
Abducted : Beautiful Nightmare

"I can't fall in love,Natasha." "Why not?Are you scared?" "Of course not, I'm not scared of anything." "Then you shouldn't be scared of loving" "I can't be scared of doing something when I can't even do it." "I'll teach you. Let me teach you to love. Let me love you,I dare you." ...... "Natasha,get off me." "But why?This is so comfortable." "Natasha,get off me or else.." "Or else what? I'm not scared of you anymore ,diavolo. I know you'd never hurt me." "Why aren't you scared of me? Every sensible person is ." "Well, being sensible is overrated. The crazy things we do make life worth living." "Isn't it better to survive? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me,instead? Haven't I been your worst nightmare?" "Yes,you have but you have been my beautiful nightmare." Natasha is kidnapped on her wedding day by a very dangerous man.So, dangerous he was named after the devil,himself. Natasha becomes his prisoner on his thirst for revenge against her father. What happens when she finds out a secret he's hidden from the world? What happens when he begins to treat her differently from his other prioners?

Olawole_Edore · Action
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13 Chs

It hurts

Brad sat next to Angelina on her bed. Somehow they had managed to call their doctor just in time. She had been treated now.

Brad was so grateful to Diavolo. Brad himself had been slow as he was too emotional. He hadn't been able to control his fear. He was so scared that she had died that for a minute he hadn't moved at all. It was Diavolo that managed to snap him out if it.

He was glad she was finally out of danger now but he was sad because they had lost their child. She had been pregnant for a month. He was sure she wasn't aware she was pregnant. He didn't know how he was going to tell her when she woke up. What if she never woke up? He was really scared ,she had been in coma for about a day now and it didn't look like she was waking up any time soon.

She would just have to wake up. She had to come back to him,after all. She couldn't live without him. Yes,she would defy death and come back to him.

His thoughts were distracted by the sound of someone coming into the medical unit. He grabbed his gun but released a sigh of relief when he saw that it was just John.

He was really becoming paranoid.

"Hey man,how you holding up?"John said.

"I'm fine. Now,please leave.". He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't need anybody's sympathy. He was okay and he could handle himself.

John left smiling sadly to himself. 'You had better wake up soon Angy ,he's going crazy without you.' He thought.

"Please wake up."Brad said.


Natasha sat on the floor feeling bored and exhausted. She had been shouting for hours but nobody listened to her. She felt like she was going crazy. She had been there for almost a month now and she's barely had any human contact. She had always hated it when her father gave her this punishment. She hated not being able to talk to people.

She had always believed that talking was ,infact her therapy.

It helped her forget,while being left alone with her not so palatable thoughts brings back memories she would rather leave buried.

'Ok that's it! I can't take this anymore.' She had been there for almost a month now and she wasn't be even complaining ,the least they could do was give her some human contact. Who knows? She might actually be able to escape . To do that she needed some information which she could only get from people.

If they couldn't give her some human contact then ,they could at least give her a book or..oh God a tv!! She'd missed all that so much. She had missed lots of episodes from her favorite TV shows all because of some stupid revenge against her father.

Why couldn't he suffer for his own sins?

"Let me out of here!"She yelled.

She wondered how her favorite TV shows could even be on her mind when her life was in danger. She laughed at herself.

"Have you gone mad?"Two guards walked closer to her cell.

Thank goodness! They were finally listening to her.

"Yeah , what the hell is wrong with you?"The other guard said.

"Could you please call Brad ?"

"No. What makes you think we would do that? We are not your little errand boys. This isn't your palace,princess."

"Please "She begged.

"How do you know he will come ?"

She didn't but she also didn't think it was such a good idea to tell them that. They didn't need to know .

So,instead she said,"I just have a feeling?"

"Not good enough."The guard on her left said. She felt her last day of hope diminish as she saw them return to their posts.

At that moment,she just felt like bursting into tears. Was she going to spend the rest of her life locked up in here? Even if she somehow managed to get out ,her life would still be in danger. She didn't think Diavalo let go of his prisoners that easily. And even if he did what was awaiting her back home ? Her father that was bell bent on marrying her off to a man she didn't even know.

She screamed. She was tired. She was hurt.

'It hurts.'She whispered to herself.

She was already giving up when another guard came closer to her.

"Hey, what's with you? Quite down ,will you?"

"Please call Brad." She said and he laughed.

"Oh princess.I don't think you got the memo. No one's coming to save you. Not Brad ,not anybody. So,just sit there like a good girl and be quiet."

"What a coward! Can't even call one person. What,are you scared? Does the big man make you want to cower in fear. Don't worry I'll protect you. I won't let the bad man get to you." Natasha smiled confidently even though she was shivering in fear on the inside.

What was she saying? Was she trying to get herself killed? Natasha knew she was making a really really huge mistake.

"What did you just say to me?"He said and grabbed her neck through the bars. Then ,he slapped her.

"Fuck you!"She spat.

She was really beginning to believe she had a death wish. She never cursed. Ever!

He was really angry now,very, very angry. He opened the door and pushed her to the ground.

She was so screwed!


Natasha was rocking herself back and forth when she saw someone open her doors.

"What happened to you?"Diavolo said almost to himself.

'It hurts' That was all Natasha could say before she passed out