
The day

All of them went towards the pile of paper, while Valencia was still reading her book. Everyone of them saw how intelligent Valencia answered the questions. "When did you start on it?" The so called perfect one named Joseph asked. "I got them yesterday in the afternoon" Valencia didn't want to lose her spot she was reading, so she didn't look up. But if she did she would see all six of their mouths were wide open.

By 2 hours they still were checking the papers. Normally they would leave in a hour but they still need to look over the paper, or start all over tomorrow. But Valencia was good to leave by then, Valencia got a call after staying there for 2 in a half hours. "Valencia do you have to stay this long, father wants you to come to the car, so we can celebrate your birthday, you turned 12 now. Come on now!" The phone was on speaker, the rest were surprised to hear the prince voice on the phone. No one really had his phone number, not even his closest of friends have his phone number. They wouldn't think the prince would give his number to his sister. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go to the car" she stand up and went out to get her stuff. She was right in front of the door and said "oh yeah, and good luck on going through that. And thanks to not seeing your phone notifications in the morning" she smiled towards them and went out of the room. "What is she talking about, I got nothing on my phone this morning, Mike check your phone for us" said Lily (one of the elites. Mike went to check his phone, there was a notification on saying * Remember to tell Valencia a happy birthday* the text was from the principal, himself.

Mikes face turned pale "the principal texted me at 7:50 am saying to tell Valencia a happy birthday" when they all heard that, they check their phone. "This is bad" all of them said.

While Valencia was already in the car and is already gone from the school. "Sis, how was your elite today!" Said Luke. "It was alright, for today". Valencia was still reading her book. Then put her bookmark in between the pages, and puts it in her backpack. "Luke!! You remembered my birthday" Valencia was hugging him tightly to her chest.

"Sis, you really change when your not reading" Luke hugged her back. Then in the other side of the car. "What about me?" When James saw this, he became jealous of his own son. He never thought he would ever be jealous of his son. Valencia signaled to come over with one of her hands.

James went towards them, then all of a sudden. Valencia pulled her father into the hug. "I'm so happy your here" Valencia started to cry on their shoulders. When they heard this they both rubbed her back to comfort her.