate doors which opened, allowing us to enter and go inside. Athena led the way, while I was busy looking at the many things, but there were mostly males, and rarely would I see a female. well, it was not hard to guess why, this was most likely Zeus's temple or something.

we soon entered a throne room, where we entered and I saw see him. a handsome young man, whose hair was pure white like the cloud. he had long white hair, with a godly beard, which him look manly. I couldn't help but wonder if I should grow a beard, due to the slight envy I felt while looking at this man.

{Name: Zeus

Age: 230 million years/ immortal

Race: Gods

Level: 145/150


Strength- 150

Defense- 144

Speed- 150

Stamina- 143

Accuracy- 145

Charm- 144

Intelligence- 144


D tier ability: None

C tier Ability: None

B-tier ability: None

A-tier ability: None

S tier ability: None

Demi-God Ability: [God Of Spacetime]

God tier Ability: [Dviniy Of Sky] [Divinity Of Lightning [Divinity Of Thunder] [Divinity Of law] [Divinity Of Order] [Timeless] [Zeus Of Olympus]

With a strength stat of 149, with such a high stat, Zeus could destroy countless Galaxies without trouble. this was the level of power he had, this was a true powerhouse, and currently, his eyes were set on me. How could Zeus not know what just happened to his daughter? 

Athena suddenly hugged my arm while looking seriously at her father, which made his eyebrow raise slightly. in truth, he sent his daughter to Sora knowing I would lust over her, what he didn't expect was what followed.

"You wish to marry my daughter?" he asked, a part of him was unwilling to accept this, Athena was his favorite daughter. out of the hundreds of children he had running around somewhere, Athena was his most beloved daughter.

they had a unique bond, maybe it was because he was the one who birthed her, or maybe it was because Athena was a good daughter who stood by his side helping him with the annoying stuff. either way, he is the person who could fuck anything that moves, never once had thoughts on his daughter. thats how much he favored her.

I gave a charming smile while nodding, but deep down I was cursing, first Rose and now Athena. just what trashy luck do I have? Well, at least I fell in love with Rose...

Zeus looked at me for some time before looking at Athena, and back at me. He opened his mouth, wanting to warn me not to hurt her, but it was then he remembered his own life. he went quiet as realization hit him... was he no different from me? Zeus sat back in his seat, questioning everything, which made my face darkened

I was such a huge scumbag I made Zeus start reflecting on his actions... fuck him, I was not married like him. so this made me far better than Zeus.

"I... leave me be," Zeus said softly, waving us away as he went to go look for Hera. I left, with a chilling glare filling my eyes. since when did I ever feel like such a huge ass? You know what, I would show Zeus I'm better than him. So, I stopped once we left the throne room, where I looked seriously at Athena

"I don't think we should get married... I don't know if I can become a good husband, I don't want to hurt you." I said softly, stunning Athena who looked at me in shock for some time, before smiling.

"I don't mind sharing... so long as we both agree upon it, then I have no problem," Athena said softly, making my eyes widen slightly. before smiling slightly, while hugging her, but deep down I was cursing, I wanted to be free and not married.

"let go, I want you to see my siblings," Athena said with a smile, as he pulled me away, we went to see Athena's sister, Aphrodite. Aphrodite was the goddess of Love and beauty, she was married to Athena's brother Hephaestus, which was something Zeus did to make sure no gods fought over her. the most beautiful god was married to the most ugly god, 

Hephaestus was known as the ugly god, he was so ugly that at birth his mouth threw him off Mount Olympus, which led to Hephaestus cropping his leg and destroying the little charm he had. but he was a gentle god, like others he was kind and loving. sadly, Aphrodite has been cheating on him with his brother Ares

Upon seeing Aphrodite, my eyes almost popped out of my eyes. this was a goddess with a charm of 151, truly her charm was unmatched. yet currently she had a downcast look, forced to be with Hephaestus, who was truly ugly... for them to be together, it was pretty much a sin.

for the first time in my life, I fell in love at first sight. seeing Aphrodite, I instantly knew that I needed to make this woman my wife. Only she was worthy of me, as if sensing us, Aphrodite looked up, her eyes landing on me and Athena. her eyebrow raised seeing Athena who was hugging my arm in between her breasts. her eyes widened as she realized Athena was not a virgin

Her mind flashed, as the scene of me and Athena fucking flashed through her eyes, leaving her shocked for some time. she looked at Athena, who blushed slightly. Aphrodite was the goddess of love, all love-related thing was something she could easily gain knowledge on, her mind flashed even more as more information on my sex life filled her mind, leaving her stunned for some time.

Athena pulled me forward, snapping me out of my shocked state. so Athena intruded on us all, she seemed not to bother much about Hephaestus's appearance, instead, she saw him as an elder brother. after all, Hephaestus helped her be born, by hitting Zeus' head. sure at one point in time, Hephaestus tried to win her heart, but he failed and gave up...

I willed the power to make people handsome into my palm, and when I shook Hephaestu's hand, the ugly god suddenly began transforming, quickly becoming more and more charming until he looked average, leaving everyone shocked. but Hephaestus's improvement didn't stop there, as his crippled leg recovered. leaving him perfect

"... wait, should I have asked before doing that? I meant no offense." I said softly, Hephaestus had a blank look while looking at his leg. crippled just moments after birth, he grew up with that crippled leg, which went on to remain like that, ignoring all forms of healing. that state his leg was in became its natural state, so all forms of healing were proven to be too late.

as for his charm, all form of improvement to it was proven pointless thanks to his ability, which made it so that he shall remain ugly. yet I overpowered that ability, allowing his charm to improve

Hephaestus looked in a mirror that Aphrodite gave him, and after some time he began crying. all his life, being known as the ugliest of the 9 realms hurt, yet now he looked far better. he looked at me for a moment before he jumped on me, giving me a big hug while in ties.

"No need to think me, honestly it was no problem," I said with a smile, but Hephaestus shook his head slightly. imagine being so ugly that your mother threw you away, the trauma he grew up with was great, but he was a better person now. a new person.

"I have to repay you," Hephaestus said seriously, to which I was pretty much forced to agree. Hephaestus nodded with a smile before he began asking me a few questions before he left to go create an item for me,

"..." Aphrodite looked at me for some time, my charm was something even she couldn't ignore, yet she was annoyed seeing me ignore her, paying more attention to Athena as if she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Athena pushed me away with a slight blush seeing I was getting too touchy, and with a slight cough, she began to speak with her sister, with me just nodding towards Aphrodite and turning my attention to the flowers. but this annoyed Aphrodite greatly, I sleep with countless women, yet I someone ignore the goddess of beauty? how could she not be enraged?

what enraged her even more was when she tried to speak with me, yet I spoke calmly, not at all giving her the attention she rightfully deserved as the goddess of beauty. When I and Athena left, she gritted her teeth while looking at me back, her mind flashing countless times with all the events leading to me sleeping with females, she realized she was the first beauty she ignored... she couldn't help but touch her face, question reality.

"let's go see my other siblings later, let's go to my house," Athena said with a smile, making my eyebrow raise, why did she have a house if she didn't sleep?

"Just because we don't need to sleep, didn't mean we didn't sleep. we sleep from time to time. sleep is a way to escape reality. everyone wants to dream, we have dreams, the same for the mortals." She said calmly, to which I nodded in understanding. so Athena pulled me into her house and went on to push me to her bed while getting undressed...