
A Year With Super Stars

Synopsis: It was the first day of school. I hated Mondays, I always have. I was seventeen and was hoping to make my first friends in this new town I was in. My mom called just when I was walking through the hallway. It was awkward as my ringing tone was a cat meows. A girl looked at me weirdly and sighed. "Hey, baby, guess what?" Mom's high pitched voice asked. "What?" I asked, less enthusiastic. "Stray Kids! They're going to be admitted to your school. I knew it that's why I enrolled you there". Of course I didn't believe her. What was she on now? "Mom, I gotta go, bye" I said and was about hanging up. "No, baby, I'm being serious. I'd send you the post from JYPE. Not all of them, but 2000 line. Wait" she hung up. I sighed, I wanted to hang up first. I walked slowly to my new class. Not everyone was in class yet. I wanted to walk up to a pretty girl sitting at the back when a notification came in. And my notification sound was a dog barks. Yes, I am that crazy about animals. I hurriedly check the message while the pretty girl placed her bag on the chair besides her making sure I didn't sit besides her. I frowned, if it was my mom I was so going to be mad. My annoyance turned to confusion and then happiness. I literally screamed. JYPE just confirmed. Stray Kids 2000 and 2001 line was to be admitted to my school. The hyung line was admitted to a nearby university. I screamed again. This year was going to be crazy!

Princess_Treasure · Teen
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

She took the blame

(She took the blame) 

We stayed there for almost ten minutes. 

 "This was your idea" Nikki started placing blames. Like I was well aware of it. 

 "You agreed to it, Mate" I snapped. Our voices were in shushes. 

 We were silent for a while. No sound was coming for outside. I raised my legs high a bit to see if he was still there. 

 The squirrel was checking himself out at the mirror. Brushing his hair backwards, wetting it with water and pushing it back. 

 I sighed. 

 "What is he doing?" Nikki enquired. 

 "Doing Han. He's in swag mode" I quietly stepped down from the seat. My kegs were aching. 

 He finished whatever he was doing and left. The door was open. Suspicious. We stayed there for another five minutes to be sure he was gone.

 Recess time was almost over. It was a good thing we had eaten before starting this nonsense game.

 A girl walked inside the bathroom. Two big girls joined her.

 Nikki came down from the toilet seat

 Yes, she'd been there all through. She sure do have strong kegs 

 "You! I told you to give me all your lunch money and you rather hide somewhere to eat" one of the big girls roared. The other girl shook in fear. 

 Nikki wanted to burst open up from the stall but I held her.

 I hated bullies as my h as she but if we both come out from the same stall, they'd think we were doing sOmEtHiNg inside there. 

 I've done a lot of weird things only today, I certainly do not want to add to the tally.

 The other big girl slapped their victim and began rampaging her purse for money, they pushed her down, poured water on her clothes before leaving.

 We burst out of the stall to help her as she was crying on the ground. Looking at her empty purse. 

 "Oh my, why did they do this to you" Nikki wiped her face.

 "You saw it?" she looked embarrassed.

 "Yeah, but we were to scared to help" I lied. I was anything but scared of bullies. I was glad she was too busy to realize we had just come out from the same stall.

 Her clothes were a bit revealing so I gave her my hoodie to cover herself up. Good thing I always wore a long sleeve.

 We escorted her to her class. She was in grade eleven. The class before us. 

 As we passed our class to get to hers. Nikki pulled me back right before Han turned.

 Jeez, that quokka was outside of the class, STILL DRESSING HIS HAIR.

 I don't remember watching any vids of Han being this obsessed with his hair. I felt like I should make one suddenly.

 The girl didn't understand why we were hiding from Han and stared confused at him. I bet she didn't even know Han. 

 "Oh, hey!" Han called to her.

 She was still staring. I realized that she may not be staring cos she's confused why we hid from him but cause the guy is hella cute.

 "Now, she's the second person my Hannie is talking to. And not me" Nikki sniffed. 

 I felt like pushing her to Han so she could get the 'third person Hannie is talking to' title but I knew she'd must likely drag me along. 

 Han must have waved at her as she waved back. He must have thought she's the girl who had embarrassed herself earlier.

 The poor girl was wearing my sweater and Han must have noticed it. Thanks to it's colorful patterns. I silently thanked her for taking the blame. 

 "Hi. I'm Lizzie. I'm in grade eleven" the girl gave a full introduction. Wut?

 I drew my socks up to show the blue patterns. I tied my hair up and I and Nikki walked past like normal students. I had to change my look so Han wouldn't suspect. I looked away from me also. 

 Lizzie ran along with us, not waiting for a response from Han. 

Poor boy. 

 Nikki eyed her as she smiled to herself.

 "Thanks for helping. I'd return your sweater tomorrow" she whispered to me.

 I nodded I was kinda feeling like she should keep it. That sweater was a flag of embarrassment now.

 She thanked Nikki too who just made a short "hmm" and we went to our class for our last round of lectures.

 No one acted like four new boys entered into our class. Except some girls that turned habitually to see Seungnim. 

 The poor boy was sitting in the midst of these hungry girls. 

 Nikki was having a hard time as well. Felix was to her right side and she couldn't help but stare.

 So much for a Han biased but I do understand that in Stayville you get wrecked every second. 

 I was myopic. Meaning I couldn't see far so I didn't strain my eyes to stare and focused on what was being taught. I'd have to explain to Nikki. 

 That class ended and Nikki ran to me for an explanation. "This is traumatic. Why did they keep Felix close to me?" she sighed. 

 "Who'd you rather stay close to you so you'd concentrate?" I smirked. 

 She thought for a while and then rolled her eyes. None of course. She'd be equally distracted if any of them were her seatmate. 

 "Take it as the blessing of God, baby" I smiled.

 The closest to me was Hyunjin, he was basically four seats away. I was regretting and thankful at the same time.