
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasy
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310 Chs

Professor Thaddeus

Sera and I share a quick glance. Her concern is evident, but I just offer her a reassuring smile. "Good luck, Sera," I say as I move on to the next stage of the examination. I'm not sure whether she has the same potential as her brother, but given her current abilities, I think she'll do fine.

The next stage involves a large runic floor spell designed to detect an individual's potential with magic and aura, by identifying whether or not the individual has a talent that affects overall capabilities. I stand in the center of a massive, circular floor that's covered in intricate glowing runes. The intricate symbols inscribed in a complex pattern pulsate with a surreal energy. I can't help but marvel at its magnificence. Truly incredible. Any otherworlder would be amazed. The gigantic spell circle beneath my feet is a testament to the Academy's vast resources and knowledge.

It doesn't take me long to realize that Professor Thaddeus is present, observing from the sidelines. He's an intimidating figure with an imposing air about him, his tall stature and broad shoulders making him seem even more formidable. His hair is a mix of black and silver, his eyes a brilliant shade of emerald green. His sharp, aristocratic features are offset by his white beard, which is neatly trimmed and accentuates his stern expression. He's dressed in the Academy's professor uniform, similar to the one the receptionist wore, but with more intricate designs, likely indicating his higher rank. He truly is scary - no one would like to be his enemy.

His presence in the room is palpable, and he exudes an aura of respect and authority that immediately draws one's attention. His gaze is sharp and unwavering, capable of making the most confident individuals quiver under its intensity. He's not easily impressed and is quite strict with his standards. Nonetheless, his reputation as a fiercely loyal and dedicated professor is widely recognized.

Seeing him scrutinize each applicant with such thoroughness reminds me why he's the one overseeing the initial tests. He seems like the kind of person who wouldn't let a single detail escape his notice, and I can't help but feel a twinge of unease under his intense gaze.

"Step forward, number 17," a professor at the center of the circle calls out.

Swallowing my nerves, I step into the middle of the circle. My senses immediately buzz with the energy flowing through the intricate network of runes beneath my feet. The professors around the circle begin chanting in unison, their voices echoing in the cavernous space as they activate the spell.

Suddenly, a wave of force sweeps over me, radiating from the runes below. I feel as though I'm standing at the heart of a whirlwind, my aura and magic being prodded and measured by the runic spell. Despite the intensity of the experience, I stand firm, keeping my composure. If I were to show any hint of emotions, Professor Thaddeus might just throw me out on the spot. The onlookers watch in silence as the runic circle beneath me pulses, and colors swirl around me, mirroring the readings of my magical potential and aura.

What seems like an eternity passes before the professors finally conclude their spell. The rush of energy ebbs away, leaving behind a profound silence. As I step off the runic circle, I can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. One part down, more to come.

"Number 17... What the hell is this..?" mumbles a professor, who appears to be in his mid 50's, "Is there an error with the data? Sir Thaddeus, could you please check over this data."

With a cold gaze, Professor Thaddeus walks up to the confused man. That man hands over a device with a holographic screen, "...This is an interesting analysis. To think there was a commoner with this level of talent. To have such control not only over magic but also over aura," Professor Thaddeus turns to me with a cold stare, "Tell me, number 17, were you aware of your talent? Are you aware of the gift you possess?"

Seriously, why does he have to give me such a cold look? Is he trying to suck my soul out!? What talent do I have? I'm aware that I have a high level of aura control but that is something others have as well. I know for a fact that Professor Thaddeus wouldn't ask that if my talent was just a high level of aura control. Dammit, it's frustrating that the system won't show me anything other than my physical traits and skills. "I'm not completely sure, I know that I am slightly more talented than others with aura control but that's about it."

Professor Thaddeus stares at me for what seems like an eternity, "You are blind and stupid for being incapable of noticing. Not only do you have aura control comparable to that of the Duke but your mana control is not any worse. As you know, having high control over either aura or mana is not uncommon but having high control over both is a miracle. Aura is denser than magic and it is impossible to use aura and magic simultaneously unless you have a skill that allows you to do it." With his cold gaze, he approaches me, "Tell me, are you a noble from a surrounding kingdom?"

Professor Thaddeus' sharp gaze pierces me as I reply with a shake of my head, "No, sir. I am not a noble. Just a regular person."

He seems to ponder over my response, his expression unchanging. However, the heavy silence that ensues is almost deafening. A gust of wind sweeps through the chamber, adding to the tense atmosphere. My heart pounds in my chest, and I hold my breath, waiting for his next words.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, he breaks the silence with his cold, deep voice.

"Then you are quite the enigma, Number 17." His emerald eyes stare at me, as if trying to unravel a puzzle. "There is much more to you than meets the eye. Your control over aura and magic is a rare sight, indeed. Make no mistake, even with that talent, if you lack resolve you will achieve nothing."

His icy demeanor does nothing to dampen the impact of his words. Suddenly, all eyes in the room are on me. Whispers start to spread among the crowd, their words filled with confusion and curiosity. "You passed the examination, you may head to the front gate, a student will give you a tour."

Huh? What? Is he messing with me? There's no way he would just pass me, "Um, Professor Thaddeus, don't I still need to take the next stage?"

Professor Thaddeus turns and gives a cold stare, "Do you know why we test physical capabilities?"

"Um, is it because we need to meet certain standards to join the academy?"

"No, the reason behind that test is to consider accepting those that have low talent. Do you know why nobles take the test? Some, like the Alister family, want to test their capabilities, while others, like the royal family, do it for fame." Professor Thaddeus walks up to me and stares straight into my soul, "You should already know you lack physical capabilities, and based on the way you walk, you have no swordsmanship skills. Nevertheless, your talent is enough to pass you. Do not disappoint me, don't make me regret this decision."

His words hung heavy in the air. I stood rooted in place, stunned, as Professor Thaddeus walked away, his cold demeanor never wavering.

I was a little taken aback, I wasn't expecting to pass so easily. For a moment, I was frozen, not knowing what to do. Then I pulled myself together and took a deep breath. I looked around and noticed that the room was still silent, everyone was waiting for my reaction.

With a nod, I responded, "Thank you, Professor Thaddeus, for the opportunity. I will strive to exceed your expectations."

My heart is still pounding with adrenaline as I exit the chamber, the murmurs and whispers of the crowd gradually fading into the distance. My mind races with thoughts as I try to process everything that has just occurred. The enormity of Professor Thaddeus' words, and the implications of my apparently rare dual talents for aura and magic control, start to sink in.

As I head toward the front gate, the world around me suddenly seems more vivid, more real. I find myself replaying Professor Thaddeus's icy voice in my mind, his stern warnings echoing in my thoughts. As overwhelming as it all is, I feel like I've acquired an impossible achievement. Hey system, don't you think I deserve a gift for that?

[ಠ_ಠ No, stop dreaming]

Tsk, you're no fun.

The academy is filled with a bustling mix of students, professors, and staff, each engrossed in their own tasks and conversations. Yet, amidst the crowd, a particular figure catches my attention.

The familiar figure of a young woman is walking slightly ahead of me, her straight black hair flowing down to her waist. She's clad in a simple long-sleeve shirt and black pants, which contrasts with the ornate uniforms of the academy's students. She walks with purpose, her movements precise and measured. In her hand, she carries a sword with a natural ease, as if it were an extension of her body.

Her name is Isadora, a character from my novel. She's a young noble known for her cold demeanor and remarkable skill in battle. Her stoic expression and captivating black eyes mirror the description from my story perfectly.

But why is she here now? According to the plot of my novel, she wasn't supposed to arrive at the academy until next week. The unexpected sight of her in this moment leaves me feeling disoriented and confused.

She passes by me, and for a brief moment, our eyes meet. I try to hide my surprise and simply smile. But she merely gives me a brief, indifferent glance before continuing on her way, the cold indifference in her gaze serving as a chilling reminder of her character's persona.

As she walks away, I stop to watch her retreating figure, her black hair billowing behind her with each step. She's exactly as I wrote her – cold, aloof, and focused. And yet, seeing her in person feels surreal, almost like a dream. I shake off my bewilderment and resume my walk towards the front gate.

Fun Fact: Zeke is obsessed with daggers.

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