
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasy
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311 Chs

Tour Guide

As I continued to navigate the grandeur of the academy, it became clear how damn confusing this place was, there are too many damn buildings. With grand architecture, magical enchantments, and enthusiastic students practicing their magical crafts, Fuck, It's going to be a pain dealing with issues here.

Near the entrance gate, a particular figure caught my attention. A girl with vibrant blue hair and striking purple eyes was waiting. She stood out even amidst the grandeur of the academy, her hair glowing under the fading sunlight. The girl was draped in the Academy's traditional uniform, its color wonderfully contrasting her blue locks. Seeing me approach, a bright smile adorned her face, highlighting her energetic and welcoming aura.

"Hello there!" she called out in a melodious and lively voice. "You must be a new student. Welcome to the academy! I'm Elara, and I'll be giving you a tour."

Her cheerful greeting instantly eased the atmosphere. Her vibrant personality was contagious, stirring a sense of familiarity and comfort. I didn't remember writing her within my story so she must be an extra.

As we began the tour, Elara passionately introduced each building and its history. Her knowledge of the academy was profound, and she shared it with delightful energy.

Throughout the tour, she occasionally glanced at me, her purple eyes brimming with curiosity. Finally, unable to resist, she halted and turned towards me.

"You know," she started, a hint of confusion in her voice, "I heard rumors that you impressed Professor Thaddeus during the entrance exam. I hate to say it, but you don't seem strong whatsoever, how did you manage to catch his eyes?"

Her blunt remark caught me off guard, but I couldn't help but chuckle at her honesty. "I understand why you'd think that," I responded, matching her candidness. "He seemed to believe I have high potential in both magic and aura. But seriously how did rumors spread that fast?"

Elara blinked in surprise but quickly regained her cheerful demeanor, shrugging nonchalantly. "Well, if Professor Thaddeus thinks so, it must be true. He's one of the smartest professors here, and if he said you have potential, it would be disrespectful to disagree. And you should never underestimate how fast rumors spread here."

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself yet," I remembered suddenly, extending my hand, "You can call me V."

"V?" She raised an eyebrow at the unusual name, but quickly accepted it, her smile never wavering. "Nice to meet you, V!"

Following the introductions, Elara showed me a crystal tablet, explaining its various functions. It was a magical device providing guidance, maps, schedules, and more – an essential tool for any student at the academy. While it had no incredible features, it could prove useful, especially considering the size of this place.

As Elara and I continued our tour of the academy, we finally arrived at our destination, a grand sector full of bustling students and enchanting classrooms. Every grade had its own section. This was the first-year student section. The academy was too big to keep all the students within the same area.

"We're now at a first-year building," Elara announced, her purple eyes sparkling with excitement. "This is where you will be taking your classes and where you'll be living! This building is dedicated to a single class. Even within the same grade, each class gets its own building. And speaking of which, I was just notified of some fantastic news for you."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden suspense in her voice. "What is it?" I asked.

She leaned in closer, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and excitement. "You, my friend, are in Class Alpha, Class A," she announced, her voice echoing the profoundness of her revelation.

"Class Alpha?" Thank God, I was worried I wouldn't be placed in this class. The class where the main cast is.

Elara nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, it's the class reserved for students with the highest potential! Only a handful get selected each year, and it's a huge deal to be part of it. The fact that Professor Thaddeus placed you in Class Alpha speaks volumes about his belief in your potential."

She led me to a grand building, the design and architecture uniquely majestic. Inside was a large room connected to several others, each labeled with different students' names. A personalized training ground was situated at the heart of the building, furnished with basic training equipment.

"This," she motioned towards the surroundings, "is your new home. Each student in Class Alpha has their own personal room and a shared training ground."

Adjacent to the building was a cafeteria, the aroma of freshly prepared magical cuisine wafting in the air. Elara pointed it out, her face lighting up. "This is your cafeteria. It is open at all times, but the cook is only here during lunch. If you want to eat at any other time, you will have to cook the food yourself. The food here is all fresh, but be careful when cooking, there are some ingredients that are difficult to handle."

After the grand tour of the Class Alpha facilities, Elara's face lit up with a soft smile as she led me outside to her favorite place – the library. The vast repository of knowledge was brimming with books of all kinds, from introductory spellbooks to complex magical theories.

"This," she stated, almost in a whisper, as if respecting the sanctity of the place, "is the library. It's my personal sanctuary, filled with countless books and knowledge. It's also an excellent place to just rest and think. The library is shared with all the first-year students. There are some seniors that visit at times. They say they prefer this library."

Hold on something seems strange, "Wait are you perhaps a freshman?"

With a firm smile, she gives me a thumbs up, "That's right, just like you."

Huh? How the hell is she a freshman? Even seniors wouldn't know half of what she knows about the academy. "How the heck do you know so much? Didn't you just become a new student?" I say, taking a step back in disbelief.

Elara laughed again, brushing away my question with a wave of her hand. "Oh, V, you make it sound as if I have some special knowledge. Everything I've told you so far is basic stuff! Any new student would know these things."

I blinked at her, stunned. I certainly hadn't expected such a response. Her laughter continued, echoing through the academy's grand halls. Feeling a bit stupid, I couldn't help but join in. Perhaps I had underestimated how much others know.

Just as our laughter was dying down, Elara suddenly remembered something important. "Oh no, I almost forgot!" she exclaimed. "You still need to pay your living fees. Come on, let's go."

She guided me swiftly through the labyrinth of corridors until we arrived at a charming, antiquated building. Inside, an elderly woman sat behind a large desk, surrounded by a sea of ledgers and paperwork.

"Welcome, dear," she said, greeting us with a warm smile. "You must be here to pay your living fees."

Elara nodded and gently nudged me forward. "Yes, this is V. He is a new student and needs to settle his dues."

As the lady laid out the fee structure and explained the payment process, a familiar figure caught my eye. It was Sera, standing a few feet away from us with a look of pure shock on her face. The sight of her wide-eyed horror was undeniably funny.

As Sera got the news of the living fees, her knees buckled, and she practically fell to the floor. I couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. I approached her, trying to hide the amusement on my face. "Sera, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Poor her, I completely forgot about the living fees. She must be in shock after hearing the prices.

As I moved closer to Sera, the panicked look in her eyes was impossible to miss. She looked like she was on the brink of tears. I managed to give her a comforting smile, attempting to ease her worry.

"H-Hey Ka-, I mean, hey V," she stuttered, her voice on the edge of breaking. "I c-can't... I can't afford this..."

A wave of sympathy washed over me. Poor her, just imagine being this close to achieving your dream, only for it to be broken in an instant. The grandeur of this academy was awe-inspiring, but the expenses that came with it were equally intimidating.

"Sera," I said softly, a reassuring smile playing on my lips. "Don't worry about it, I'll cover your fees."

Her wide eyes became even wider, as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She shook her head frantically, her words coming out in a rush. "N-no, V, I... I can't let you do that... That's... That's too much..."

I shrugged, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. "Well, consider it a favor. You just owe me one. No big deal." Haha, honestly, I had previously told her I'd pay, but I completely forgot about the other fees.

Sera seemed to struggle to find her words, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Then, slowly, a small smile stretched across her face. I could see the gratitude sparkling in her eyes, and she looked like she was fighting back tears.

"V, you... You're like... a hero from those stories," she finally managed to say, her voice shaky but full of sincerity.

I let out a light chuckle at her words, shaking my head in amusement. "No, Sera, I'm not a hero. Remember, you owe me one now. Don't forget"

Fun Fact: All Nobles Have A MST

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