
Abandoned Martial Library (Alt. Title: Abandoned Dojo)

"Way Of The Hermit? Crane Style? Three-Sword Style? Notes of the Greatest Swordsman? Six Powers? What kind of library is this?!" This is an idea that came to me all of a sudden. The premise is that an Abandoned Dojo holds all the knowledge of various Anime martial arts. I would do games too but, sadly I know only a few cool ones. I would also like to note that due to a forgetful mind this is not a crossover story. This all takes place in a world where the supernatural exists though. Also, anyone is free to use this idea. I know full well I can't bring it to it's full potential. So, if you think you could do better be my guest. I should also note that P.O.V. is everywhere. I honestly never did third person successfully before.

GamingReadingLong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Interlude: Shin

'That feeling came again. As if something big just happened. And that feeling of regret came again too.' Shin looked deep in contemplation. He can be seen sitting in the living room of his apartment. Ever since Shin discovered his powers he's been on an expressway of success. Money flows into his pockets near effortlessly. It's what allowed him to get this apartment in the first place.

Must feel great, having no morals. And it does! At least to Shin, It's not like he kills anybody. A flare of his power gets people coughing up their dough. Usually, he doesn't even need to get his hands dirty....usually. Every now and again comes that one person that can't stand it anymore and picks a fight. They think that because they learnt some flashy martial art they could pick a fight with a superhuman. The fools, everyone should know only a superhuman can counter a superhuman. And in a weak superhuman's case, a trained swat team.

And they shouldn't have picked him to fight with. He's pretty confident that he's in the middle class of superhuman. Someone that could achieve Elite status, even. At least, he thinks. Plus, on top of his power he's got some great instincts. Being able to tell whose in his weight class, above, or below it. However, it's that very instinct that's been bugging him lately. It's telling to quit while he's ahead. 'Pshaa, quit? What for?' Shin thought derisively.

*Crash* "Hmm" Shin looked at the origin of the crash. There a women can be seen. A women with red hair and eyes. She looks tired, bags under her eyes. The camera pans down to see what made the crash. A plate. She bends down to pick up the pieces of the shatted plate. Shin got up, walked over, and grabbed the women's hands picking her up effortlessly. "Mom, I told you already. You don't need to do anything while I'm away being the breadwinner. Look at you, you're a mess. Get some rest." Shin, that peacock coat wearing, playboy. He had a kind look in his eyes. "When?" His mother asked. "Hmm?" Shin looked confused. "When are going to stop your activities outside?" She is getting agitated. Shin just looked resigned. "This again. Mom, I told you until I get enough c-" She screamed "HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH!!! You've been saying that for three years now!!! When can we live a normal life again where I don't have to worry about my own son's safety!!!" She has tears in her eyes.

Shin screamed back. "SOON!!! Soon! Just wait a bit longer! Can't you do that, please?! I don't want to have another verbal fight with you!!!" She just looked at her son, then walks away into her room. Shin, equally agitated, has sparks of fire coming out of his hair. He takes out his phone and checks on his bank account. On the screen is 490,000,000 yen. "Soon, Ma. Soon we can leave this life behind us. Just 10,000,000 more to go." Shin states, tightening his fist. That feeling came back stronger.