
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · Teen
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18 Chs

They were really here

 I spent my first three classes staring at the door hoping they'd surface. But only three different teacher walked in and out of my class. I was disappointed.

They deserved a good welcome entry. And shouldn't miss class. And JYPE better give them security or was that needed? Mrs. Lia walked into the class again and that was when the bell rang for recess.

"Hello, so I decided to wait till recess to welcome our new students. We had ten this year. I'd like them all to stand all introduce themselves before following me to the main hall" she smiled and nodded to us.

The Russian boy stood up. Girls began cooing when he stood. "I am not new here. I was here three years ago. But I am…" I didn't get what he said but I decided to call him 'John'.

What he said sounded like that.

He was rather puffed off and gave smug smiles. 'Typical every girl crush'. I was the last to introduce. Mrs. Lia smiled at me and then ushered us in a line to follow her. My heart kept on thumping as I did. What if at the main hall I meet the Stray Kids members? I stood still and let myself stay last in the line. "Emilia Sanchez, if you really want both Stray Kids and you, to do well this year, then see them as your classmates not idols" I said aloud to myself. They were going to be students here not idols. They'd have assignments and school problems. I shouldn't bother them with my fangirling. I shouldn't make them fail. The pretty girl was a new student too and was following us. She turned back to see me tagging behind and whispering me to myself. She sighed and moved ahead. I bet she saw me as a loco after the earlier incident. I didn't care much. In as much as Stray Kids would be my classmates, they'd be my friends, as well. Hopefully. It was still hard to believe JYPE made such a decision. Bless his soul. Mrs. Lia opened the door opened and ushered us in. My heart beat fastened up as I saw some boys inside already. I didn't look up and sat at the back. The announcement was a welcoming for the new students. "So you eighteen can mingle with other classmates and get to know the school better" the man announcing ended. He looked at Mrs. Lia and she gave him an approving smile. Eighteen? The man had specifically stated said eighteen and since they were ten new students at my class, the other eight would be Stray Kids. Me realizing that didn't help my heartbeat. I was so into them already. I was glad I'd be watching them grow. Even 'gladder' now that I'd be watching them grow from a closer range. Their education would be stressed with their idol life. But I'd be close enough to help as a Stay and a friend. Aish, Emilia could you stop ranting in your head. You can't even look up at their faces yet. The pretty girl, sitting in front of me, stood up to leave as well others. I was sitting at the back and had to wait for them. "Chan, please wait with the boys" Mrs. Lia said. I knew who she spoke to. I squeezed myself into the crowd and sneaked out of the room. My introduction to them must be royally. Not with what I'm wearing. I was feeling insecure already. Lol. ***** "I'm Nikki" someone said to me. She was a new student. I guess she was trying to make friends. I made a V-sign and said "Lia" it would be better if people called me that. "Yes?" our teacher walking behind us asked. I gave a sheepishly smile. I didn't know she was there. "She's called Lia" Nikki answered. "EmiLIA though" I added. She smiled, "I'm Amelia. You guys should go on your break now". She was so pretty when she smiled and our names were similar. We chanted 'Yes' and walked faster. "Hey, do you know Stray Kids" I literally froze. And turned to Nikki. When she saw my shocked look she began nodding and grinning widely. We both began jumping like monkeys along the hallway and thank the Good Lord no one was there. Everyone was at the cafeteria or we'd have been used for a meme or something. It'd surely add to my number of awkward moment. "I can't believe either" Nikki said bluntly. Both of us couldn't believe we'd be having Stray kids 200line as our classmates. Like why not all? I mean, it wouldn't be fair to have them all in one class. But still….. "We should act like we don't know them though" I nudged Nikki, while she was stuffing a whole hamburger into her mouth. We had finally gone to the cafeteria. After dancing at the hallway for ten minutes. I nudged both to call her attention and to stop her from embarrassing herself. Her cheeks weren't a Quokka's, she'd choke. A Quokka might even choke if a burger that size was inserted in it's stomach. "I plan to, though. If they promote here in America. Their popularity at school would skyrocket. I'd like to make them know I'm a stay before that" she said between chewing. I get her point. I never thought of that. "But we won't tell them yet" I added. She nodded and stuffed another burger in her small mouth. Her mouth would tear soon.

'Stay' is the fandom's name!

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