
Abandoned Martial Library (Alt. Title: Abandoned Dojo)

"Way Of The Hermit? Crane Style? Three-Sword Style? Notes of the Greatest Swordsman? Six Powers? What kind of library is this?!" This is an idea that came to me all of a sudden. The premise is that an Abandoned Dojo holds all the knowledge of various Anime martial arts. I would do games too but, sadly I know only a few cool ones. I would also like to note that due to a forgetful mind this is not a crossover story. This all takes place in a world where the supernatural exists though. Also, anyone is free to use this idea. I know full well I can't bring it to it's full potential. So, if you think you could do better be my guest. I should also note that P.O.V. is everywhere. I honestly never did third person successfully before.

GamingReadingLong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Dew's Release

It's been a month since the incident. It's now November 02 of 20XX. It's a Tuesday.

Dew's recovery was said to be quicker than others who survived the same beating. Dew isn't the only victim of Goliath and his Rats.

They've been getting bolder too. Just last week they robbed two banks. Hope the heroes do something soon.

Dew takes out a rubix cube, it was a headache, but he got better. It got easier over time. He shuffles it a total of fifty-six times, then solves it. Yup, definitely got it down now. He places the cube on the table.

Doctor Nakimura really is a swell guy. Allowing him to borrow it. Dew stretches, today is going to be a good day. Cause today he is going to be released. Finally, the smell of disinfectant was really starting to get aggravating.

Just then Nakimura, came into the room telling Dew that his parents are waiting. Dew gets up, showing he already changed. He does a once over to make sure everything is where it should be.

Shirt, Check. Pants, Check. Wallet, Check. Money, eh...he got robbed, that's to be expected. Key to hangout spot,.....uuuh. Pockets? Nothing. He checks the counter top? Nothing. *Slight Panik* Floor? Ah! Here it is. *Sigh*.

For a second he thought he lost it. "Ready?" Nakimura asked. Dew gave a nod. They then proceeded to the front entrance. Where his family is waiting.

As they were walking, Dew thanked Doctor Nakimura for the cube. His mind really did feel sharper. "No problem Dew, just be sure I don't see you around here again." Nakimura looked serious, so Dew answered back with; "No promises, Doc. The world is too dangerous to have that guaranteed". Nakimura nodded, In a world of superhumans who knows what could happen. The chance to lose one's life is a lot higher.

Nearing the front now, Dew's family is in sight. Soon, he walks right in front of them. They stare at each other for a bit. Dew grins, opens his arms out wide. "Ma, Da, Sis. I'm here. Where are my hugs?".

Dew gives a sigh of content. Hugs are the best. They separate. "How are you? Does it still hurt anywhere?" Mamma Li asked still worried.

Dew just smiled and waved her off "Ma, I'm fine. Some places are still sore, but that wouldn't garner a longer". "But, still..." Father Ping stepped in to interupt her. "Let's just go home. Dew looks like the perfect picture of health. Ain't that right Dew". Dew puffs out his chest and flexes showing he's fine and dandy.

"Bro...no matter how big you make yourself, it won't change the fact you have no muscles" Drop poured a bucket over Dew's head. Dew visibly droops. "Betrayed, by mine own sister. Oh humanity!" Dew says exaggeratingly.

Drop just sticks out her tongue. In retaliation, Dew uses Tickle Attack. "Hehehehe nooooo!" It was super effective. Mamma Li finally gives in. They all leave the hospital waving goodbye at the kind doctor.

-Scene Change-

Dew looks at his room. He had many a poster in his room. Heroes, Video Game Characters, and his favorite Martial Legends. He also had other things. Like his lego and rock collections. Yes, he collects legos and rocks. An explanation for his legos is, he liked building stuff. As for his rock collection, he liked how smooth some rocks are, he liked how some rocks looked, and he liked how rocks saved him from rabid dogs when he was a kid. Point is rocks are awesome. "Hello, Everybody. Good to see you all again." Dew spoke to his stuff. Man, has it been that long. To treat stuff like people.

Dew sat on his bed. He needs to get acclimated to his room again. Let's hope nothing was moved. Posters. On the wall, where they should be. Setup. Yup, nothing seems to be moved. Manga. Heh, as organized as he left it.

Stash. Dew looks around, making sure no one is here with him. He then opens a secret compartment in the wall that reveals a keypad. He types in a code and pushes enter. *B-Beep* Dew looks around again, never hurts to double check.

He then opens it revealing his stash. Snacks and drinks, lots of it. There's got to be enough in there to feed the neighbors and their pets. Okay, that's an exaggeration. But, it still is a lot.

Dew sighed in relief. His stash has not been messed with. He saving them for a particularly depressing day. Well, since he did get beat up. "Don't mind if I dew. Hehe." He grabs a bag and a can. Turning around, only to be confronted by Drop. "WA-AAGH!" Dew got surprised, he nearly dropped his prize.

"D-Drop?! What ah...what are you doing in my room?" Dew closed his stash, smiling nervously. Drop looked unimpressed. "Mom, told me to get you for lunch". Dew had sweat dropping from his face. "Ah, y-yeah. Tell mom I'll be down in a minute."

Drop still looked unimpressed as she skipped out of his room. Dew just sighed, he wondered. 'Why does that girl have such silent steps.' He puts down his snack and drink. "I'll be back for you, later." Dew said to them. He then headed downstairs for lunch. 'I hope, I'll have enough room for those.' Dew thought.

During lunch, Father Ping spoke. "Son, due to your accident. The school has decided to give you a week till you start school again." Dew looked happy, until his mom brought down another guillotine. "By the way, you have a lot of homework to catch up on". She takes out two stacks of paperwork. Dew eyes became dead.

"Oh My God." Dew said in engrish. That's how much dread he felt. His dad decided to throw him a bone. "Look on the brightside. If you spend two days you can use the remaining time however you want." With that Dew became determined, he still has yet to go to "that place".

He became heated. He looked at the stacks like they were a video game boss that needed all his focus.