
Abducted : Beautiful Nightmare

"I can't fall in love,Natasha." "Why not?Are you scared?" "Of course not, I'm not scared of anything." "Then you shouldn't be scared of loving" "I can't be scared of doing something when I can't even do it." "I'll teach you. Let me teach you to love. Let me love you,I dare you." ...... "Natasha,get off me." "But why?This is so comfortable." "Natasha,get off me or else.." "Or else what? I'm not scared of you anymore ,diavolo. I know you'd never hurt me." "Why aren't you scared of me? Every sensible person is ." "Well, being sensible is overrated. The crazy things we do make life worth living." "Isn't it better to survive? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me,instead? Haven't I been your worst nightmare?" "Yes,you have but you have been my beautiful nightmare." Natasha is kidnapped on her wedding day by a very dangerous man.So, dangerous he was named after the devil,himself. Natasha becomes his prisoner on his thirst for revenge against her father. What happens when she finds out a secret he's hidden from the world? What happens when he begins to treat her differently from his other prioners?

Olawole_Edore · Action
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13 Chs

Meeting him

Natasha woke up with a splitting headache in a surprisingly clean cell room. It even had a door that led to a bathroom but apart from that,it was completely bare.

Where was she?

"Look at that, sleeping beauty is finally awake "A rough looking man said to his.. friends? She couldn't be sure.

"Why am I here? Where is here? Please let me out!" She pleaded.

"Out with the questions already? Sorry pretty girl but boss said we shouldn't tell."

"Who's your boss?"

"You'll find out soon enough. "He said.

"Hungry?"His friend asked.

"Yes." They passed her the food without opening the doors.

It was delicious. She thought. She wondered if it was supposed to taste so good. The cliche expectation after being kidnapped was to be given scraps, right?

"My name is John. That's Leo,Khloe and Brad."

"I'm Natasha. I would have loved to say it it's a pleasure to meet you but it's not."

Natasha said. She expected at least one of them to snap at her but they didn't.

"I like you."Khloe said.

"You're so bold , it'll be fun to watch him break you."John smiled.


Natasha had been there for about two weeks now and she couldn't take it anymore. She felt like she was going to go crazy from the lack of human contact. She didn't like being alone for too long ,it left her at the mercy of her thoughts.

She was tired . So,she decided that until she saw the boss,the person who put her in there she would not eat. She didn't believe they wanted her dead,if they did then they wouldn't be feeding her. They would have killed her by now,right?

Oh who was she kidding? Why would a bunch of criminals care about her well-being? She still had to try though but she was starving. She hadn't ate anything through out yesterday and it was already mid day. 'Oh please let this work.'


Diavolo chuckled as he watched Natasha in her cell through his computer.

"What do you think I should do ,Jake ?She's going on a hunger strike."

"Do what she wants."

"Ok, Natasha. You win this time."


Natasha was about to give up. Maybe they really didn't care and she was just leading herself to her death.

"Let me out of here!"Natasha was going to yell again when he walked towards her.

"Save your strength, princess. You don't get to order anyone around over here and I prefer silence , except of course it's people screaming in pain and not irritating voices like yours."

"Who-who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare. People like to call me Diavolo."

"Dia-Diavolo? What does that mean?"

"It means devil, princess