
Abducted : Beautiful Nightmare

"I can't fall in love,Natasha." "Why not?Are you scared?" "Of course not, I'm not scared of anything." "Then you shouldn't be scared of loving" "I can't be scared of doing something when I can't even do it." "I'll teach you. Let me teach you to love. Let me love you,I dare you." ...... "Natasha,get off me." "But why?This is so comfortable." "Natasha,get off me or else.." "Or else what? I'm not scared of you anymore ,diavolo. I know you'd never hurt me." "Why aren't you scared of me? Every sensible person is ." "Well, being sensible is overrated. The crazy things we do make life worth living." "Isn't it better to survive? Shouldn't you be trying to kill me,instead? Haven't I been your worst nightmare?" "Yes,you have but you have been my beautiful nightmare." Natasha is kidnapped on her wedding day by a very dangerous man.So, dangerous he was named after the devil,himself. Natasha becomes his prisoner on his thirst for revenge against her father. What happens when she finds out a secret he's hidden from the world? What happens when he begins to treat her differently from his other prioners?

Olawole_Edore · Action
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13 Chs

His Best Mistake

Brad woke up next to the love of his life. His Best mistake. The one who made him whole. She was his beauty. She made life worth living.

"I love you."He whispered as he kissed her.

"Let me sleep for a few more minutes."Angelina said.

"I know you ,Angy. A few minutes would probably turn into hours."

"Fine , I'll get up."She said.

She got dressed ba d was ready to go in an hour.

Why did she have to be awake at this hour?Angelina thought. Couldn't this people set up a meeting at a different time? Why did it have to be this early?

She was really not a morning person. She needed her beauty sleep.

"Quit yawning. We are almost there."Brad said.

"Don't talk to me."Angelina replied.

"Ooh .It seems the love birds are fighting." John said.

"Shut up John." Brad and Angelina said.

Angelina's grumpy mood didn't stop her from enjoying the beautiful scenery. The place was surrounded with woods and trees. There were beautiful animals there as well. It was just perfect.

They were on their way to some meeting she couldn't care less about.

Angelina,John,Brad and Khloe took Brad's car while Diavolo drove alone,as usual. This was good because none of them wanted to ride with him. He was too intense and scary. His aura alone could make a person melt in fear.

Just thinking about it made Angelina shudder. He was really weird. He acted like he was allergic to people or something. He liked being alone way too much. She couldn't imagine always being alone like that. She'd probably die of boredom!

Diavolo was usually unpredictable. He was like a ticking time bomb but honestly,she mostly pitied him. He was always alone. He pushed people away a lot as well. There was only one person he couldn't push away. A really adamant person;his best friend,Jake. He could never succeed no matter how hard he tried. At least he bad someone.

"We have arrived at the Dracula mansion." John said.

"He's always one for the dramatics"Khloe scoffed

She was right ,the house was dramatic.

If you could even call it that . It looked more like a mansion or even a palace. The was a fountain in his house and he even had a statue of himself made.

"Welcome to Dracula kingdom."Angelina joked.

"Wow! I want a statue of myself too. Just like this. Don't you think it would be hot?"John said to Khloe but she just ignored him and walked further to the front.

'Hot? Since when were statues hit?'Angelina thought.

"You never give up. Do you?"Brad laughed. It wasn't news to anyone that John liked Khloe. He had been trying to get Khloe to date him since they met about five years ago.


"More like you don't know when to give up."Angelina said. She couldn't see the both of them being together, ever!

"Yeah man. Maybe it's time to move on."

"I'm not giving up on her. She's one of a kind and I want her. I always get what I want. "

"Whatever you say dude."

Khloe was another person Angelina couldn't figure out. She was always quite. If she wasn't she was either insulting ,making a come back or being sarcastic. She was kinda cool as long as you didn't get on her bad side.

"I'm going to have a mansion like this,someday. Maybe even bigger."John said.

"Good luck with that."Brad replied.

"Welcome to my humble abode."Dracula's welcome startled them. They hadn't realized they were already at his doors.

"Please,do come in."He said.

They walked in first,Diavolo behind them.

"Have your seat."Dracula sat on some sort of throne. What did he seriously think he was ,royalty?

The meeting soon started. Dracula was trying to make an alliance with us. He had been trying to for a while now.

Angelina wished she didn't have to be there. The environment felt toxic. She just wanted to the meeting to be done soon. So,they could leave.

"We have to go now."Diavolo eventually said.

'It's about damn time.' Angelina thought .

"But you didn't even touch your drinks."Dracula said like Diavolo had come to request for his daughter's hand in marriage,or something. He spoke like they had known each other for years. Who knows? They might have.

Dracula was still awaiting a reply from Diavolo when they heard a sound. It was someone screaming.

"Vivian,no don't do this! You'll put all of us in danger. "Someone said but she didn't listen. She couldn't listen.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." Vivian said. Before they could understand what was happening Vivian had shot Angelina.

"No!"Brad screamed.

Diavolo acted fast and shot her as well but she wasn't dead. He was sure of it. He was going to shoot her again when Dracula's men came to protect her. They took her away.

"Shit!"Diavolo cursed.

Angelina could hear the distant sounds of shooting. There was a shoot out. She couldn't focus on that as the pain was becoming unbearable.

"Let's go to the hospital. "Brad said.

"There isn't an hospital anywhere near here. "Angelina managed to say .

"No."Brad said. She was letting go ,he could tell .

"It's okay, Brad."

"No, it's not."

"I love you and I'll always be watching you. "

"No, don't talk like that. It sounds too much like a good bye."

"It is."Angelina said and closed her eyes.

"Stay awake. Please."Angelina tried but she couldn't stop herself from giving in to the darkness.