
Abducted : Beautiful Nightmare

"I can't fall in love,Natasha." "Why not?Are you scared?" "Of course not, I'm not scared of anything." "Then you shouldn't be scared of loving" "I can't be scared of doing something when I can't even do it." "I'll teach you. Let me teach you to love. Let me love you,I dare you." ...... "Natasha,get off me." "But why?This is so comfortable." "Natasha,get off me or else.." "Or else what? I'm not scared of you anymore ,diavolo. I know you'd never hurt me." "Why aren't you scared of me? Every sensible person is ." "Well, being sensible is overrated. The crazy things we do make life worth living." "Isn't it better to survive? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me,instead? Haven't I been your worst nightmare?" "Yes,you have but you have been my beautiful nightmare." Natasha is kidnapped on her wedding day by a very dangerous man.So, dangerous he was named after the devil,himself. Natasha becomes his prisoner on his thirst for revenge against her father. What happens when she finds out a secret he's hidden from the world? What happens when he begins to treat her differently from his other prioners?

Olawole_Edore · Action
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13 Chs

Number One Mafia

Okay,weid. Why would someone's name be devil. It made no sense. Maybe it was a nickname. Natasha thought.

"Diavolo? Is that like a nickname or something?"Natasha asked.

"I just said people like to call me. Doesn't that obviously mean it's a nickname ?" Diavolo couldn't believe he was having this kind of conversation with the enemy.

"So, what's your real name?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Diavolo couldn't help but wonder where her courage came from. Wasn't she scared? He was her kidnapper yet,she was talking to him like they were playing twenty questions.

"Just curious."She replied with a cheeky smile.

"Did nobody ever warn you? Curiosity killed the cat, princess."

"Well,the cat had nine lives." She whispered but he heard.

She was really daring him, wasn't she?

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Why am I here?"She quickly changed the topic.


"Against who? I'm pretty sure I've never even set eyes on you before because if I have I would definitely remember . You don't seem forgettable to me."

Diavolo smirked. "Glad you think so. "

"Your father is the reason you are here. You haven't done anything wrong but your father has. "

"What did he do?'

"That's a story for another day." He said.

"I at least deserve to know why I'm here."

"You deserve nothing!"He suddenly snapped and left.

"Hey, wait!" She tried calling him back but he wouldn't listen.

Talk about bipolar!

She was doomed. She was stuck there forever by some beautiful man with dark hair. Yeah,she noticed. The man was tall and handsome. Every woman's secret fantasy. Well maybe, not so secret ,for some.

He had a tattoo on his neck and she had a feeling he also had one all over is left arm. She knew this because she had been looking at his biceps the whole time he was there.

She hadn't seen that many guys in her life but she definitely knew a good looking man when she saw one.

She wondered what Stella and Selene would be doing. She remembered the promise she had made to Selene about finding a prince charming. Stella had been right to say that it was nothing but a fantasy. Lies weaved for children. Lies they believed until they had to face the real world.

In the real world than there was no prince charming and there was definitely no happy ever after. 'More like an happy never after.'She said to herself not realizing she had an audience.

"Hey, don't be so negative" Brad said.

"Do you see a bright star in my future?"

"There might not be a bright star in your future but hey,at least it's not totally dark."

"Thanks, that's so reassuring."Natasha said , clearly being sarcastic.

"You are welcome,my lady."He said with a mock bow ,making, her laugh.

"So,are you done with your hunger strike?"He asked.

"Yeah,I guess so."She replied.

"How long do you think it will take till I die if I don't eat? "

"Probably, about five to seven days. I'm not sure. Look,if you're planning on killing yourself then do it right.

"Yeah, starving myself is too slow. A shot to the head sounds like a better idea."

"Here,have it."He said and placed his gun on the floor but he took it back just as she reached out to grab it.

"You really thought I would give you my gun?" Diavolo would have his head!

"I thought we were bonding." She pouted.

"Sorry, sweet pea. No,can do." He replied .

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ask away."

"Who are you guys exactly?"

"We belong to the number one mafia In the continent."